We All Struggle At Some Point.. But On What?!

by Nate92
73 replies
Hey Warriors and Non-Warrios,

I was sitting here answering some questions for people, and started looking at the majority of content vs. questions on this site.

Obviously, everyone struggles at some point. This is how we learn to become successful, is through learning what works and what doesn't, and not giving up.

However, what I want this thread to cover, is where are you struggling?

Is it your mindset? Your system you're using? Or maybe the fact that you're just being lazy, or not focusing on one goal?

I want to see where peoples' heads are. By doing this, I feel this Forum can really come together and start helping a few people out. I'll do my best to help, but I know there are so many successful entreprenuers on this website, that it shouldn't be too hard for anyone to just get their voice heard and replied to.

I know that asking for help can be hard. But I'm tired of seeing people struggling when they shouldn't have to.

With that said, I'd like to see where people are hitting problems, and hopefully help as many people out as we can.

Welcome to 2016! Now let's help people change their lives!
#point #struggle #suggestions or advice #teamwork
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The biggest struggle many people have is the mindset that making money online is some sort of get rich quick scheme.

    They don't realize that it is A BUSINESS.

    Businesses require attention to detail

    Businesses require actual MODELS that are modified based on COLD HARD data and... RESULTS.

    Most people just try to get by through wishful thinking.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kieran D
      I think the biggest thing people struggle with is mindset and specifically not taking enough action.

      It's easy to get all excited about a business at first but then when it comes to putting in a lot of hard work that's where a lot of people go MIA.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    My biggest struggle every now and then, especially when a new challenge arises and forces me out of my comfort zone, is my mindset. You know when you're in the testing phase and just anxious if you'll be getting the results that you're actually looking for.

    The key really is to just keep feeding your mind with positive information. Just really surround yourself around people who's been where you've been and where you want to be eventually.

    I know consistency and not looking as this business as a business and treating it like a hobby are major concerns as well. This business is really about investing in yourself and growing daily. So if you do that, your business, one way or another will grow as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Like others have said and I know it is cliche but it is true ...most problems like whats between your ears.

      People want things to be too easy. Especially in this industry. It's really ridiculous. I mean what other kind of business can someone start and make Profits almost immediately.

      None really. At least Brick and Mortar businesses.

      So why should this much different ??

      It's really not.

      The fact is it takes Time and Commitment. And work.
      And this is a huge problem I see with many entering this realm

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    A lot of people struggle with patience. The average newbie sees screenshots of people getting 300+ or even 3,000+ leads in one day on their Aweber account. Meanwhile... the newbie is only getting 3 leads per day into their Aweber account. This is super un-encouraging. But that's how it is in this business. You have to find a way to make it a reality in your business. And it's going to take more than determination.
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  • My biggest struggle has always been productivity timing. I'm often doing my most productive work between midnight and 3 or 4 AM. Always go to bed feeling good about what I accomplished, but not the best schedule to be on...
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

    Obviously, everyone struggles at some point. This is how we learn to become successful, is through learning what works and what doesn't, and not giving up.
    Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

    I'm tired of seeing people struggling


    These statements you made seem a little incongruent.

    If we all struggle because that's the way we learn and become successful ... why would you be tired of seeing people struggle?

    Isn't it the challenges, hard times, and struggles that throw us in the refiner's fire and make us strong?

    If you're talking about procedures, processes, strategies, and methods ... those things are only a struggle for people that haven't done them before. The answer is to either learn to do them yourself or hire them out to be done for you.

    There really is no reason to struggle and fail in IM if you simply refuse to let temporary obstacles stop you. No one fails until he stops trying.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


      These statements you made seem a little incongruent.

      If we all struggle because that's the way we learn and become successful ... why would you be tired of seeing people struggle?

      Isn't it the challenges, hard times, and struggles that throw us in the refiner's fire and make us strong?

      If you're talking about procedures, processes, strategies, and methods ... those things are only a struggle for people that haven't done them before. The answer is to either learn to do them yourself or hire them out to be done for you.

      There really is no reason to struggle and fail in IM if you simply refuse to let temporary obstacles stop you. No one fails until he stops trying.


      I agree with you, and to be honest, I simply didn't expand on that second statement on what I was tired of seeing people struggle with.

      I'm tired of seeing people struggle and then give up without someone there to help them learn how to direct their focus. I know we all struggle, as I said, but as just stated, I'm tired of people giving up on their dreams when they just need to keep their mind in focus on what they really want.

      I apologize for the miscommunication of my thoughts. Again, the whole purpose of this is just to gather not only comments, but stories of what cause people to hit walls that prevent them achieving their goals.

      I have written an eBook for myself that helps me stay focused, positive, and reprogram how I think so that I can get more done.

      It is basically a complied list of notes from over the last few years that I have learned, as well as came up with for myself.

      If anyone thinks it would be helpful, I will reformat it, make it a little more professional, and I'll send it to anyone who wants it.

      Or I may just turn it into an actual product and expand on it. I still have yet to decide on that.

      But hey, thank you for the replies, because this helped me realize that I did right by focusing on fixing my mindset early on before I attempted to build a business, because apparently, that's the main struggle point so far.

      Looking forward to more stories/comments. Thank you!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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    • Profile picture of the author videobyemail
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


      These statements you made seem a little incongruent.

      If we all struggle because that's the way we learn and become successful ... why would you be tired of seeing people struggle?

      Isn't it the challenges, hard times, and struggles that throw us in the refiner's fire and make us strong?

      If you're talking about procedures, processes, strategies, and methods ... those things are only a struggle for people that haven't done them before. The answer is to either learn to do them yourself or hire them out to be done for you.

      There really is no reason to struggle and fail in IM if you simply refuse to let temporary obstacles stop you. No one fails until he stops trying.

      Thanks for sharing this great post and congrats for being top post of the week.

      I am legally blind and work online using zoom tool and text to voice tool

      I dke money online but would like to get better quality prospects looking at my offers abd iooirtybtues,

      I just recently started working with warrior now that I am wiser and understand more about using forums.

      Thanks for any help you provide.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaffadell
    Like many other people, I first got into the IM industry with a desire to kick my boss to the curb and work my own hours. The biggest problem with that is not many people can actually fulfill every aspect that is required to setup and maintain a successful business.

    Believe it or not, but I did not struggle with generating enough income to live on in the beginning. My struggle was maintaining a healthy, balanced life that many people fall into by default, simply by working for the man. It has taken many years of trial and error but I think I am finally starting to figure it out, thank God.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacobsnyder
    The info on this thread has really inspired to take even more action than I already am
    Make Money From The Biggest Trends
    $100+/ Day NO WEBSITE - NO Experience
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by jacobsnyder View Post

      The info on this thread has really inspired to take even more action than I already am

      I'm glad that you are finding help through my thread! That is exactly what I was hoping for! If you have any specific areas you are getting caught up on, don't hesitate to ask for help!

      Think over a plan of action, create a checklist in bite-size actions that are easy to complete throughout the day, and just get it done.

      Making things into smaller, easier steps takes away a lot of stress, and increases your productivity due to completion of smaller tasks.

      Hope you keep up the hard work, my friend!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    I think the main reason is because people get into this sort of business thinking that all they have to do is push a few buttons, and the money will start flowing. It DOESN'T work like that.

    This is why shiny objective syndrome occurs. They jump around from product to product thinking that this will finally be the solution, but then give up when they realize they actually have to put in work.

    Another reason could be due to past conditional thinking. Basically the only way to make money is by working a 9 to 5 job, and that starting a business, making money, and being your own boss is a pipedream. Basically, they aren't 100% sure that they can do this, and eventually give up (especially when they don't see immediate results).

    Those that have families also likely end up staying in their 9 to 5 jobs because it's the safe option. They can't risk doing something else as much as a single person like myself can. Living with my parents also helps tremendously.

    Starting an online business isn't necessarily hard by any means, but it isn't easy either. You have to do a lot of work, particularly at the beginning.

    Also, in my opinion, you also have to find one thing that you like/love doing. I'm partial towards having multiple income streams because just having one is a risk, but at least at the beginning, you should do something that you love (whether it's blogging, SEO, affiliate/e-mail marketing/list building, product creation, PPC, etc.).

    Focus on ONE THING, and get good at it.

    I had growing pains in 2015. Went through the shiny objective syndrome myself, and spent a lot of time doing research. I vowed that 2016 will be the year I start making money online, and I have a product launch happening next Tuesday, which I should make bank over . My dream is finally coming true.

    Overall, it simply starts with your mindset and dedication, period.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      I think the main reason is because people get into this sort of business thinking that all they have to do is push a few buttons, and the money will start flowing. It DOESN'T work like that.

      This is why shiny objective syndrome occurs. They jump around from product to product thinking that this will finally be the solution, but then give up when they realize they actually have to put in work.

      Another reason could be due to past conditional thinking. Basically the only way to make money is by working a 9 to 5 job, and that starting a business, making money, and being your own boss is a pipedream. Basically, they aren't 100% sure that they can do this, and eventually give up (especially when they don't see immediate results).

      Those that have families also likely end up staying in their 9 to 5 jobs because it's the safe option. They can't risk doing something else as much as a single person like myself can. Living with my parents also helps tremendously.

      Starting an online business isn't necessarily hard by any means, but it isn't easy either. You have to do a lot of work, particularly at the beginning.

      Also, in my opinion, you also have to find one thing that you like/love doing. I'm partial towards having multiple income streams because just having one is a risk, but at least at the beginning, you should do something that you love (whether it's blogging, SEO, affiliate/e-mail marketing/list building, product creation, PPC, etc.).

      Focus on ONE THING, and get good at it.

      I had growing pains in 2015. Went through the shiny objective syndrome myself, and spent a lot of time doing research. I vowed that 2016 will be the year I start making money online, and I have a product launch happening next Tuesday, which I should make bank over . My dream is finally coming true.

      Overall, it simply starts with your mindset and dedication, period.

      I couldn't agree with you more! I know exactly how the "shiny object syndrome" destroys peoples dreams. They aren't focusing their energy with a long-term goal/dedication.

      When I first started out online a few years back, I did the same thing. And trust me, it sucked when I put in a few months of work and didn't see results. In all honesty, I quit too and went back to my 9-5, because I knew if I worked, I got paid. Simple as that.

      But once again, after a while, I got sick of the 9-5 cycle of life-sucking system for a few bucks.

      My main dream now, is to help people realize that becoming successful, whether it's making more money, or getting in shape, or anything really, is to help people realize WHY they fail at whatever they are attempting to achieve.

      I'm very happy to hear that you are about to launch your first product! I would actually be interested in seeing your results, as well as what you did to prepare for your launch, if you don't mind me asking?

      Again, I am considering working on a way to help people with their goals in general. If they can change the way people think, as you stated with the pre-programmed mindset for working 9-5 jobs and instant gratification, then more people would be able to enjoy their life on a higher level.

      Once people learn that their mind is in control of their future, and their thoughts are in control of their actions, leading their actions controlling their results, they will understand that anyone can literally have anything they want, so long as they dedicate to it, no matter what.

      Thank you for your input Ed, and I'm looking forward to hearing about your success, as well as your mindset you had while you went through it!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author iSixty
    I agree with other posters that shiny object syndrome (SOS) is a major obstacle to success, i.e. never focusing on a project long enough to bring it to fruition.

    In addition, I read a quote from Alex Mandossian recently that I feel is very appropriate to this discussion:

    Beware of the evil twins of entrepreneurship:
    1. Procrastination (not starting) &
    2. Perfectionism (not finishing)
    He is right. Those two things alone kill a lot of entrepreneurial dreams.
    Robert L. "Bob" Page, JD, BSEE
    Authoritative Information for Digital Entrepreneurs
    "Starting a Business: How Not to Get Sued By the FTC"

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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by iSixty View Post

      I agree with other posters that shiny object syndrome (SOS) is a major obstacle to success, i.e. never focusing on a project long enough to bring it to fruition.

      In addition, I read a quote from Alex Mandossian recently that I feel is very appropriate to this discussion:

      He is right. Those two things alone kill a lot of entrepreneurial dreams.

      Thank you! I seem to be stirring up a bit of reality now! This is what people need! They don't need to be sold "The Hottest Way To Make Money Now!". What they need is someone to just tell them that they can do it!

      I agree with that quote 100%! That's the first time I've heard it, but what I coined for myself to just start, work, and finish, is this;

      "You have 3 choices to make, and your future, your life, and your dreams depend on these three choices in life;

      1. To pick/create a plan, write it down in steps, and start. If you do not start, you will not fail, nor will you succeed. Choose now...

      2. Now that you have started a plan of action, will you continue your plan, or throw it away, only to start a new plan? Will you get stuck in the cycle of the "newest plans", and never finish?

      3. You have finished your plan, but will you continue to nurture it? Or will you let it die off and start over from scratch, and continue to fail? Your success is your choice..."

      With those three questions that I ask myself, whether I am starting a new website for Affiliate Marketing, or I am creating a new product for my niche sites, it's always the same 3 questions in that order.

      By essentially telling myself "Do these, or you'll fail", I get a fire in my butt and get to work, because I hate failing. I'm sure most people do, but when I work for something, and put in time and effort, and it falls apart, giving up is the worst pain a man can experience when he has dreams and aspirations.

      Thank you for your input, and I'm looking forward to see what other input we will receive to get people thinking instead of spinning in circles!

      Again, thank you everyone!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author PhenixMB
    Many new people buy some product that "really works" but will it work for them ? Many of them dont understand that:whether you sell hot dongs in park or perfect blueprint that can bring you 100k $ you have to merge with it Not only to fallow simple steps of how someone else did it. You need to synergy your self and your job. At the end for some this can be long road in life, and some people have "nose" for this and they need less time to understand how does it really work, or what is true key to success (it doesn't matter whether you're selling hot dogs at local park or some digital product)

    Conclusion at the end, not ALL people are made for running BUSINESS.

    So Nate92, maybe that why some people struggling when they shouldn't have to!
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by PhenixMB View Post

      Many new people buy some product that "really works" but will it work for them ? Many of them dont understand that:whether you sell hot dongs in park or perfect blueprint that can bring you 100k $ you have to merge with it Not only to fallow simple steps of how someone else did it. You need to synergy your self and your job. At the end for some this can be long road in life, and some people have "nose" for this and they need less time to understand how does it really work, or what is true key to success (it doesn't matter whether you're selling hot dogs at local park or some digital product)

      Conclusion at the end, not ALL people are made for running BUSINESS.

      So Nate92, maybe that why some people struggling when they shouldn't have to!

      I understand what you are saying, and I agree with you, but to a point. YES, some people are just meant to be the people we need in our lives, such as people who clean for us, people who cook for others, people who do office jobs, etc. Without those people, independent businesses would not exist.

      Why? Because without people willing to work for someone else, no one would build a business, and there would always be competition, instead of appreciation and cooperation.

      However... I truly believe, that IF a man or a woman has a burning fire in their heart, mind and sole to be independently successful, at whatever their goals are, that they should be allowed to learn the knowledge and skills that it takes to achieve their dreams and goals.

      No one should be told, "You just aren't capable of doing that."... If you are the type of person to tell people that they can't do something, then you aren't helping anyone.

      Who knows, that person you just put down could have learned the skills they needed and created a new form of software that dwarfs Apple and Microsoft together.

      People laugh, and say that's impossible! And that's exactly what people said to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. And yet, who are the two biggest names in technology advances today?...

      My point with this thread, is to inspire, educate, and assist anyone who has goals and dreams to be successful with.

      But again, yes, I agree, that some people just aren't capable of owning and operating a business, because they simply lack the ability to hold themselves accountable and are just plain lazy unless someone is constantly on them telling them to do something.
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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      • Profile picture of the author PhenixMB
        I do understand why did you make this thread, and I support you to keep up the good work. Someone might find answers here. Also I would like to add that everything can be done in life, YES there is always a way to become successful businessman but I would like to point you this: hard work is a two-way street. You get back exatly what you put in.

        A year ago I was about to open my own company with the support of really Big businessmen. At the end he canceled the project and left me with one sentence "any business is a two-way street". At that time I did not understand what was his point, but today I do. If you have a tool find out what's your way of using it, dont just "copy/paste" everything from it.... try to get out of comfort zone and do something on your own... who knows, that little idea of your might get you successful Warrior

        So, now you have two sides of my opinion
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        • Profile picture of the author Nate92
          Originally Posted by PhenixMB View Post

          I do understand why did you make this thread, and I support you to keep up the good work. Someone might find answers here. Also I would like to add that everything can be done in life, YES there is always a way to become successful businessman but I would like to point you this: hard work is a two-way street. You get back exatly what you put in.

          A year ago I was about to open my own company with the support of really Big businessmen. At the end he canceled the project and left me with one sentence "any business is a two-way street". At that time I did not understand what was his point, but today I do. If you have a tool find out what's your way of using it, dont just "copy/paste" everything from it.... try to get out of comfort zone and do something on your own... who knows, that little idea of your might get you successful Warrior

          So, now you have two sides of my opinion
          I'm sorry to hear that you got dropped like that... But hey, it happens to the best of us! Just makes us stronger and pushes us to do better next time. If you give up, well... Like we just talked about. Some people aren't meant to run a business.

          I just truly believe that anyone should be afforded the opportunity to achieve success through their goals. It doesn't even have to be business goals!

          I'm working on a project, which I've actually been working on for the last two years for myself... But the project is to find out, in today's world, what causes success, and what causes failure.

          A lot of it is obvious, and common sense. If you don't work, you don't get paid. Simple as that. If you slack off on a business, your business is going to slack off on paying you.

          But what my project is is not only how to identify your personal areas of struggle, but how to overcome them.

          I think this thread is a good start for that project to become public, and help those of this community, as well as from my other websites who have goals.
          "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
          I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

    However, what I want this thread to cover, is where are you struggling?

    Is it your mindset? Your system you're using? Or maybe the fact that you're just being lazy, or not focusing on one goal?
    I guess the first thing to do is try a little anal.

    For one week, jus' compile an hour-by-hour list of where alla the time goes.

    Then you get your crayons out an' do some colorin' in.

    Mebbe gray for necessary vegetable stuff like eatin', showerin', shoppin' an' alla that stuff.

    Then mebbe red for TV, bummin' around, gamin', an' alla the Lazy.

    I dunno — whatever you got.

    Last thing is alla the Actual Work, an' you might wanna get fancy here about separatin' out plannin' from implementin' from researchin' tyepa stuff.

    End of the week, splashes of red gonna answer the laziness question.

    An' what you feel about the whole work of art gonna mebbe say sumthin' about your mindset.

    Point is, you gotta look at the goal-focused part an' total up where alla the time went, just to see whether you are ridin' a wonky beast.

    Right at the start of a project you mebbe wanna see lotsa research an' plannin', an' if you ain't got that, mebbe you are struggling cos you lack the info.

    Further down the line, lotsa research an' plannin' could be signs of procrastination or perfectionism.

    You may also discover that you're leavin' too much horcore difficult stuff till later in the day when your brain has shriveled to the size of a walnut.

    You can have this kinda info in a week — fulla answers to the basic questions flagged by the OP.

    All you gotta do is follow yourself round a little and be prepared to think on what you see, an' change stuff based on your observations.

    If you are resistant to this concept then mindset is mebbe the issue.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author takticz101
    Thats why the forum is called warrior forum, warriors never give up. They keep learning and training to become successful. Keep working hard everyday, compete with other warriors. Thats how you get stronger and better.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Nate, this is only partly tongue in cheek, and not aimed at you personally...

      I think one of the biggest things people struggle with is keeping up with all the "what are you struggling with" surveys. Not just here, although the question seems to pop up several times a week, but on social media and in emails as well.

      The problem with this is, it keeps people focused on struggling. If you're spending all your time describing what you struggle with, thinking about what you struggle with, you continue to struggle because that's where your focus is. And whether the person asking is just trying to help, or researching a future product (you can't seem to make up your mind, no biggie), it still keeps those struggling with OPA (Other Peoples' Agendas), a close relative of Shiny Object Syndrome.

      People, you know what you struggle with. Focus on finding a solution and move on. As Nate said, we all struggle at some point, but too many struggle with the same thing for what seems like forever. Stop catering to OPA and make some progress on your own agenda.

      (My thanks to John Lee Dumas for giving me the acronym O.P.A. in a recent email.)
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      • Profile picture of the author Nate92
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Nate, this is only partly tongue in cheek, and not aimed at you personally...

        I think one of the biggest things people struggle with is keeping up with all the "what are you struggling with" surveys. Not just here, although the question seems to pop up several times a week, but on social media and in emails as well.

        The problem with this is, it keeps people focused on struggling. If you're spending all your time describing what you struggle with, thinking about what you struggle with, you continue to struggle because that's where your focus is. And whether the person asking is just trying to help, or researching a future product (you can't seem to make up your mind, no biggie), it still keeps those struggling with OPA (Other Peoples' Agendas), a close relative of Shiny Object Syndrome.

        People, you know what you struggle with. Focus on finding a solution and move on. As Nate said, we all struggle at some point, but too many struggle with the same thing for what seems like forever. Stop catering to OPA and make some progress on your own agenda.

        (My thanks to John Lee Dumas for giving me the acronym O.P.A. in a recent email.)

        I don't take this personal at all. In fact, what you said is the exact reason I started this thread. And it's also the exact reason you closed your post the way you did. And how was that? Giving advice on how to get out of the rut!

        I don't care if its through a survey, through a questionaire, through a blog post, book, TV show, or anything. The point is not to put the focus on your struggling as you mentioned. The point is to recognize the area of issue, and logically defeat it.

        Look... It's like keeping your eyes on the road. You can't get anywhere if you don't analyze what is coming up next. If you keep looking out your windows or texting, not paying attention to the exact path ahead of you, you're going to crash at some point.

        My goal is to get people to focus up, and stay focused on their goals, NOT THEIR STRUGGLES!

        The only reason I even brought up struggles is because I know people can relate, and hopefully the title will attract them, and they find this thread helpful, in which leads to them creating success.

        Thank you.
        "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
        I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author Nate92
    I just had a few people PM me with the same basic question...

    "What should I focus on?"

    Look people... JohnMcCabe is right in the fact that you shouldn't focus on what you're struggling on. This was just something to get attention of people who are struggling and need help.

    What you REALLY need to focus on is 2 main things... YOUR END RESULTS!

    How will you feel when you succeed through your goals? Is it money? Fitness? Health? What? How will you feel. You need to visualize yourself AFTER achieving those goals, and imagine how amazing you'll feel.

    Secondly, you need to focus on doing the small things DAILY. If you focus on positive, small progressive actions that are smaller "bites" of your larger goal, then you will start to notice a change in your habits, which will lead to a positive outcome for your results.

    If you mix those to with a solid focus and work ethic, as well as staying committed, you will be successful with your goals.

    Of course there is a lot to be said within that, but that's the overall truth. Focus on the good, work on the small things daily, and before you know it, you won't be imagining yourself successful anymore, because you will be successful.
    "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
    I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    There exists a whole t.v. infomercial generation that bought into the notion of quick and easy money (Don Lapre's Money Making Secrets, for example), and there will always exist those type of people and marketers who will sell to them.

    And imo, those people are helpless, at least until they go through being burned a time or two - and some will never take off those rose-colored glasses, no matter how many times they are burned.

    But you're right, there are a lot of people trying and struggling who could use some assistance.

    But I don't think forums are the place to get it really - not currently. It's a good way to get some feedback about specific issues, some encouragement, and sometimes good for general direction...

    I don't think forums, including this one, are good for people starting out. Too many WSO "easy method" distractions (and I would call these "temptations" as well), too much disorganized information - no clear path really for someone to take and try to run with it.

    The best way for someone to start is to take a proven training course that doesn't bullshit around about the work-ethic needed, the mindset, the investment of both time and money, and the skills that need to be developed (even outsourcing requires skills, so telling people with money to "just outsource it" is also misleading, even if unintentionally).

    Right now I think Yaro Starak's "Blog Mastermind" training is probably the best training a newbie can get online, period. Nothing really compares to it. Solid training, clear instruction, from a real pro that leads to a successful outcome when followed. For newbies with $1,500-$2,500 to invest in both "training and doing", that would be my recommendation.

    For people with no budget for solid training, they really have no choice but to struggle with piecing things together, and unfortunately, not everyone is good at solving puzzles - learning technical skills on their own, developing traffic driving skills (paid or free), developing an "eye" for real opportunity, etc..,

    A lot of free information exists online, sure - on this forum and elsewhere - but it's both a blessing and a curse for newbies. Those with both the drive and some smarts can wade through the murky waters and figure enough out to emerge without sinking, but not many otherwise.

    The point is: Not everyone struggling can be helped, but some can, and I think if the WF had a separate forum section where we could have an organized series of training for newbies, leading them to experience some success...it would help them, the member-trainers on this forum, and the WF generally, to gain some respectability - it would be a win for everyone but the fake marketers.

    The Warrior Forum has a split-personality...on the one side we have real marketers with great knowledge to share, who really know the business of online marketing, and on the other side we have a bunch of worthless marketers who push the "easy and quick" shit down the throats of every newbie they can attract.

    It's a mixed message that hurts more than it helps. It leads to more confusion, not less; more struggle, not less.

    Imo, Freelancer needs to clean house, tighten ship on what is allowed to be sold here, and position this forum and marketplace as the very best source for learning legitimate online marketing as a proven business model, acquiring tools, and making connections.

    If you disagree with me, ask yourself this question: If your Mother wanted to get started making money online, would you recommend she start by becoming a member of the Warrior Forum? (And keep in mind, that means without telling her any "buts", like "...but don't buy WSOs", "...but don't pay attention to the ads", "...but don't - whatever". Just telling her to sign up and she'll be on her way...would you?

    Because I surely would not.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503229].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by Joan Altz View Post

      But you're right, there are a lot of people trying and struggling who could use some assistance.

      But I don't think forums are the place to get it really - not currently. It's a good way to get some feedback about specific issues, some encouragement, and sometimes good for general direction...

      I don't think forums, including this one, are good for people starting out. Too many WSO "easy method" distractions (and I would call these "temptations" as well), too much disorganized information - no clear path really for someone to take and try to run

      Right now I think Yaro Starak's "Blog Mastermind" training is probably the best training a newbie can get online, period. Nothing really compares to it. Solid training, clear instruction, from a real pro that leads to a successful outcome when followed. For newbies with $1,500-$2,500 to invest in both "training and doing", that would be my recommendation.

      For people with no budget for solid training, they really have no choice but to struggle with piecing things together, and unfortunately, not everyone is good at solving puzzles - learning technical skills on their own, developing traffic driving skills (paid or free), developing an "eye" for real opportunity, etc..,

      A lot of free information exists online, sure - on this forum and elsewhere - but it's both a blessing and a curse for newbies. Those with both the drive and some smarts can wade through the murky waters and figure enough out to emerge without sinking, but not many otherwise.

      The point is: Not everyone struggling can be helped, but some can, and I think if the WF had a separate forum section where we could have an organized series of training for newbies, leading them to experience some success...it would help them, the member-trainers on this forum, and the WF generally, to gain some respectability - it would be a win for everyone but the fake marketers.

      The Warrior Forum has a split-personality...on the one side we have real marketers with great knowledge to share, who really know the business of online marketing, and on the other side we have a bunch of worthless marketers who push the "easy and quick" shit down the throats of every newbie they can attract.

      If you disagree with me, ask yourself this question: If your Mother wanted to get started making money online, would you recommend she start by becoming a member of the Warrior Forum? (And keep in mind, that means without telling her any "buts", like "...but don't buy WSOs", "...but don't pay attention to the ads", "...but don't - whatever". Just telling her to sign up and she'll be on her way...would you?

      Because I surely would not.
      First off, please do not advertise anything on this thread, because by you telling someone about that course, are you completely defeating the purpose of overcoming the Shiny Object Syndrome. You only added to it.

      However, I agree. And yet, this is the market that really needs guidance. Why? Because people here are just getting burned and spinning their tires. This forum isn't what it was when I was first on here a few years back.

      It's completely flipped on it's head and is going down like the Titanic due to all of the "BSO"s, and not enough support and guidance.

      If people would have a mind to point people in the direction of their interests, and then find a high quality product for that interest, and teach them how to focus on that ONE SYSTEM, then more people on here would be successful.

      And I agree with you 100%. In fact, I taught my mom how to start making money online myself. I didn't tell her about Warrior Forum at all! haha
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503250].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    Joan Altz,

    It's funny you mentioned about Yaro's "Blog Mastermind." I recently got e-mails about it, and it honestly seems like one of the best courses out there for newbies that want to learn more about blogging. Yaro just has that genuine feel about him.

    I'm an intermediate marketer, but I've always wanted to add blogging to my arsenal as a side income. Maybe if I make enough money from this launch, I'll dive into Blog Mastermind myself.

    That being said, I'm expecting it to be work as with any other legit system.

    Btw, my reply to your PM is coming, Nate!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503251].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      Joan Altz,

      It's funny you mentioned about Yaro's "Blog Mastermind." I recently got e-mails about it, and it honestly seems like one of the best courses out there for newbies that want to learn more about blogging. Yaro just has that genuine feel about him.

      I'm an intermediate marketer, but I've always wanted to add blogging to my arsenal as a side income. Maybe if I make enough money from this launch, I'll dive into Blog Mastermind myself.

      That being said, I'm expecting it to be work as with any other legit system.

      Btw, my reply to your PM is coming, Nate!
      Well, it looks like I will have to research on this mastermind group, since I have never heard of it.

      If it is legitimate, and he has a genuine heart to help people and keep them focused, and not distract them with more sales and offers, it could be a good one to look into.

      I personally do quite well with blogging, so I will for sure endorse the use of blogging for income!

      In fact, I am considering designing my own course to teach people my method, as well as what to expect in the upcoming 2016 rush for online business.

      And I'm looking forward to it, my friend!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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      • Profile picture of the author ED1190
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        • Profile picture of the author Nate92
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          • Profile picture of the author ED1190
            Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

            Just a reminder... please do not use affiliate links in thread posts... Just saying.
            I don't believe that's an affiliate link. It's a link to Yaro's webinar, which I got from Yaro's e-mail.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503278].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Nate92
              Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

              I don't believe that's an affiliate link. It's a link to Yaro's webinar, which I got from Yaro's e-mail.
              Yeah, I clicked on it anyways. haha. It is just a launch page for his Webinar. It looks alright... Seems to be the same rehashed stuff I already know though...

              However, if you're new, it could be legit. If someone tries it out, let me know what you thought.

              But yeah, people say you can get rich quick, some say you can't. It's just like the lottery. Anyone can play the game. But that doesn't mean you're going to hit it big!

              Unlike the lottery though, we control our outcome through work and learning. You can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, if you just set a plan and stick with it!
              "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
              I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author writinghelp
    Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

    Hey Warriors and Non-Warrios,

    I was sitting here answering some questions for people, and started looking at the majority of content vs. questions on this site.

    Obviously, everyone struggles at some point. This is how we learn to become successful, is through learning what works and what doesn't, and not giving up.

    However, what I want this thread to cover, is where are you struggling?

    Is it your mindset? Your system you're using? Or maybe the fact that you're just being lazy, or not focusing on one goal?

    I want to see where peoples' heads are. By doing this, I feel this Forum can really come together and start helping a few people out. I'll do my best to help, but I know there are so many successful entreprenuers on this website, that it shouldn't be too hard for anyone to just get their voice heard and replied to.

    I know that asking for help can be hard. But I'm tired of seeing people struggling when they shouldn't have to.

    With that said, I'd like to see where people are hitting problems, and hopefully help as many people out as we can.

    Welcome to 2016! Now let's help people change their lives!
    There are plenty of ways to get rich soon so everyone has to focus on just one possible and feasible business model to achieve the goals within shortest time.
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    • Profile picture of the author seoguru167
      yes, there are a lot of earning opportunities but you need to learn which one suits your skills and qualifications
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      • Profile picture of the author Nate92
        Originally Posted by seoguru167 View Post

        yes, there are a lot of earning opportunities but you need to learn which one suits your skills and qualifications
        Exactly! This is exactly what I just said in one of my recent comments... You need to find an opportunity that suits your interests.

        Once you find that, STOP LOOKING AT OTHER OPPORTUNITIES! Just make the one you found work!

        Again, back to the "Shiny Object Syndrome". Too many people have it, and too many people don't achieve what they want.

        These two facts are closely related. In fact, one causes the other.
        "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
        I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    I think mindset is an overrated word...mindset can means a lot of things. Risk taking is a mindset. Courage is s mindset...

    I think the better word is patience.

    Most people dare to take risk. They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying training programs or WSOs but they lack patience to immplement it and reaping results.

    In my years in IM, I have yet to find a system that can bring me profits overnight.

    Patience is key in this biz (or in any endevour you are undertaking)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

      I think mindset is an overrated word...mindset can means a lot of things. Risk taking is a mindset. Courage is s mindset...

      I think the better word is patience.

      Most people dare to take risk. They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying training programs or WSOs but they lack patience to immplement it and reaping results.

      In my years in IM, I have yet to find a system that can bring me profits overnight.

      Patience is key in this biz (or in any endevour you are undertaking)
      I understand what you're saying, and I agree. After all, "good things come to those who wait!" Besides that, you can't just start a business and then "wait".

      You need to be working every day on expanding your content, followers, traffic, etc. Whether it pays you or not, you need to do it. Your income will come eventually!

      Good pointers my friend, thank you!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    Two Things:

    1) Most people start with a system that is just too complicated or that take just way too much time and they give up

    2) People have limiting beliefs when it comes to internet marketing....It could be that they are not sure if it will work ( therefore they don't fully commit), it could be that they think it is too hard ( therefore they don't fully commit), it could be that they think they don't have the technical skills ( again, they don't fully commit), it could be that they expect to make $5000 within their first week ( they give up too soon), etc etc
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503450].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

      Two Things:

      1) Most people start with a system that is just too complicated or that take just way too much time and they give up

      2) People have limiting beliefs when it comes to internet marketing....It could be that they are not sure if it will work ( therefore they don't fully commit), it could be that they think it is too hard ( therefore they don't fully commit), it could be that they think they don't have the technical skills ( again, they don't fully commit), it could be that they expect to make $5000 within their first week ( they give up too soon), etc etc
      Yeah, we are seeing the lack of patience and commitment to be the beast in the cage...

      The problem is, most people will blame others for their giving up or failures, instead of looking at their own dedication and efforts.

      I'm liking where this is going! Keep it up! let's get people to look inside of themselves and figure out how to wake up and become achievers!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author enjamulahsan
    I struggle for money only :'(
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by enjamulahsan View Post

      I struggle for money only :'(
      First off, don't post just to advertise with your signature... That's frowned upon in most forums and communities...

      Secondly, FIX IT! If you have problems with money, learn how to save money, and then invest in your knowledge to create more! You'll get it if you stay dedicated to it!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

        How will you feel when you succeed through your goals? Is it money? Fitness? Health? What? How will you feel. You need to visualize yourself AFTER achieving those goals, and imagine how amazing you'll feel.
        Here's an exercise I learned from John Milton Fogg (author of "Greatest Networker in the World) called "Theater of the Mind."

        In your mind picture a movie theater. 3D, Surround Sound, the works. Now picture yourself entering the theater, popcorn and soda in hand, and taking a prime seat. Settle in and get comfortable.

        See the lights coming down, and on the big screen you see the title:

        [Your Name], the True Story of His/Her Amazing Life.

        Watch as you go through a perfect day. What are you doing? Who are you with? What does it look like? Sound like? Smell, taste, feel like?

        Every day before you go to sleep, go to the Theater in Your Mind and watch your movie. With practice, it will become more and more vivid.

        Since your subconscious has trouble differentiating reality from vivid imagination, this sets your subconscious to the task of making your waking life consistent with your vision. You'll stop getting in your own way.

        Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

        Secondly, you need to focus on doing the small things DAILY. If you focus on positive, small progressive actions that are smaller "bites" of your larger goal, then you will start to notice a change in your habits, which will lead to a positive outcome for your results.
        This is the key: doing. Focus on the things you can control. Fogg had another notion that has really helped me over the years. It's the concept of the Single Daily Action. What one thing, if you did it every day, would move you toward your vision - even if you accomplished nothing else that day?

        If you focus on, as Nate put it, "positive, small progressive actions", you will struggle less and make progress toward your goals. Focus on the stuff you can control, like what you do.

        If you keep focusing on the external stuff, you stay helpless, and you will struggle more.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10503935].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Nate92
          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          Here's an exercise I learned from John Milton Fogg (author of "Greatest Networker in the World) called "Theater of the Mind."

          In your mind picture a movie theater. 3D, Surround Sound, the works. Now picture yourself entering the theater, popcorn and soda in hand, and taking a prime seat. Settle in and get comfortable.

          See the lights coming down, and on the big screen you see the title:

          [Your Name], the True Story of His/Her Amazing Life.

          Watch as you go through a perfect day. What are you doing? Who are you with? What does it look like? Sound like? Smell, taste, feel like?

          Every day before you go to sleep, go to the Theater in Your Mind and watch your movie. With practice, it will become more and more vivid.

          Since your subconscious has trouble differentiating reality from vivid imagination, this sets your subconscious to the task of making your waking life consistent with your vision. You'll stop getting in your own way.

          This is the key: doing. Focus on the things you can control. Fogg had another notion that has really helped me over the years. It's the concept of the Single Daily Action. What one thing, if you did it every day, would move you toward your vision - even if you accomplished nothing else that day?

          If you focus on, as Nate put it, "positive, small progressive actions", you will struggle less and make progress toward your goals. Focus on the stuff you can control, like what you do.

          If you keep focusing on the external stuff, you stay helpless, and you will struggle more.
          Absolutely well said, my friend! I really like the Theatre visualization technique as well. I do that anyways, naturally, just because I'm a huge daydreamer and I have huge plans.

          However, I do not let daydreaming affect my work habits. As I work, I can take a 5 min break after 30 minutes and think about what I'm doing, and how it'll create a better future, and what that future will be like.

          Again, it all goes back to just making up you mind, taking action towards something you can control, and stay persistent.
          "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
          I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    I feel the biggest struggle lies in convincing people that your business sells solutions and not products... when people find solutions they will surely opt for a purchase... they do not have time and even money to even bother about buying products that makes no difference to them...

    Chintan Mehta

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  • Profile picture of the author relesol
    According to me the biggest problem is the mind set of the people regarding the online business.
    all the people think that online buisiness is quite easy to do.
    So people always looking for the best option to make online money.
    they just need some path to follow and need some guidlines for making money online..!!
    Logo Designers Join Designhill & Earn up to $1000 by Participating in Our Logo Design Contest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by reachintan View Post

      I feel the biggest struggle lies in convincing people that your business sells solutions and not products... when people find solutions they will surely opt for a purchase... they do not have time and even money to even bother about buying products that makes no difference to them...
      I have felt this for a while. Ever since I started making money online, actually... You'll never make money online without offering quality content and real solutions. I kind of feel like this is online basic principal.

      Originally Posted by relesol View Post

      According to me the biggest problem is the mind set of the people regarding the online business.
      all the people think that online buisiness is quite easy to do.
      So people always looking for the best option to make online money.
      they just need some path to follow and need some guidlines for making money online..!!
      Here's the problem with thinking or not thinking that making money online is easy. To me? It's easy. Why? Because I have a lot of practice, experience, patience, and knowledge.

      To someone who is new? It seems near impossible. It will continue to feel impossible until you have learned so much, and practiced over and over and over again, trying to make one system work, until one day, you make a sale. BAM! Then you just tweak your one system that you've been using. Modify it, work with it, tweak it a little, and experiment with your system.

      Soon, you'll start to discover what works, and what doesn't work for you. You'll find your missing cog in the machine. You'll complete your map of the unknown. The point is, you FIGURE IT OUT. That's what it comes down to, is picking one system, and working with it, growing your mindset and your skills, and just pushing through.
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      crazy here

      Stop. Seriously. That has absolutely nothing to do with my thread, and I am not a fan of your style. So please, find another thread to spam.
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10505814].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

        Stop. Seriously. That has absolutely nothing to do with my thread, and I am not a fan of your style. So please, find another thread to spam.
        There are plenty of people here whose style suits me not, a few of whom have been less than kind with their opinions about my contribution.

        But I am not a slasher, and these people live on in cyberprinto, unaware of the venom I swallowed in order to protect 'em.

        Thing is, we are talking about strugglin' here, an' what you figured as spam was my response to somea the uninformed drivel masqueradin' as wisdom here in this very post -- upon which I mighta commented further (from the vantage point of -ahem- some expertise in this area) till I saw your ears were flapped as shut as my tongue was cut out.

        Personally, I am with John McCabe an' Joan Altz so far, if that helps, an' I figured you asked a cool question.

        Gonna slip my bleedin' half a tongue back in my mouth now, impressin' this analogy on the world with no immediate desire to spite you because I do not consider you to be an evil being.

        I have no idea who said "what does not kill me makes me stronger," an' no way am I runnin' with any immediate repetition now my mouth is swillin' with blood an' saliva, but I figure that kinda sums up the nature of strugglin' generally, which is that it is inevitable, if not always immediately conducive to fun.

        Thing is to watch it unfold, here an' now insteada blotted out of all touch, cos when you rise again, the more taste you got of your grim travail, the better you gonna be.


        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author 247acheiver
    To be completely honest, I have and still do struggle with pretty much every single area of Internet Marketing. But God willing, not with every area at the exact same time

    Motivation, creativity, focus, optimism, collaborating with others, etc. Working online is definitely not easy money and people who dream of being in my shoes, well, they have no idea what we have to go through on the day to day.

    As of right now, I think the thing I am struggling the most is deciding how much of my income I should be re-investing into pushing my business forward. You might think its easy to throw around statements like "always reinvest 25% of your profits" or whatever.. BUT what do you do if you have debts owing or your car needs some major repair.

    Sorry if I come across a little scattered, but I guess I used this thread to vent a bit of my own frustration.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Hey man, in all honesty, if you aren't making a full-time income through multiple passive income streams, you need to be fighting to get that done, and again, it can be a struggle sometimes!

      I am a #%& load of notes from over the last few years on what I've thought, where I've focused, how I pull myself up when I'm down, and so on. I'm actually working on a book right now on the mindset I was in, and how I got out of it. And no, it's NOT going to be a WSO... At least, I truly doubt it. I don't know, maybe it'd be good for some people here.

      Anyways, as far as helping you... It's all on you man. If you have a day job, and you make a little money online, pay your bills with your day job. Go constant with constant. Meaning your constant income pays your constant expenses. Never go underwater with this! Always keep your expenses below your income!

      Secondly, if you are making, for example, $500-$1,000/month online, this is the most critical stage in my opinion. If you slow down now, you're going to slow down your business and sink it.

      You need to find a cheap way to slam as much traffic as you can, and invest in 2-3 quality ads. This doesn't have to be Bing or Google Ads! There are TONS of blogs and smaller websites will 50,000+ monthly visitors that would be up to accepting some cash to advertise for you.

      Then, of course, depending on the demand, or importance of a sudden, unexpected addition expense, use as much of your extra income as needed to get it fixed.

      However, you should plan ahead. Save money monthly! This way, when an accident or unexpected even comes up, you have money to pay for it already, and it doesn't slow you down or put a dent in your monthly finances. You simply pay for it without looking twice and move on, staying focused on your business.

      I hope this helps my man. Let me know if you need more help!

      Take care!

      Originally Posted by 247acheiver View Post

      To be completely honest, I have and still do struggle with pretty much every single area of Internet Marketing. But God willing, not with every area at the exact same time

      Motivation, creativity, focus, optimism, collaborating with others, etc. Working online is definitely not easy money and people who dream of being in my shoes, well, they have no idea what we have to go through on the day to day.

      As of right now, I think the thing I am struggling the most is deciding how much of my income I should be re-investing into pushing my business forward. You might think its easy to throw around statements like "always reinvest 25% of your profits" or whatever.. BUT what do you do if you have debts owing or your car needs some major repair.

      Sorry if I come across a little scattered, but I guess I used this thread to vent a bit of my own frustration.
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      Hey Nate! Did you read my PM? I responded to your recent one
      Did you get it?

      Also hey, how many of you have read "Think And Grow Rich", by Napoleon Hill?
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10506394].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    Hey Nate! Did you read my PM? I responded to your recent one
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  • Profile picture of the author wrcato2
    My struggle was setting up a payl link. I was afraid to set up a pay link for products. I still haven't done it yet. At this time I am creating a newbie friendly eBook that discusses how to this issue. I will price at about $10 and place on the forum and warrior plus.

    But I keep procrastinating to finish it.

    It's really funny, I don't have a problem charging clients for freelance writing. But setting up a paylink for a product makes me nauseous.
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    • Profile picture of the author Doug
      Originally Posted by wrcato2 View Post

      My struggle was setting up a payl link. I was afraid to set up a pay link for products. I still haven't done it yet. At this time I am creating a newbie friendly eBook that discusses how to this issue. I will price at about $10 and place on the forum and warrior plus.

      But I keep procrastinating to finish it.

      It's really funny, I don't have a problem charging clients for freelance writing. But setting up a paylink for a product makes me nauseous.
      Awesome struggle, and I mean no disrespect at all. You recognize the point you stop, very important. Most do not look for that point, fewer admit to it.

      Now, what do you suppose will happen should you set up that Paypal link. First thing to not happen, you won't succumb to some sort of strange tropical disease, I promise. You will however learn how to overcome a fear you have.

      I remember as a young kid being scared of the night, in particular being outside because of shadows, etc. Finally one night I decided my fear wasn't going to control me any longer and I took off well after dark to walk around my neighborhood block. I was scared, kept looking over my shoulder, but 10 minutes later i was back home, safe and sound.

      No more fear of the night either. Once we know what truly holds us back we can defeat the struggle - if we choose that is.

      Defeating is (and I believe it has been said somewhere up above) doing.

      What to do next, even while being productive, that is my struggle. I fail to write out even the simplest of plans to follow and I get distracted. Time to follow my own advice, write out priorities and tackle them one by one.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by wrcato2 View Post

      My struggle was setting up a payl link. I was afraid to set up a pay link for products. I still haven't done it yet. At this time I am creating a newbie friendly eBook that discusses how to this issue. I will price at about $10 and place on the forum and warrior plus.

      But I keep procrastinating to finish it.

      It's really funny, I don't have a problem charging clients for freelance writing. But setting up a paylink for a product makes me nauseous.
      Looking back at this, I just realized how much I actually struggled with this, and to this day, still do in a way.

      I put of finishing my product a few years back, simply because I thought it wasn't good enough, and no one would want to buy it, so I didn't bother finishing it with a buy button.

      And today, I will finish a product, but I'm too worried about being prepared for the sales, making sure I have pre-marketed enough for a solid launch, etc.

      There's a lot of things that makes me nervous about launching. The biggest thing is to just do it. You can always go back and revise later after getting feedback from your users.

      In turn, after revising and growing to your users' liking, not only do you get a more solid product for what helps people the most, but you get a bigger audience of satisfied buyers, you would be willing to buy your next product in your product line.

      Something to always keep in mind!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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      • Profile picture of the author ED1190
        Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

        Looking back at this, I just realized how much I actually struggled with this, and to this day, still do in a way.

        I put of finishing my product a few years back, simply because I thought it wasn't good enough, and no one would want to buy it, so I didn't bother finishing it with a buy button.

        And today, I will finish a product, but I'm too worried about being prepared for the sales, making sure I have pre-marketed enough for a solid launch, etc.

        There's a lot of things that makes me nervous about launching. The biggest thing is to just do it. You can always go back and revise later after getting feedback from your users.

        In turn, after revising and growing to your users' liking, not only do you get a more solid product for what helps people the most, but you get a bigger audience of satisfied buyers, you would be willing to buy your next product in your product line.

        Something to always keep in mind!
        As I've learned, you just have to DO IT.

        Even if you make some mistakes or so along the way, you'll learn from it.

        You can't wait for the perfect moment because usually that perfect moment will never come, lol.
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        • Profile picture of the author Nate92
          Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

          As I've learned, you just have to DO IT.

          Even if you make some mistakes or so along the way, you'll learn from it.

          You can't wait for the perfect moment because usually that perfect moment will never come, lol.
          Exactly. You want the honest truth? There is no such thing as "the perfect moment".

          There's only the opportunity, and whether you take action upon that opportunity, or let it slip past you.

          Never throw away an opportunity that is in front of you because of your own selfish fears or pride. Just do it, and adjust as you go through it!
          "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
          I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author videobyemail
    Thanks for this question. Their were many great comments posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nate92
    Awesome! Seriously! I struggled with setting in place a pay link, as well. However, the worst that has happened to me is a make a few sales! The best that has happened, well... I make a decent amount of money.

    As long as you follow what Doug said, and recognize what is holding you back, and just diving into it head first to overcome your fear, it'll pay of huge! Thank you for that Doug!

    And Videobyemail, I'm glad that you are enjoying this thread and find it helpful! That was the entire purpose!
    "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
    I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author Pokeme
    Sometimes no matter what you do there is always something or someone dragging you down. Everytime you try to climb the ladder you are kicked down. If you are not rich you will surely suffer and will not succeed 95% of the time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by Pokeme View Post

      Sometimes no matter what you do there is always something or someone dragging you down. Everytime you try to climb the ladder you are kicked down. If you are not rich you will surely suffer and will not succeed 95% of the time.
      Coming from someone who has no authority or reputation in this community, and has an advertisement in their signature?

      Clearly, you are not rich, or you are, and are extremely ignorant. This post wasn't helpful at all. In fact, it is demoralizing to many people who want to start working online.

      And funny thing about this post... I show have personally taught people to make money online only starting out with a few hundred bucks.

      It's not about the money you have. It's about how well you can learn, process the information, put it to use, market your products, and create a business flow by a standard, solid system.

      If anyone were to listen to your post, that almost everyone will fail unless you're rich, then even less people would be successful, simply because no one would try.

      I even know rich people who have lost everything. So being rich with money has nothing to do with success. Success comes through hard work, education, and dedication.

      I'd appreciate it if no one posts crap like this again, because if everyone thought you had to be rich to succeed, no one would succeed. Period.
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author taylorixllc
    Honestly, I get tripped up on the basics, like setting up funnels, etc. I suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety and panic. I find it very difficult to concentrate on even the simplest of tasks. I know setting up a funnel is easy (for most), but I struggle with even that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by taylorixllc View Post

      Honestly, I get tripped up on the basics, like setting up funnels, etc. I suffer from bipolar disorder, anxiety and panic. I find it very difficult to concentrate on even the simplest of tasks. I know setting up a funnel is easy (for most), but I struggle with even that.
      So... I understand that some things are easier for some, and harder for others. That's the nature of life. If we were all born the same way with the same skills, there would be no progress in life. We would have all died off a long time ago.

      With that said, you need to find your strongest points. If you create products, or are an affiliate marketer, you need to find what you're good at, and work on that.

      As far as funnels, there is no such thing as a perfect funnel. You just need to simply make one, and then split test and check conversions.

      What I do is I take a piece of paper and "mentally vomit" on it. That sounds gross, but it work. Just take everything in your head and get in on paper. I don't organize it at all at first. I simply write in all down, and then start circling major key points, and then connecting them with lines.

      Once I have a basic idea or a format for my plan, then I organize it onto a mindmap, and then just build one piece at a time until it is FUNCTIONING, not perfect, it just has to function.

      Then, move on the the next piece and connect it. Before you know it, you'll have anything done that you set your mind to, whether you can focus or not. The reason this works is because it just gives you something to do, that isn't set in an exact order or to an expectation. It's simply getting something done.

      Now, the reason I said work on what you're good at, is because if you master you craft in one area, you can outsource the others. This way you are growing your strengths, and contributing to a community with what you're good at.

      If you can't afford outsourcing at first, then do what I was talking about. Just get it down, and circle what you need, and work on those circles. It doesn't have to be in any order.

      Once they are built, then piece them together and tie everything off. BAM! You have created a final product that you set out to do, even though it may take a little longer.

      I hope this helps!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Nate92 View Post

    Hey Warriors and Non-Warrios,

    I was sitting here answering some questions for people, and started looking at the majority of content vs. questions on this site.

    Obviously, everyone struggles at some point. This is how we learn to become successful, is through learning what works and what doesn't, and not giving up.

    However, what I want this thread to cover, is where are you struggling?

    Is it your mindset? Your system you're using? Or maybe the fact that you're just being lazy, or not focusing on one goal?

    I want to see where peoples' heads are. By doing this, I feel this Forum can really come together and start helping a few people out. I'll do my best to help, but I know there are so many successful entreprenuers on this website, that it shouldn't be too hard for anyone to just get their voice heard and replied to.

    I know that asking for help can be hard. But I'm tired of seeing people struggling when they shouldn't have to.

    With that said, I'd like to see where people are hitting problems, and hopefully help as many people out as we can.

    Welcome to 2016! Now let's help people change their lives!
    IMO, the biggest thing holding many people back is..

    1. Just not jumping in and doing, you learn so much more from doing than just reading

    2. Fear of failure, unfortunately it's a fact of this business, not everything will be a success and that scares people

    3. Giving up too early
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      IMO, the biggest thing holding many people back is..

      1. Just not jumping in and doing, you learn so much more from doing than just reading

      2. Fear of failure, unfortunately it's a fact of this business, not everything will be a success and that scares people

      3. Giving up too early
      The 3 point is the tricky one...

      some give themselves a time range like one year or even 2 year.

      but problem after 2 year still never earn much a constant amount ( so give up? or still continue ? ) if this person already done all research , already learn what the tricks , etc on IM?
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  • Profile picture of the author J0hnDillinger
    Alot of people struggle in finaly taking action and this happen because they have the wrong mindeset (I can´t make money, that method is not going to work etc.). This wrong mindset is the reason, that many people on the internet fail to make money and struggle with.
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  • Profile picture of the author PVGUY
    Not knowing why. Why am I not getting more (fill in the blank)?
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by PVGUY View Post

      Not knowing why. Why am I not getting more (fill in the blank)?
      This is different that what I've been hearing... Can you elaborate on what you mean by "getting more" and how that relates to "why"?

      Are you talking about not knowing why you are not getting enough traffic, conversions, sales, replies, etc.? Or what?
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author Fredzmints
    People shouldnt be struggling they should try out stuff and take it easy. If something works do it a lot. If it doesnt try another thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by Fredzmints View Post

      People shouldnt be struggling they should try out stuff and take it easy. If something works do it a lot. If it doesnt try another thing.

      the problem is how you judge yourself is not working?

      every one knows IM is not easy either....

      so many earn money programs out there ,
      so many doing amazon , eBay drop shop,
      so many doing this and that.

      So how long you judge yourself to see thing don't work? few months? one year?
      if got sales but not constant than no more sales...so if fail? consider?
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      • Profile picture of the author Nate92
        Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

        the problem is how you judge yourself is not working?

        every one knows IM is not easy either....

        so many earn money programs out there ,
        so many doing amazon , eBay drop shop,
        so many doing this and that.

        So how long you judge yourself to see thing don't work? few months? one year?
        if got sales but not constant than no more sales...so if fail? consider?
        Exactly what I was going to say when I read the previous post. There are thousands of people that make money with thousands of different techniques, tools, softwares, systems, etc., that a lot of other people can't seem to get it to work for them.

        Making money online isn't like working a job. There is NO REAL "copy&paste" system that works. You always have to tweak it to make it unique to overcome the competition.

        You always have to split test conversions, and become an authority to your own standing with different people in order to succeed.

        Someone can't just tell you "do this for this long" and you'll make money. I suggest to anyone trying to make money online that they pick ONE system to follow, and stick with it for at least a year.

        If there isn't enough content in that course to last you a few months of learning, because there is a HUGE learning curve, even with a mentor, then you should find something else to start with.

        A system that teaches how to create a proper, useful product, and launch it with a solid website is always a solid bet to start with. Learn for 6 months, then work for 6 months.

        If you set goals and lay out a plan, 8 out of 10 people you stay dedicated and PRODUCTIVE over that year WILL SEE MONEY. How much money, that of course can very drastically, as any internet-preneur would know.
        "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
        I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    I'm struggle first on language (specifically: technical language) and second on finding real guru who can really show the step-by-step (not general talk) to do his/her own secret.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by superowid View Post

      I'm struggle first on language (specifically: technical language) and second on finding real guru who can really show the step-by-step (not general talk) to do his/her own secret.
      In all honesty, language is a bit of a hassle at first, but you you have good intentions, and your audience sees that you are trying to do right by them, they will look past it. I've seen many people who speak English as a second language, with improper grammar, and they do fantastic with an English-native audience.

      As far as finding a "guru" to show you their "secrets"... First off, if they claim to have a "secret", then they are out for your money. They should be able to openly tell you what methods they use, without giving away their sources and techniques, like a legitimate course.

      You need to find someone who has a solid course that people have a real positive review over, not just a "review" article that is promoting you to buy it. These types of review articles are everywhere, and they aren't bad, because they are simply affiliates doing what they do.

      There are many affiliates, however, of many courses, that give honest, and valuable feedback on courses. Even if they have an affiliate program with that course, they will review it, and if they find a better option, they will include that in the review as a comparison.
      *This is a great technique if you are an affiliate, by the way!
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author mousumi1
    As everyone has to struggle, we have to keep our target strong enough to go ahead in spite of hindrances of our life
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    • Profile picture of the author Nate92
      Originally Posted by mousumi1 View Post

      As everyone has to struggle, we have to keep our target strong enough to go ahead in spite of hindrances of our life
      Simple but effective sentence. I like it.
      "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
      I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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