Google does nothing about spam reports

6 replies
So as it be to compete in the area of business which is local for me it appears for each city in my state the people dominating google search have multiple addresses that have been likely validated via mailer pin code. So they have these business addresses and no actual business front or office there I think this is called map spamming.

The problem is these are not legit locations. One spammer has gone 100% nationwide with this which is ridiculous. I understand google has manual reviews and their algorithm updates to catch all this stuff I have done a great deal of reading.

I am not ready to take the plunge and the whole if you can't beat em join em attitude but I am definitely getting there. I have filed multiple complaints via webmaster spam reporting tool.
#google #reports #spam
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    You know that Google probably gets thousands of spam reports a day, right? The chance of them taking on action on yours is slim.

    If you really want the situation to get attention, post a thread on their webmaster forums. Play dumb. Instead of complaining about it, use a tone more like, "I thought these tactics were not supposed to work in the search results..."

    Put it out there publicly, and they will almost have to take action against it. It will look embarrassing otherwise.
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    • Profile picture of the author decadude
      Thanks for the recommendation the funny thing is it is likely I will just build a free backlink to the cheaters.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Not if you don't make it a live link....think about not a link.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author WPK
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      You know that Google probably gets thousands of spam reports a day, right? The chance of them taking on action on yours is slim.

      If you really want the situation to get attention, post a thread on their webmaster forums. Play dumb. Instead of complaining about it, use a tone more like, "I thought these tactics were not supposed to work in the search results..."

      Put it out there publicly, and they will almost have to take action against it. It will look embarrassing otherwise.
      Exactly this.
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      • Profile picture of the author decadude
        ok advice has been taken and I have posted even to the public forum and filed additional spam reports its annoying that cheaters are seemingly the big winners in Google advertising at least in my space there is another map spammer that leads the charge and this guy is even worse with a nationwide spam cheat.

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  • Profile picture of the author Van Dam
    I've always imagined the spam report feature being there to show they care and that's where it stops. They are no doubt inundated with spam reports every minute of the day.
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