Looking for JV's? This is what I've learned...
This post is for everyone who sells their own products and is actively looking for affiliate/JV partners to promote their stuff.
There's always been a lot of threads on how to attract the right JV partners, how to craft the perfect contact email, how to convey the WIIFM to them, and seal the deal.
All of these are good things, and there's a definite skill to attracting profitable joint ventures.
I've been fortunate enough to have had some really profitable JV's since my time doing business online, and reflecting back on them today, there were some common elements that are actually kind of UNcommon in how often they come up when discussing JV and affiliate marketing.
I've noticed that consistently, the best JV's I've had, the ones that have resulted in the highest profits for me and the affiliate, the ones that have resulted in the most long lasting relationships almost always....
1. Started by the affiliate contacting ME rather, rather than vice versa.
2. Came about because the product I had was both high quality and REALLY targeted to the affiliates list, teaching methods, and personal style.
When I realized that I thought "What about the products that I'VE promoted as an affiliate?"
Interestingly, it was clear that the products I'd promoted as a JV for other people have ALSO consistently been:
1. When I emailed the product owner because I'd bought the product and REALLY found it valuable.
2. When I found the product to be REALLY closely related to the things I teach my list.
There's one more thing too...
If you ask the question, how can my products connect more often to the lists of potential JV partners?
And one obvious answer is... Create more products!
While reflecting I also realized that every new product I created had attracted the attention of at LEAST one really great JV partner.
I mean, creating the product alone won't make the JV's come... you've gotta be involved in the communities of your niche, you've gotta be getting the word out there about your products independently, and consistently, but if you are, quite often, JV's will find YOU.
So if you're looking for more JV's, maybe it's time to expand your product line? Particularly in online biz when products are (relatively) so easy to create.
Anyway, that's about all.
Perhaps not all JV marketers will agree but this has certainly been my experience.
Hope you find this valuable!
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