need sever related advice - how to move a website and leave emails with existing host?

by nonin
2 replies
good morning all,

my clients have a domain name and they are using 1and1 services:
1) dns are being managed from 1&1 panel
2) they are using 1&1 webmail platforms (50/50 outlook vs online webmail platform users)
3) website is hosted with 1&1 as well

dns panel:

I would like to separate emails from the website, where emails would stay with 1&1, but the website would be hosted on my dedicated server.

could you help me out please with the possible solutions? .. I understand that I have to play with mx or A records, but in this field I'm clueless.

I had a suggestion to change A record at 1&1 so the domain goes to my server ip, but it just doesn't provide results.

screenshot ( is my 1st IP)


and now the results are:

.. I have this feeling that there just a small thing to be done to gt it working :?

thank you in advance for your time, advice and expertease,

p.s. hopefully this is the right category to post this question.
#advice #emails #existing #host #leave #move #related #sever #website
  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    The MX record is what handles mail delivery for the server. If you leave the MX record pointing to the mail server you have now, it will keep going there.

    You'll need a way to retrieve the mail from that server. Just assign a subdomain like the A record to the server and then use that subddomain to get the email.
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  • Profile picture of the author nonin
    solved (hopefully). tx
    Shared Hosting & Dedicated Servers HostMaria ||| 22-24 Aug Domain Summit in London
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