I hate all the ways for getting traffic

43 replies
All the ways seem very sh**ty to me.

SEO - is not guaranteed, you make backlinks for month, add unique content for months - and sometimes you get nothing from the search engines.

Social media marketing - posting your link to everywhere - seems pretty spammy - and very easy way to get banned - it's like some pitchman is trying to sell something in front of a big market. You are the pitchman and the big social network site (fb, twitter etc.) is the big market.

Email marketing - it's so difficult to gather emails. You will also need some other marketing technique to even gather emails - like SEO, PPC, SMM etc.

How do you deal with it? And SEO is changing constantly, it will always be updated. There is no even such thing as SEO expert.

That's why I quit affiliate marketing + blog + SEO at the time and got into programming to use less marketing techniques, because if you sell some good software, all you need to is creating a limited free edition of it and share it on some forums etc. This freemium method worked for me. But all others traffic methods look pretty boring and non-guaranteed to me.

That's why I started thinking bigger and I want to make big projects. My future is important, I can not feed my family with non guaranteed ways like SEO, even if my website is ranked 1st for my main keyword, it will not remain like that forever. I can update my apps or web based apps constantly instead of doing that s***...

I started with basic marketing ways too but I'm not like that anymore.

What do you think?
#hate #traffic #ways
  • Yea bro SEO is more long term and it's not guaranteed.

    Have you tried paid traffic? The most guaranteed way to get quick targeted traffic if you have the budget for it IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author maryJacko
      Originally Posted by aspiringaffiliate View Post

      Yea bro SEO is more long term and it's not guaranteed.

      Have you tried paid traffic? The most guaranteed way to get quick targeted traffic if you have the budget for it IMO.
      What's the best paid traffic source in your opinion? Google adwords?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Lex
    You're definitely not a marketer - and there's nothing wrong with that. You seem to enjoy programming more so focus on that and either hire a freelancer or a company who is good at marketing or try to get affiliates, e.g. by contacting bloggers and website owners in your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Freelancers have to market too.

    I'd recommend you hire someone to aid you with your marketing if you hate it as much as you say. There are business and outsourcers that are excerpts in it so there is no excuse.

    These may be some of the ways to get traffic but there are many more that you have yet to discover or consider. Open your eyes to something new and it'll be right there knocking on your down. Don't limit yourself because one thing is hard.

    Life is hard in general and business makes life 300% harder.

    keep moving forward

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  • Profile picture of the author TheZafraGroup
    It sounds like internet marketing isn't your thing then. You need traffic and you need a list. That's what makes an online business sustainable. If you're not willing to do that, then you'll never make money online. If you have a budget, then you can always hire someone to do stuff for you. If you're more into programming, then do that. If that makes you happy and it puts food on the table, then go for it.

    I'd have to disagree with SEO though and email collecting. Yes SEO does change, but if you work hard on it consistently for lets say 90 days, you will start getting results. You can then outsource that. SEO becomes way easier when you have tons of content that people love, share and comment on. Backlinks wouldn't be as big as an issue anymore. If you have emails, then you can send your content and get more backlinks. There are tons of people who have created successful and sustainable businesses thanks to SEO. A little research would prove that.

    It's all about delivering high quality content. I'm saying this because yes SEO changes, but till today, I have videos and articles that are years old but still getting me leads and sales. It's just about consistency. A blog is powerful if you set a solid plan on working on it. SEO is only not guaranteed if you don't have solid keywords and don't have a solid plan on how to make it happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    If you like giveaway your software on forums, just scale it up. I have some ideas to make your efforts more making some benefits for you. You don't have too leave those marketing things out. All you have to do just use your own software to make it all work for you.

    1. SEO: Use your forums thread to put some related keywords with your software on the description of the thread, You don't have to write dozens articles on your blogs just piggyback your forums thread for getting organic traffic from search engine.

    2. Email Marketing: put your opt-in form somewhere on your software. You can put the opt-in before people download the software use any popup or support email signature for going to your squeeze page.

    3. Social media: you don't have to spam and throw your link anywhere on social media. Just put some fb group or google group links on your software so if people are wanting more information about how to use your software and other discussions.

    You can also use your pdf tutorial for your software to get more traffic, leads and social signals for your marketing efforts. Just use the marketing techniques to make your business growing fast. You don't have to do it all by yourself, outsource it let other people's skills done it for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author gluckspilz
    Your post does not make sense whatsoever.

    What's the point in complaining about traffic then say you rather think big and create software?

    Who exactly is going to buy your software if you don't send... wait for it... traffic?

    All you did differently from affiliate marketing is create your own offer. The traffic side of things did not change at all. Traffic will not just come.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      It doesn't matter if you are an offline business or an online business. You need traffic to your store or your website before you can make any money.

      Over the years I have worked at telemarketing for both offline and online businesses including my own. I have done direct mail, newspaper, business cards, radio, and t.v. I have worked home shows and done door to door canvassing.

      All of this is hard work. That is the part of Internet marketing the fancy sales letters do not focus on when they are selling their products, services, and business opportunities.

      Plus, you should not even start working until you get some marketing skills. Otherwise you are wasting your time and money.

      Having said all of that, once you get your website set up if you spend 90% of your time on traffic generation, or outsource it, it is pretty hard to not make money online. Much easier then an offline business in my opinion.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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    • Profile picture of the author maryJacko
      Originally Posted by gluckspilz View Post

      Your post does not make sense whatsoever.

      What's the point in complaining about traffic then say you rather think big and create software?

      Who exactly is going to buy your software if you don't send... wait for it... traffic?

      All you did differently from affiliate marketing is create your own offer. The traffic side of things did not change at all. Traffic will not just come.
      You didn't get my post at all. I mean we all need traffic to sell our offers to people. But I really don't like to do SEO, SMM etc to get traffic. "What could be the alternative traffic ways for me?" I wanted to ask this. And this is why I created this thread.

      If I created a blog as an affiliate marketer, I would have to use all these boring traffic methods, otherwise I wouldn't get any sales at all. But when I create my own product, especially a software, I still get some sales even though I almost never used those traffic techniques like SEO.
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    • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
      To get traffic is the easiest part of marketing guys the strategy and conversion that's the main part of it
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    I would suggest you find one method you can really understand and just focus on becoming the best at that. If you do it right then ultimately people will be doing the work for you. This should be the goal. Don't focus so much on getting traffic per se. Instead focus on the value you create and why people would care to share it with others.
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  • Profile picture of the author marguerite
    My experience has been completely different from yours apparently.

    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    SEO - is not guaranteed, you make backlinks for month, add unique content for months - and sometimes you get nothing from the search engines.
    I recently built a website and simply with basic on-page SEO I get daily visitors exclusively from search engines, without any link building which is what I plan to do next to get more traffic. Basically, I have found it really hard to "get nothing" from search engines after I build a site and put content on it.

    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    Social media marketing - posting your link to everywhere - seems pretty spammy - and very easy way to get banned - it's like some pitchman is trying to sell something in front of a big market. You are the pitchman and the big social network site (fb, twitter etc.) is the big market.
    Social media is not about posting your link everywhere but rather posting in key locations where your targeted people can see it. If you do that and follow the rules of the network that you are using, then you will not get banned and you will get lots of traffic. Again that is just my own experience.

    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    Email marketing - it's so difficult to gather emails. You will also need some other marketing technique to even gather emails - like SEO, PPC, SMM etc.
    Yes building a solid email list is hard but email is one of the best ways to find out the people who are really interested in what you're trying to sell. It's easy to like a post you didn't even read but it takes real interest to take the time to reply to an email.

    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    And SEO is changing constantly, it will always be updated. There is no even such thing as SEO expert.
    The basics of SEO haven't changed because search engines have not changed fundamentally. Sure a few spammy techniques may no longer work as well as they used to but the non-spammy stuff still works and lots of black hat and super spammy stuff still work too...
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    ots of black hat and super spammy stuff still work too...
    Like putting an (against the forum rules) affiliate link in your sig.?
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author espresso
      I am getting back into seo after not dealing with it for a while. I had some success with in the past like not for "credit cards" or anything but other terns. Seo is my favourite method of free traffic as well as it delivering good traffic its a bit of an ego boost when you see your site rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    SEO takes time to see results. build natural backlinks and you will see results when you choose low competitive keywords. you gonna invest time if you don't have money.

    Writing content for your blog takes time and its boring that's why consistency and patience are important. there is a sacrifice behind every success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    The real trick is to make a business/website/product that actually contributes to other people's lives in a positive way.

    That way, when you tell others about it ("market" it), you will feel good about yourself, instead of feeling guilty.

    Also, SEO is not constantly changing. The blackhat methods change every few months. But the white hat method of making great content has always been the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author mich800
    Wrong mindset. You should be thankful there are so many ways to get traffic. Where would you be at if your sole strategy to get traffic became obsolete or otherwise unavailable? You would surely change your tune about multiple poles in the marketing pond then.
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    Personally am always using paid traffic sources is the best option to get targeted traffic on demand quick and fast,doing SEO it takes a lot of time and when google change they algorithm all your work and time you've spent just disappears
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    All the ways seem very sh**ty to me.

    SEO - is not guaranteed, you make backlinks for month, add unique content for months - and sometimes you get nothing from the search engines.

    Social media marketing - posting your link to everywhere - seems pretty spammy - and very easy way to get banned - it's like some pitchman is trying to sell something in front of a big market. You are the pitchman and the big social network site (fb, twitter etc.) is the big market.

    Email marketing - it's so difficult to gather emails. You will also need some other marketing technique to even gather emails - like SEO, PPC, SMM etc.

    How do you deal with it? And SEO is changing constantly, it will always be updated. There is no even such thing as SEO expert.

    That's why I quit affiliate marketing + blog + SEO at the time and got into programming to use less marketing techniques, because if you sell some good software, all you need to is creating a limited free edition of it and share it on some forums etc. This freemium method worked for me. But all others traffic methods look pretty boring and non-guaranteed to me.

    That's why I started thinking bigger and I want to make big projects. My future is important, I can not feed my family with non guaranteed ways like SEO, even if my website is ranked 1st for my main keyword, it will not remain like that forever. I can update my apps or web based apps constantly instead of doing that s***...

    I started with basic marketing ways too but I'm not like that anymore.

    What do you think?
    Sounds like you should learn and use PPC it takes money to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bengood
    I agree, who could ever go around the internet trying to get people to buy something or give them money. So unethical, how could you even justify this begging?
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  • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    All the ways seem very sh**ty to me.

    SEO - is not guaranteed, you make backlinks for month, add unique content for months - and sometimes you get nothing from the search engines.

    Social media marketing - posting your link to everywhere - seems pretty spammy - and very easy way to get banned - it's like some pitchman is trying to sell something in front of a big market. You are the pitchman and the big social network site (fb, twitter etc.) is the big market.

    Email marketing - it's so difficult to gather emails. You will also need some other marketing technique to even gather emails - like SEO, PPC, SMM etc.

    How do you deal with it? And SEO is changing constantly, it will always be updated. There is no even such thing as SEO expert.

    That's why I quit affiliate marketing + blog + SEO at the time and got into programming to use less marketing techniques, because if you sell some good software, all you need to is creating a limited free edition of it and share it on some forums etc. This freemium method worked for me. But all others traffic methods look pretty boring and non-guaranteed to me.

    That's why I started thinking bigger and I want to make big projects. My future is important, I can not feed my family with non guaranteed ways like SEO, even if my website is ranked 1st for my main keyword, it will not remain like that forever. I can update my apps or web based apps constantly instead of doing that s***...

    I started with basic marketing ways too but I'm not like that anymore.

    What do you think?
    I also do not like SEO that much but I know that it work's if have patience and you are doing it right if you have budget think about google adwords or facebook ads , then you can market your services to people out there in matter of minutes if you have bufget for that.

    but I personally think that nothing is guaranteed , you need to know how to attract interested buyers it does not matter if you are doing affiliate marketing or you are a programmer you still need to market yourself because they are milions of programers or affiliate marketers out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author kerunai
    Seo for long term..just setup blog n optimize gradually...no need to rush..just do it naturally...build your audiences n tribe ....do some branding.. Offer affiliates n link back to your blog...offer templates script n have links back to your blog

    Facebook ads can be a new fresh start for you bro... Why not try it

    How to Easily Get 300+ Email Subscribers in the Next 6 Hours
    Why list building no longer works like it used to… and what to do about it

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  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    All the ways seem very sh**ty to me.

    SEO - is not guaranteed, you make backlinks for month, add unique content for months - and sometimes you get nothing from the search engines.

    Social media marketing - posting your link to everywhere - seems pretty spammy - and very easy way to get banned - it's like some pitchman is trying to sell something in front of a big market. You are the pitchman and the big social network site (fb, twitter etc.) is the big market.

    Email marketing - it's so difficult to gather emails. You will also need some other marketing technique to even gather emails - like SEO, PPC, SMM etc.

    How do you deal with it? And SEO is changing constantly, it will always be updated. There is no even such thing as SEO expert.

    That's why I quit affiliate marketing + blog + SEO at the time and got into programming to use less marketing techniques, because if you sell some good software, all you need to is creating a limited free edition of it and share it on some forums etc. This freemium method worked for me. But all others traffic methods look pretty boring and non-guaranteed to me.

    That's why I started thinking bigger and I want to make big projects. My future is important, I can not feed my family with non guaranteed ways like SEO, even if my website is ranked 1st for my main keyword, it will not remain like that forever. I can update my apps or web based apps constantly instead of doing that s***...

    I started with basic marketing ways too but I'm not like that anymore.

    What do you think?
    Who is telling you to get traffic ,If you hate it do something else which will give you some joy ,As without Traffic you will not make a single dollar ,that is the ultimate truth
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  • Profile picture of the author egoldzone
    So waht is your best traffic generation method??
    > Instant Traffic Formula : Top Affiliate Make $568K in 30 days
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      To OP, You sound like someone who is extremely frustrated and jaded. I know I have been there myself. But EVERYONE in this Biz experiences this sooner or later

      Shake it off. You need traffic one way or the other and it is the bloodline of doing business in this realm and in most any realm

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author niksto82
    If you don't like it, you can always try some other profession. I would never recommend doing a job that you hate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucian Lada
    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    What do you think?
    I think you're pissed off, but don't really want to quit, because if you did, you wouldn't ask us this question - you'd just quit and move on.

    My advice? Next time learn from successful people, not random folks. Do some research and find the real experts, not just people pushing services or products, or worse, complete incompetents. It's a difficult thing to do because most people are failures, but it's time well invested.
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  • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
    Well if you hate it then you're definitely not going to be successful in business.

    Why would you hate anything?

    Just choose to focus on what you love and you'll be all good

    Edit: Sorry for bumping. I just saw OP's other post about how he hates the country and looked for other threads he has posted and saw another one about what he hates. So I just felt that I need to tell him to stop hating

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  • Profile picture of the author CpvGuru
    It is confusing and that is why people can make $$ doing it.

    I have very high quality KW targeted traffic on a PPC for $.05 for USA traffic.

    Might help you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Digitallabz
    So just focus on creating a good product that will sell itself and work/partner with a trusted marketer. If I were you I would partner would an outreach blogging specialist because most of the software I bought, were because top bloggers in the industry I followed use it, write posts to demonstrate how they use the product and recommended it.
    How about you? Do you not follow any blogs or respect a blogger that serves the audience of your software? Is reaching out to bloggers also a hateful task for you? Don't you find any benefits in having conversations online with people in the industry aside from warrior forum?
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    then step into the world of paid traffic

    PPC and PPV awaits..

    but seriously, i understand your feeling towards something as flimsy as SEO traffic.

    its best you capture your leads using a squeeze page and paid traffic. then sell them on your software.

    -Ike Paz
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    80% Of These Proven Guides Are Free... ]
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Good highly converting traffic isn't easy or everyone online would be rich. Doesn't matter if it's SEO or Paid. Learning curves in every thing.

    But everything that is hard to get is well worth it in the end.

    Especially if you learn to become a master of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author TaetmMoon
    Originally Posted by maryJacko View Post

    All the ways seem very sh**ty to me.

    SEO - is not guaranteed, you make backlinks for month, add unique content for months - and sometimes you get nothing from the search engines.

    Social media marketing - posting your link to everywhere - seems pretty spammy - and very easy way to get banned - it's like some pitchman is trying to sell something in front of a big market. You are the pitchman and the big social network site (fb, twitter etc.) is the big market.

    Email marketing - it's so difficult to gather emails. You will also need some other marketing technique to even gather emails - like SEO, PPC, SMM etc.

    How do you deal with it? And SEO is changing constantly, it will always be updated. There is no even such thing as SEO expert.

    That's why I quit affiliate marketing + blog + SEO at the time and got into programming to use less marketing techniques, because if you sell some good software, all you need to is creating a limited free edition of it and share it on some forums etc. This freemium method worked for me. But all others traffic methods look pretty boring and non-guaranteed to me.

    That's why I started thinking bigger and I want to make big projects. My future is important, I can not feed my family with non guaranteed ways like SEO, even if my website is ranked 1st for my main keyword, it will not remain like that forever. I can update my apps or web based apps constantly instead of doing that s***...

    I started with basic marketing ways too but I'm not like that anymore.

    What do you think?
    In my opinion: I think all of these methods are for the ancient marketers of the internet. When the internet first begun, big companies with large investment funds used these methods to target people on the internet to make their companies even more popular.

    As a startup company? Seems kind of stupid. If you have tens of thousands of dollars to invest, GO FOR IT, they are great ideas and will probably work.

    To startup a new company? Don't look at yourself as a business person. Look at what you create as a hobby, a fun thing to do. Like a little kid making his own Minecraft server, or game. Or like you're putting together a Facebook meme page to get hits, not clicks for cash. Start small. Start a Facebook page. Advertise that Facebook page. Use Facebook ADS. Make Youtube videos. Have a good staff team. Give away lots of free content. Get your name out there.

    Or just don't listen to me, because you shouldn't; I've never done this or had a successful business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    How did I end up back here lol?

    Anyways...after some careful thought and reading this post again...people who hate all ways of traffic need to seek out a new career (or stick to the one their in).
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  • Profile picture of the author phenomix
    There are many more ways to generate traffic than you have mentioned. The problem is people aren't willing to put the work in to generate it and if they don't see immediate results they give up and say it doesn't work.

    Traffic generation involves following actionable plans consistently with a well-defined strategy whether it be through SEO, Social Media, Blog Commenting, Forum Marketing, Job Boards, Advetisements, Q & A Sites, the list goes on..
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  • All i can say looking at your mindset i hate to say you will not make a dime online.

    There is no guarantee in anything but people still do it in order to increase the chance of success.

    No one is going to come to your house and offer you a million dollar .

    In order to get lucky you have to be at the right place and do things on the daily basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    I just realized that this post was started about 10 months ago and OP is most likely long gone (since he hates everything lol.

    I think we're...

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I think you may have some mental clearing to do LOL!

    Meditate. Breathe deeply. Observe your feelings. Feel your pain. Feel whatever pops up.

    Right now, anything you touch will turn to poo poo. As it should. Because the tool user can use any technique or tip effectively when they are in a really low vibe.

    Methinks ya need to do some energy work. Meditate helps. EFT tapping too. Relaxation techniques. Anything to get a purer, cleaner vibe....and then you can open up to helpful advice.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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