Amazon UK and Amazon Canada

3 replies
If I wanted to get more traffic and Amazon buys from Amazon Canada and Amazon do target that audience with a website or increase traffic/sales from those countries? I am currently running a .net with EasyAzon active and using the regional Amazon tags. Thanks. Ken
#amazon #canada
  • Profile picture of the author Kenmuise
    Much appreciated. Anyone else?


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  • Profile picture of the author shellerik
    On my site only about 35% of the traffic comes from the US so I applied for the six non-US Amazons that would cover the most traffic on my site. I added little flags that visitors could click on to switch which price they were shown. Now about 6% of my earnings come from the other Amazons. Sadly it's not too impressive. I might be limited by a poor implementation on my part so I'm still trying to think of how to improve the interface.

    To your specific examples: 6% of my traffic comes from the UK and now 3% of my earnings are coming from It is my best performing foreign country. The Canadian Amazon rejected my site when I got my first order. Whoever reviewed it thought it did not provide enough value, an opinion which I still resent.

    The biggest current problem is that it is difficult to cash international checks without paying large fees and if the checks are small it's not worth it. Direct deposit into a US bank account from a non-US Amazon is not supported.
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  • Profile picture of the author josephON2
    If I wanted to get more traffic and Amazon buys from Amazon Canada and Amazon do target that audience with a website or increase traffic/sales from those countries? I am currently running a .net with EasyAzon active and using the regional Amazon tags. Thanks. Ken
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