New to affiliate marketing, taking it seriously

47 replies
Hello, and i wish to thank you if you read my long post down bellow, I want to outline what i know, what i want to do, and my plan on how to do it. Big problem though is i am unsure of all these things and i come to you guys seeking guidance.

first a few facts
1. i have a fulltime job, however i have vasts amounts of time at the moment due to a big slowdown within my company recently, so i am only working 10-20 hours a week which leaves a lot of time to pursue other means of work.
2. My initial budget will be 1-2k, i can increase it if needs be and if i am seeing results.
3. I am extremely motivated right now to do this and have been wanting to for a few years actually, but my work and other personal reasons prevented me from doing this before.
4. I unfortunatly have little expirience when it comes to making websites, marketing and seo. but

I looked at various options and what i think i want to do is get a domain for a secondary niche that i want to focus on (like gluten baking for example), find hosting, use wordpress themes? or are there better things out there?

Get an awebber or similar e-mail gathering service? Then again what are the proper ways to convert the people that sign up to my e-mailing list?

Now this is where things get tricky. i am desperately trying to figure out what the best way is to promote products or ebooks or services on the lp's? Do i have a main home page with a few expertly written blog posts every week to improve my seo eventually inserting affiliates into blogs after first month, while at the same time have sub pages to certain products that i want to sell in and do i in turn promote those subpages with bing and google adwords? is google or bing better? or do i make a domain for every single product i try to sell, and where do i even find these products? Do i go for click bank or is that outdated and there are better things out there?

There is sooo much information on this forum and ivv been reading for the last few days non stop. And ivv always had an idea in my mind that i am not good enough to do this, but screw it i got the time, i got the motivation and the money to start it. All i need is to get in there and sign people up. Only problem is i like being very informed before i start investing money and i am cautious of doing things the wrong way.

Thank you.
#affiliate #marketing #taking
  • Profile picture of the author luketr
    Hi oleggos,

    I looked at various options and what i think i want to do is get a domain for a secondary niche that i want to focus on (like gluten baking for example), find hosting, use wordpress themes? or are there better things out there?
    Yes, a domain helps Hosting is relatively simple to find, in addition I would get a free CloudFlare account. Wordpress is absolutely fine, install all the usual SEO plug-ings but also get some extra security. Might seem like an expense you don't need a first but its not worth getting big faster than you expect and looking your site to less than savoury characters for the sake of a few $'s.

    Get an awebber or similar e-mail gathering service? Then again what are the proper ways to convert the people that sign up to my e-mailing list?
    AWeber is a good service. Have happily used it myself with great results. Another that's being pushed heavily currently is ConvertKit. No personal experience and most reviews are clearly affiliates at the moment; perhaps a member with experience can chime in with a non-incentivised review.

    Not sure what you mean exactly by your second question but use emails you collect with respect. You should be giving something of value away in return for that email lead. What you then send to that lead should be equally valuable. Use email to update your followers & drive traffic to your quality content - rather than straight to sales pages. A sales funnel including email marketing is so much more than: 1. collect email -> 2. send affiliate link

    Now this is where things get tricky. i am desperately trying to figure out what the best way is to promote products or ebooks or services on the lp's? Do i have a main home page with a few expertly written blog posts every week to improve my seo eventually inserting affiliates into blogs after first month, while at the same time have sub pages to certain products that i want to sell in and do i in turn promote those subpages with bing and google adwords? is google or bing better? or do i make a domain for every single product i try to sell, and where do i even find these products? Do i go for click bank or is that outdated and there are better things out there?
    The answer to this question is wholly dependant on what your niche is, what products are available in that niche, what media the majority of your customers spend their time using (reading articles - long/short form, heavily photo with instagram etc)

    Clickbank is fine for some niches (honestly, not too many though); but some, for example like niche travel that I'm in, Clickbank is useless.

    Everything you suggested is a viable option for generating and driving traffic; whether or not they are applicable or most effective is unknown until you define your niche, customer demographic & possible products.

    So far there seems to have been little guidance in the answers above. Hopefully the following will give you somewhere more concrete to continue your planning.

    1. Choose a niche. Don't choose something for example purposes or practising. Actually choose something, if it goes tits up but you've followed these steps you'll have wasted minimum time & cash anyway by the time it fails; especially compared to the value of experience it will bring you.
    2. Outline everything you can think of about a customer interested in this niche. Once you have a niche, usually products will become obvious also, so write down what these are, why they buy them, how they use them, why they choose one over another, how did they get into it, how can it help people who aren't yet in it?
    3. Create your website around this information. All content should come from your customer outline. They are your world now and your sole goal is to inform, engage and entertain them. All your information is relevant to a product[s] so don't be afraid to mention them where appropriate
    4. Start driving traffic. Paid, social, email, forums, podcasts, YouTube videos (for the content use the same stuff as above)...the list is as limited as your imagination. Get people in your niche talking about YOU
    5. Cash in, repeat
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  • Profile picture of the author SnackMemory
    All good questions, I can understand how you feel. The hardest part is getting started, past the first inertia. Understand this is like anything else, its usually more easy once you did it a few times. Complex sounding to learn, but often easy once you try it out and get the hang of it.

    As for how to promote your products, many people prefer to keep the page content in question linked to what you are promoting.

    If you going to promote an affiliate product, an often said train of though, and one I agree with, is a product that your selling should match the content of your site.

    For example I created a webpage that is about the candy Ring Pops. Ring Pops

    On this page I give information about Ring Pops that people seek, more information can be tricky to find. They read, they learn, some for education, some for pleasure. Some seek it out to buy now, or to learn where to buy ring pops. And some will end up buying online from my affiliate links.

    You could do it in many different styles, and I have seen a variety of successful methods and topics.

    As for your home page, Many people seem to cover there home page is picture links with captions or blurbs that lead to blog posts. On my homepage for I just prefer content on what the page is about, my site, what the site is about, and a pain text hyper link list to my content in alphabetical order.

    Most of my traffic comes from my second level pages, and traffic spreads to my home page or other pages via that landing page using links and navigation.

    As for my host and web builder, I prefer to use square space, limited in flexibility, more expensive, but easy to work with, easy to build content, and fast + easy to design nice. Perfect for my individual needs, but too limited for some other peoples style or sites topics or services.

    You don't need much more investment then hosting and domain costs, if your doing pure Seo and willing to go the long way around. Or you can put in some money and try to convert sales via ads. Its all about finding the formula that works for you. Some people prefer to use SEO and let free traffic flow in, but that takes time and effort, traffic flow changes. On the bright side you don't have much expensive so its pure profit. Or you can do advertisements, this speeds things up, can be quickly scalable for big bucks, but carries money risk, many people burn a lot of money in ads, you need to be cautious, keep an eye on the scale and profit ROI as you ramp up once you find a working formula.
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    Hi there,

    You are definitely on a right track. That's what you should do exactly:

    1. Choose a niche you are deeply interested in.

    2. Start a blog in Wordpress or Weebly by getting domain name and domain hosting.

    3. Post content (if possible almost everyday) related to your niche and ensure that it is completely informative full of information and reviews, and not from a marketing aspect.

    4. Sign up with Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher, Amazon Affiliate, and ClickBank. Start inserting products from Amazon and ClickBank into your blog.

    5. That's it! Just post an article everyday providing information, and try to maintain this consistency for life.


    Chintan Mehta

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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      Figure out what niche you're going to become an authority in and do that.

      Build an email list in that niche otherwise you'll be forever chasing new sales instead of recurring income.

      Those are the main points.

      Free eBook =>
      The Secret To Success In Any Business
      Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    Successful affiliate marketing more or less depends on these two things; traffic and conversions.

    Assuming you've found a market/niche you can see yourself dedicating time to which also has decent products to promote, you need to master generating targeted traffic and converting it.

    As far as the conversion aspect goes, this means email marketing is a MUST.

    Focus on those two areas in one market/niche and you're already off to a good start.

    Since you have a large budget (1 to 2 K is excellent) you can also start investing money into paid traffic.

    That will allow you to scale more quickly.

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  • Profile picture of the author IM Mozie
    Do what the top affiliates do...there's a reason they do it...

    It WORKS!

    Choose a profitable evergreen niche that you have a passion for

    Find some high converting affiliate offers in that niche

    Pick up some high value PLR and Resell rights products in that niche

    Create a blog and write about that topic, review affiliate products and offer your PLR and resell rights as a bonus for people that buy through your affiliate links (helps with conversions). WordPress rocks, get a nice premium theme at theme forest, they got some really good stuff.

    Write a quality lead magnet or purchase a PLR product and edit it with your insights then offer it for free from a squeeze page. Use amazon s3 (free for your first year) to host your lead magnets and bonuses. Even after the first year, they are as cheap as they come and own by Amazon, so owned by leaders online.

    Drive traffic to your blog, it's posts and your squeeze page using SEO, social media, other free traffic sources and paid traffic.

    Try to target products that are in launch period, since there's a hype and some product creators have big launches for products, then launch jack and get some of the hype and earn affiliate commissions. You can use Muncheye to find some of those big launches.

    One of the best things you can do in affiliate marketing is:

    Help others solve a problem in a specific niche and offer them solutions to make their life easier using affiliate products. Example, if you know people on your list are struggling to rebrand their digital products, offer them a easy to use ecover creator (affiliate product) etc.

    They will land up buying through your affiliate link and love you for it.

    And BONUSES are king...People love a good deal, definitely use bonuses to attract buyers and convert them much easier. Also keep your bonus offers related to the offer or closely related at least.

    Good-luck, stay inspired and don't give up!


    P.S. I made $500 over the past 3 days with the exact tactics I explained above, so I am not just preaching, I'm practicing too!
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    • Profile picture of the author oleggos
      Originally Posted by IM Mozie View Post

      Do what the top affiliates do...there's a reason they do it...

      It WORKS!

      Choose a profitable evergreen niche that you have a passion for

      Find some high converting affiliate offers in that niche

      Pick up some high value PLR and Resell rights products in that niche

      Create a blog and write about that topic, review affiliate products and offer your PLR and resell rights as a bonus for people that buy through your affiliate links (helps with conversions). WordPress rocks, get a nice premium theme at theme forest, they got some really good stuff.

      Write a quality lead magnet or purchase a PLR product and edit it with your insights then offer it for free from a squeeze page. Use amazon s3 (free for your first year) to host your lead magnets and bonuses. Even after the first year, they are as cheap as they come and own by Amazon, so owned by leaders online.

      Drive traffic to your blog, it's posts and your squeeze page using SEO, social media, other free traffic sources and paid traffic.

      Try to target products that are in launch period, since there's a hype and some product creators have big launches for products, then launch jack and get some of the hype and earn affiliate commissions. You can use Muncheye to find some of those big launches.

      One of the best things you can do in affiliate marketing is:

      Help others solve a problem in a specific niche and offer them solutions to make their life easier using affiliate products. Example, if you know people on your list are struggling to rebrand their digital products, offer them a easy to use ecover creator (affiliate product) etc.

      They will land up buying through your affiliate link and love you for it.

      And BONUSES are king...People love a good deal, definitely use bonuses to attract buyers and convert them much easier. Also keep your bonus offers related to the offer or closely related at least.

      Good-luck, stay inspired and don't give up!


      P.S. I made $500 over the past 3 days with the exact tactics I explained above, so I am not just preaching, I'm practicing too!
      I think this is the route i will go. however i am going to just rehash it here and if anybody sees any errors with it, please let me know.
      1. my niche will be "making money online with marketting" my focus will be on females aged 25-55. and i picked this niche because i am always going to be researching it, i might as well build my business around what i learn and i can review products as i go.
      2. set up 2 domain names. one for my blog and other for my lp.
      3. attain a plr, seems to be offering some good ones for cheap.
      4. set up aweber+ amazon s3
      5. build a quality made landing page/squeeze page that gains me e-mail subscribers+ i will provide them a free copy of the plr product i have license for, and the downloads of the product will be taken off of amazon s3. Also the link that the squeeze page will lead will be my main blog.
      6. set up my blog, and start reviewing products online with affiliate links in them. focus on new products since they will get more attention .
      7. set up fb page and post at least once a day. i will hold off using twitter or other means of social media since doing too much too quick can spell disaster i think.

      1. I am assuming my lp/squeeze page can only attain visitors through paid advertising, so i will set up a budget of 20-40$ a day and advertise with bing and fb, unless you guys thing google is good idea too. Main goal here is not to sell them anything but to offer them a free product so that they will pay attention to the affiliate marketting e-mails i send them.
      2. My blog will get a small stream of visitors from my lp page, but most of the traffic will be coming from my e-mails leading them to certain blog posts of mine that in turn lead to affiliate links$$$$.
      3. SEO will be very difficult i think since its a bit of a saturated niche and for a good reason, there is money to be made in it. so i will not be focusing on seo and instead will just keep dishing out content and using my mailing list to the max.

      1. When i send people e-mails is it better to lead them to certain blog posts of mine or just give them a direct link to an affiliate and skip the blog? if the latter is true then whats the point of even having a blog? i can just have a sick landing/squeeze page, get mailing list, and utilize it to the max.

      Let me know what you think!!!
      Thank you
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      • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
        When you email your leads, the idea is to build a relationship with them by 'giving' them value. Now that value can be a blog post, a video or even just a simple email with text.

        And it's always best to 'give' from your heart (not just to get).

        As for the rest of your plan...

        Everything always looks good on paper however, becoming a successful savvy marketer, takes a lot of practice, skill and perseverance.

        Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

        1. When i send people e-mails is it better to lead them to certain blog posts of mine or just give them a direct link to an affiliate and skip the blog? if the latter is true then whats the point of even having a blog? i can just have a sick landing/squeeze page, get mailing list, and utilize it to the max.

        Let me know what you think!!!
        Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    First, I like that you have a better kick start that many of those who want to jump in affiliate marketing every day, with no experience, no money, and no patience, with this being said, don't worry where you need to spend money now, and don't spend money just yet.

    What come first should be deciding what you going to promote, if you decided on the product or the service, it is way easier to find out how and where to do so. The money can be used for advertising as you go along
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  • Profile picture of the author oleggos
    Thank you guys for all your well thought out responses, I think i am getting more confidant in the direction i want to pursue. But first thing first, as many of you said i need to make a final decision on the niche that i will be in,
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Mozie
    That's the right first step, choose a profitable sub-niche market to start with, find some problems people are facing in that sub-niche and then find some affiliate products to promote that solves those problems. It's nice to see someone motivated and willing to take action.

    Best of luck to you mate!
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Your focus should be on a truly passive model that MULTIPLIES your passive effort

    Otherwise, you have to quit your job to make REAL MONEY online.

    Sure, people write books about getting lucky but if you are serious, you need to get off the fence and go all the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author chyan007
    Just go for a solo Ad at first ,Mix and Match Sometimes you can lead them to your blog post and sometimes to an affiliate offer ,Before sending your leads to an affiliate offer ,Make sure you have tried the product yourself and you highly endorse it ,Provide a full indepth review of the product in your blog and take it from there

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  • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
    Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

    Hello, and i wish to thank you if you read my long post down bellow, I want to outline what i know, what i want to do, and my plan on how to do it. Big problem though is i am unsure of all these things and i come to you guys seeking guidance.

    first a few facts
    1. i have a fulltime job, however i have vasts amounts of time at the moment due to a big slowdown within my company recently, so i am only working 10-20 hours a week which leaves a lot of time to pursue other means of work.
    2. My initial budget will be 1-2k, i can increase it if needs be and if i am seeing results.
    3. I am extremely motivated right now to do this and have been wanting to for a few years actually, but my work and other personal reasons prevented me from doing this before.
    4. I unfortunatly have little expirience when it comes to making websites, marketing and seo. but

    I looked at various options and what i think i want to do is get a domain for a secondary niche that i want to focus on (like gluten baking for example), find hosting, use wordpress themes? or are there better things out there?

    Get an awebber or similar e-mail gathering service? Then again what are the proper ways to convert the people that sign up to my e-mailing list?

    Now this is where things get tricky. i am desperately trying to figure out what the best way is to promote products or ebooks or services on the lp's? Do i have a main home page with a few expertly written blog posts every week to improve my seo eventually inserting affiliates into blogs after first month, while at the same time have sub pages to certain products that i want to sell in and do i in turn promote those subpages with bing and google adwords? is google or bing better? or do i make a domain for every single product i try to sell, and where do i even find these products? Do i go for click bank or is that outdated and there are better things out there?

    There is sooo much information on this forum and ivv been reading for the last few days non stop. And ivv always had an idea in my mind that i am not good enough to do this, but screw it i got the time, i got the motivation and the money to start it. All i need is to get in there and sign people up. Only problem is i like being very informed before i start investing money and i am cautious of doing things the wrong way.

    Thank you.

    Ok I see this type of question all the time, you can not rush this, affiliate marketing will only work after you learn WordPress. First learn how WordPress works, build a blog only, learn SEO, then study landing pages, Instabuilder 2.0 is real good, now newbies estimated learning time, is 4 months before you get it right, just to get a few sales. Then build 100 landing pages, split test them, and then ask questions from there on.

    Also you say you have money, will there are many people that will say they can do this and that, so don't fall for all the BS out there, buy hosting,theme, Landing page builder, optin system, membership system, graphics package and that should be good for starting out.

    For Traffic
    .Content on page, SEO super page

    In this business, Pros only make real money, so if your not a pro, become one.

    Wait there's more, lol, could not resist

    No really, so you on the inside.
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    • Profile picture of the author oleggos
      Originally Posted by smartprofitmoney View Post


      Ok I see this type of question all the time, you can not rush this, affiliate marketing will only work after you learn WordPress. First learn how WordPress works, build a blog only, learn SEO, then study landing pages, Instabuilder 2.0 is real good, now newbies estimated learning time, is 4 months before you get it right, just to get a few sales. Then build 100 landing pages, split test them, and then ask questions from there on.
      All makes sense except for the 100 landing pages, how would that work? i would have to have a different ppc campaign for every single one, and the cost would be astronomical i assume in marketing. why not just have 1 blog and 1 lp? and by split testing do you mean just trying out to see which ones are most effective? why not just edit your only lp and see if there are changes to conversions over time?
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      • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
        Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

        All makes sense except for the 100 landing pages, how would that work? i would have to have a different ppc campaign for every single one, and the cost would be astronomical i assume in marketing. why not just have 1 blog and 1 lp? and by split testing do you mean just trying out to see which ones are most effective? why not just edit your only lp and see if there are changes to conversions over time?

        Ok one main blog, install Instabuilder 2.0 make as many landing pages as you want, with affiliate products, so each landing page can be setup for one product, and one dot com name for main blog only.
        You could add more dot com names if you want, but just use one to keep things easy simple, and you will be fine,
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        • Profile picture of the author oleggos
          Originally Posted by smartprofitmoney View Post


          Ok one main blog, install Instabuilder 2.0 make as many landing pages as you want, with affiliate products, so each landing page can be setup for one product, and one dot cam name for main blog only.
          You could add more dot com names if you want, but just use one to keep things easy simple, and you will be fine,
          hi, sorry but still a bit confused, what exactly am i doing with the hundreds of landing pages?, are they the pages that i send people to from my e-mails or from within my blog? Just finding it difficult to understand the point of so many of them when i thought i only needed 1 for attaining a mailing list.
          Why send them to my landing pages when i can send them to the actually affiliates landing pages that are already optimized to sell?
          Its pretty late here so hopefully with a fresh mind this will make more sense in the morning.
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          • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
            Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

            hi, sorry but still a bit confused, what exactly am i doing with the hundreds of landing pages?, are they the pages that i send people to from my e-mails or from within my blog? Just finding it difficult to understand the point of so many of them when i thought i only needed 1 for attaining a mailing list.
            Why send them to my landing pages when i can send them to the actually affiliates landing pages that are already optimized to sell?
            Its pretty late here so hopefully with a fresh mind this will make more sense in the morning.
            Ok first one main blog, then add on affiliate landing page, after you learn, you should have at least 20 or so, then you will see the power of affiliate marketing, the more content your blog has and product pages, the more money you will make. Lets say product number one does not do well, but you made 4 products or landing pages, and you split test, so one of your other pages is making money, test a few products to get the hang of it.
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          • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
            Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

            hi, sorry but still a bit confused, what exactly am i doing with the hundreds of landing pages?, are they the pages that i send people to from my e-mails or from within my blog? Just finding it difficult to understand the point of so many of them when i thought i only needed 1 for attaining a mailing list.
            Why send them to my landing pages when i can send them to the actually affiliates landing pages that are already optimized to sell?
            Its pretty late here so hopefully with a fresh mind this will make more sense in the morning.
            Ok on ppc, one account, and one ad per landing page, but each landing page, should have at least 5 ads to split test as well, also most affiliate marketers have lots of landing pages, you can also add affiliate links inside blog post, so no landing page needed, just blog away, add links and done.
            Most pro bloggers have hundreds of affiliate links and landing pages on their blog, if you only had one you would never make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Verdatti
    Yes, it's a great idea to go with a CMS like Wordpress or Drupal. It makes it easier to make your website and to add more content or make changes in the future.

    On the email marketing part, you need to offer something really great and useful so that your visitors join your free email list. You can go with Aweber or any other service (Mailchimp, Getresponse, etc) all of them are good options.

    To use SEO you will definitely need a blog or at least multiple pages with articles. The more useful content you offer for free, the more visitors you will get from SEO in the future. It's all about the value you provide, and the backlinks you get. Optimize your website pages to make sure they will get indexed and make sure you have good links across your website.

    Then get links to your website. Link building takes forever but it's what matters the most for SEO.

    You shouldn't stick to SEO only. Consider for example guest posting, PPC, paid ads, email marketing and youtube marketing. Take a look to your competitors and see what's working for them. Don't try to reinvent the wheel! Do what's already working for your competitors, and try to do it better than them.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Take my advice, i have been in the game for over 6 years, do not give up your day job until you have fully established yourself in Internet marketing. That is you have created a system that can make you perpetual income each month. For now you should do it on a part time basis until then.
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    • Profile picture of the author oleggos
      Originally Posted by hardworker2013 View Post

      Take my advice, i have been in the game for over 6 years, do not give up your day job until you have fully established yourself in Internet marketing. That is you have created a system that can make you perpetual income each month. For now you should do it on a part time basis until then.
      I am definitely not quitting my day job, i love it . its just i have a lot of free time besides the job and i want to fill it with something of value
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

        I am definitely not quitting my day job, i love it . its just i have a lot of free time besides the job and i want to fill it with something of value
        Yep, this is a good situation. Hold onto to that job and have a Plan B. It sounds like you are on a good track.
        Look at it as a long term endeavor

        - Robert Andrew

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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        • Profile picture of the author luketr
          I think this is the route i will go. however i am going to just rehash it here and if anybody sees any errors with it, please let me know.

          1. my niche will be "making money online with marketting" my focus will be on females aged 25-55. and i picked this niche because i am always going to be researching it, i might as well build my business around what i learn and i can review products as i go.

          This is a good idea but a heavily competitive market. If you're going to compete you are going to need to dedicate some serious time to it. You're going to be marketing to some of the most sceptical buyers online so you're going to need to do ALOT more than just "put up some reviews".

          2. set up 2 domain names. one for my blog and other for my lp.

          Don't set-up landing pages under different domains. You're setting yourself up for an absolute nightmare. Let alone the costs involved. A domain may be cheap but when you start multiplying this into the 100's of products you're promoting, it's going to get hefty.

          3. attain a plr, seems to be offering some good ones for cheap.

          Don't buy PLR. If there's one thing you don't do, its buy PLR. Especially in the MMO niche. There's no way you are going to stand out with outdated content that every man and his dog have.

          4. set up aweber+ amazon s3

          Yes, get a decent email service. S3 isn't completely necessary to begin with though.

          5. build a quality made landing page/squeeze page that gains me e-mail subscribers+ i will provide them a free copy of the plr product i have license for, and the downloads of the product will be taken off of amazon s3. Also the link that the squeeze page will lead will be my main blog.

          As its PLR again, this forms part of my PLR plead. Just don't do it. Imagine the customer journey, "ooh a free PLR (and anyone who has spent more than a day looking up MMO will know its PLR btw) based around topic x, yeah ill get that (hopefully with a real not disposable email address)...some days later you start sending them emails about topic y, topic z, etc." Its unrelated, random and impersonal. You create no relationship, trust, authority etc all the other buzz words going around. What you should do instead I will put in point 6's response.

          6. set up my blog, and start reviewing products online with affiliate links in them. focus on new products since they will get more attention .

          Yes do a review but as for the email capture, forget PLR as lead magnets and instead give something away relevant to what you are trying to get people to buy. If the affiliate product for copy-writing, get a review copy or email the creator and ask for the top 10 points out of it in bullet form & ask 1 or 2 other questions you may have. You've now got a unique report to give away for free that is "the top 10 tips for copy writing plus 2 bonus exclusive tips from X product creator Mr Smith". Which are you more likely to give your email for? Which email lead is more likely to convert up to the core product & therefore worth more?

          7. set up fb page and post at least once a day. i will hold off using twitter or other means of social media since doing too much too quick can spell disaster i think.

          If you have cash to spend, I would concentrate my FB efforts on dark posts. I'll cover this below

          1. I am assuming my lp/squeeze page can only attain visitors through paid advertising, so i will set up a budget of 20-40$ a day and advertise with bing and fb, unless you guys thing google is good idea too. Main goal here is not to sell them anything but to offer them a free product so that they will pay attention to the affiliate marketting e-mails i send them.

          If you do a good enough job of marketing your lead magnets - promote them to your existing market through FB Twitter, Youtube, Podcast - then you should be able to get *some* free traffic that way. As for the rest of it, make sure all your pages (that you can) have retargeting pixels on them and also pay for FB Dark Posts promoted to custom audiences that would be interested in that product (find FB groups and the like).

          2. My blog will get a small stream of visitors from my lp page, but most of the traffic will be coming from my e-mails leading them to certain blog posts of mine that in turn lead to affiliate links$$$$.

          See Question 1 below

          3. SEO will be very difficult i think since its a bit of a saturated niche and for a good reason, there is money to be made in it. so i will not be focusing on seo and instead will just keep dishing out content and using my mailing list to the max.

          Forget "SEO" as a separate thing. If you do all the above properly then you are doing SEO and you'll start to gain traction in organic searches.

          1. When i send people e-mails is it better to lead them to certain blog posts of mine or just give them a direct link to an affiliate and skip the blog? if the latter is true then whats the point of even having a blog? i can just have a sick landing/squeeze page, get mailing list, and utilize it to the max.

          Get a product to promote > Create lead magnet based around features that product has that people will WANT > Set up your landing page with retargeting pixels to offer your lead magnet & once email has been captured ink to an intermediary content piece that pre-sells the main product (re-targeting pixel again) & advises of launch date, tells them to expect offer when its released.

          Create more pieces of content focusing on specific features of the core product & repeat the above but with FB paid posts being sure to exclude people who have already submitted their email (ie triggered the pixel).

          Leading up to the launch date, nurture those who have downloaded the lead magnet and engage up until the day of the launch. Send out your email offering the product as available and watch the conversions come in.

          Let me know what you think!!!
          Thank you

          That was a long reply and its almost 1am, so if something has been left out or needs clarification, just ask.
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Originally Posted by luketr View Post

            Don't buy PLR. If there's one thing you don't do, its buy PLR. Especially in the MMO niche. There's no way you are going to stand out with outdated content that every man and his dog have.
            I disagree. There are a number of services like Tiff Lambert's PLR Minimart that offer high quality PLR. Not necessarily cheap but worth the investment ,imo

            If anything PLR can give you a basic direction of where to go. You can Edit it and make it your own.
            But with Tiff's some of it you can use straight out for a Free Report as a Giveaway

            - Robert Andrew

            Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • First off, congratulations. You do seem serious. If I may add my 2 cents, get VPS Hosting (which is dedicated hosting, not shared).
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  • Profile picture of the author DigitalGuy50
    thank you for bthe advice, most appreciated
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    • Profile picture of the author nancy666
      hi Oleggos,

      With paid advertising I would stay away from Google, initially. They have too many

      restrictions. Bing is much easier to comply with, that is PayPerClick advertising. Also try it's a cost per view option where you pay for views to your offer and it's

      much cheaper than PayPer Click, and highly targeted traffic. You set the keywords you

      want within your account. You can start at 0.05 cents a click! CPV Advertising - Cost Per View Ad Campaigns by cpvMarketplace You

      just need to set up an account first.

      hope this helps

      For more IM tips and strategies check out:

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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Lex
    SEO is not needed depending on your approach. I prefer paid advertisments and video marketing, for example. Since you have some start-up budget, this wouldn't be a bad choice for you either. Just spend some more time reading around how people earn money with affiliate marketing and then decide what interests you the most. However, do not start anything without knowing how it works and especially the risks that are involved.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Lumbergh
    You already took the first and most important step, taking action.

    Wish you all the best on your journey to financial success..

    Affiliate marketing is the way to go bro 8) . good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    Hi The key is take your time. No need to rush learn as much as you can before you jump in.
    Tips 1 find good products to sell Use google / warrior forum/ jvzoo/ amazon Look what is selling
    Tip 2 do not pay to advertise you can generate a lot of Traffic using simple methods Like targeting groups in Facebook and get involved helping to answer questions. Put good content on your own page and also look out for forums in your niche. Go to google and put niche Forums So if you are into diet it will be diet forums. Dive in help people out it will push traffic because you have a signature that will post at the bottom of your post after each post you make spend just one hour a day on forums and in no time you will be noticed.
    Tip Get a website and a squeeze page put something out that people want Give away free To generate interest This is enough to get you started

    BIG TIP do not pay for advertising because if you cannot generate free traffic to stay on your posts or website then paying will not work ONLY PAY for advertising when you can generate people to stay on your site for free. Then go to fiver and pay to S.E.O your post or pages or website But the best thing is read and learn before you do anything. Yes you can generate traffic using video but do not use youtube use a amazon s3 account because youtube can close you down ant time I lost over 500 videos and had to start again Hope it helps Robert
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

    Hello, and i wish to thank you if you read my long post down bellow, I want to outline what i know, what i want to do, and my plan on how to do it. Big problem though is i am unsure of all these things and i come to you guys seeking guidance.

    first a few facts
    1. i have a fulltime job, however i have vasts amounts of time at the moment due to a big slowdown within my company recently, so i am only working 10-20 hours a week which leaves a lot of time to pursue other means of work.
    2. My initial budget will be 1-2k, i can increase it if needs be and if i am seeing results.
    3. I am extremely motivated right now to do this and have been wanting to for a few years actually, but my work and other personal reasons prevented me from doing this before.
    4. I unfortunatly have little expirience when it comes to making websites, marketing and seo. but

    I looked at various options and what i think i want to do is get a domain for a secondary niche that i want to focus on (like gluten baking for example), find hosting, use wordpress themes? or are there better things out there?

    Get an awebber or similar e-mail gathering service? Then again what are the proper ways to convert the people that sign up to my e-mailing list?

    Now this is where things get tricky. i am desperately trying to figure out what the best way is to promote products or ebooks or services on the lp's? Do i have a main home page with a few expertly written blog posts every week to improve my seo eventually inserting affiliates into blogs after first month, while at the same time have sub pages to certain products that i want to sell in and do i in turn promote those subpages with bing and google adwords? is google or bing better? or do i make a domain for every single product i try to sell, and where do i even find these products? Do i go for click bank or is that outdated and there are better things out there?

    There is sooo much information on this forum and ivv been reading for the last few days non stop. And ivv always had an idea in my mind that i am not good enough to do this, but screw it i got the time, i got the motivation and the money to start it. All i need is to get in there and sign people up. Only problem is i like being very informed before i start investing money and i am cautious of doing things the wrong way.

    Thank you.
    Personally I'd recommend skipping the ebooks, I'd look to join affiliate networks such as Peerfly, Maxbounty, etc and promote affiliate offers

    There is a ton of info on this forum, if you get more specific and start focusing in 1 area of making money online, you will likely see things more clearly and it will be less of information overload.
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  • Profile picture of the author matchmate
    if you want to save money learn SEO and spend decent time to search around site line BHW etc. SEO is never ending process .
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    Hi I am in affiliate marketing You can generate traffic with no cost using Facebook groups and being in forums. Pushing traffic to any niche is easy I do it all the time .
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  • Profile picture of the author oleggos
    I am really glad to say that i finally got myself a what i think is a great domain and some hosting with bluehost. in midst of trying to find a perfect word press theme right now that can hopefully work well with my blog theme. If any of you recommend a certain site for great wordpress themes, let me know.

    If any of you are currently successful affiliate marketers with your own blog idd love to speak to you over pm's to share some ideas with you. I received a large number of mail from people portraying themselves as being helpful, when in reality they are trying to sell their product. i am not looking to buy your product. If you have good advice and are helpful i am sure we can negotiate some sort of monetary reward for the help i receive, but i WILL NOT buy the product you are selling.

    Thank you to those of you who truly tried to help me in this thread
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  • Profile picture of the author samelliss
    i would get a domain name, focus on one method of traffic and promote a product that you believe in!
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  • Profile picture of the author JedGeorge
    You basically need 3 things:
    1. The Product / Business to promote
    2. Marketing system/tools to build your list and promote the above
    3. Traffic
    Keep a constant cycle of traffic going to your marketing tools/system that promote your business/products
    The more traffic, the more leads, the more sales, the more traffic, the more leads, the more sales... etc.
    Keep these three going over and over. It's a simple plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sempeneh
    do solo ads

    invest half on solo ads ..half for marketing

    build your list

    and repeat until you have a sizeable list

    then sell your solo ads

    offer sevices

    Make $4000 Permonth Using A Simple Blogger In Just 20 Minutes Per Day Without Investment

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    • Profile picture of the author Patrick Batty
      My advise would be to take list building serious, IMMEDIATELY.

      Build a sales funnel, and a giveaway offer.. or buy one. Time is money, and most people take months to get to doing this.. or they never do it at all.. and thats why so many fail.

      Dont get overwhelmed, but definitely get familiar with your autoresponder.. whether its aweber or getresponse.

      It is your workbench, aside from a blog or website.. and frankly I think the autresponder is more important.

      Best of luck. Feel free to ask questions.. it's what we're around here for.
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  • Profile picture of the author kevinfar
    Hi oleggos,
    first of all remember that reading too much leads to information overload.
    It's always better to test things to see what works and what doesn't.
    With that said, I would definitely suggest to you to sign up with an autoresponder company and start building the list.
    It's a great way to build a relationship with people who are interested in what you are offering.
    It will also allow you to communicate with them as often as you want and will be a real asset that you want make use of in your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    The BIGGEST tip I can give is to focus on building a list. A list is amazing because you can email them again and again and make money with it more than once.

    Find something you're passionate about and that you can help people with. Create a gift that will help people solve ONE big problem they might have in that niche. Create a squeeze page. Send traffic to that page (forum marketing, guest posts, YouTube videos, etc).

    From there email your list cool and helpful stuff and the occasional promo.

    Theres a lot more to this "formula" but those are the basics. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author oleggos
    Well after more and then some more research i finally dove in and started my site up.
    as you can see i developed quite a bit of stuff on there already, and all the posts are original content.

    What ivv done
    1. $20 for domain and privacy, $80 for hosting for the full year
    2. i looked around and found a great fiverr gig. I got about 20 articles for $250. mixtures of 500-100 word articles.
    3. set up premium theme. DID a lot of editing to it, set it up the way i want it
    4. set up mailchimp, and installed a e-mail collection plugin.
    5. Set up a privacy/about us page.
    6. set up fb account and i am posting on there simultaneously as i post on website.
    7. set up original logo.
    8. set up a few plugins for better seo, and did some research and trying to apply good seo practises to the blog posts i am making.
    9. I set up add areas however i will not be running any adsence or other network adds until I start seeing heavy volume, since most of my money will come from affiliates anyway.

    Now here is a list of to do things i am working on:
    1. start making offer/discount posts where basically i will be promoting/reviewing certain e-books/diet products online(new popular products only). I am focusing on just blog posts for now, and probably wont start making offer posts untill i have at least 25-30 original blog posts so that site seems reputable.
    2. I have mailchimp but i dislike them a bit already i think i will end up setting aweber account up.
    3. Once my offer pages are set-up I will start advertising them on fb, as well as on bing adds, and possibly adwords.
    4. I will probably do a small fb campaign to get 100+ likes on fb from of my better blog posts since i have a fb counter on my site and i want it to be reputable.
    5. once i start collecting e-mails ill have to set up auto responders and figure how best to send weekly e-mails to my subscribers.
    6. set up my guest bogging page, i will only do this once i start getting some good traffic to my page.
    7. do some guest blogging of my own and get some backlinks.
    8. eventually once i have a solid e-mail list ill also probably invest in lead pages and see how they compare vs sending people to my offer posts. if landing pages do better then my own posts then ill do that instead.

    Tell me what i am missing here! idd love some feedback
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    • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
      Originally Posted by oleggos View Post

      Well after more and then some more research i finally dove in and started my site up.
      as you can see i developed quite a bit of stuff on there already, and all the posts are original content.

      What ivv done
      1. $20 for domain and privacy, $80 for hosting for the full year
      2. i looked around and found a great fiverr gig. I got about 20 articles for $250. mixtures of 500-100 word articles.
      3. set up premium theme. DID a lot of editing to it, set it up the way i want it
      4. set up mailchimp, and installed a e-mail collection plugin.
      5. Set up a privacy/about us page.
      6. set up fb account and i am posting on there simultaneously as i post on website.
      7. set up original logo.
      8. set up a few plugins for better seo, and did some research and trying to apply good seo practises to the blog posts i am making.
      9. I set up add areas however i will not be running any adsence or other network adds until I start seeing heavy volume, since most of my money will come from affiliates anyway.

      Now here is a list of to do things i am working on:
      1. start making offer/discount posts where basically i will be promoting/reviewing certain e-books/diet products online(new popular products only). I am focusing on just blog posts for now, and probably wont start making offer posts untill i have at least 25-30 original blog posts so that site seems reputable.
      2. I have mailchimp but i dislike them a bit already i think i will end up setting aweber account up.
      3. Once my offer pages are set-up I will start advertising them on fb, as well as on bing adds, and possibly adwords.
      4. I will probably do a small fb campaign to get 100+ likes on fb from of my better blog posts since i have a fb counter on my site and i want it to be reputable.
      5. once i start collecting e-mails ill have to set up auto responders and figure how best to send weekly e-mails to my subscribers.
      6. set up my guest bogging page, i will only do this once i start getting some good traffic to my page.
      7. do some guest blogging of my own and get some backlinks.
      8. eventually once i have a solid e-mail list ill also probably invest in lead pages and see how they compare vs sending people to my offer posts. if landing pages do better then my own posts then ill do that instead.

      Tell me what i am missing here! idd love some feedback
      Congratulations! You are doing great!

      Before you even start your account with aweber for your autoresponder, your email series should be complete and ready. That should be 3 valuable content emails then 4th email would be a promotion of what you are selling... 3 content then sell/promote. Rinse and repeat.. of course you may use broadcast emails when you want to promote a newly launched related products

      Make sure that you create engaging emails. One of the best ways is to email them about an article to a blog of yours and ask them of their opinions. Let them comment and interact with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattdawg841
    With that kind of budget, you have a bunch of options! I suggest revenue sharing…I started with $20 in November and am making daily $60 payouts. It takes less than 5 minutes per day and is extremely simple…

    You can check out a step-by-step system to making over $100 per day with it here:

    24-hr atm optin 2 — Free Traffic Ninja

    It's what I did and I'm loving it! I hope that helps and good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author pawandave
      Of course take it as genuine business...and start with list building +++ Facebook ads best way ...
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  • Profile picture of the author bigbody300
    Good luck in your venture! Affiliate marketing can be great passive income. Just got to keep hustling and grinding - don't give up! I had tons of failures in my 10 years as an affiliate. But now LOOOVING IT! well always loved it - just more stable now. Like others said - treat this like a business, and make it count!
    #1 Proven 2017 Pay Per Call Marketing Course - How I Make $8k+ a month from PayPerCall - WF DISCOUNT >
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    As a newbie you'll be bombarded with tons of information that you don't need at all what you need to know is few main things in online marketing don't go overwhelmed that's why majority of newbies quit after few weeks. I suggest you to start with affiliate marketing or better CPA/CPL ( get paid for "Cost Per Action" offer or "Cost Per Lead" offer ). If you'll need real true free marketing training check my profile.
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