What is this ads call?

7 replies
There is this famous platform for buying ads...


May I know what is this type of ads call? Is it banner ads? Native ads?

Thank you.
#ads #call
  • Profile picture of the author jimwayde
    hey info126,

    buysellads is a market place to purchase banners on websites.

    you can select which websites you want to promote your banners on, and you can see how many monthly visitors their website is getting a month. There are also estimates of how much impressions your ad will usually get.

    Each website's price varies, and you will have to check each different one out to find the prices, where the ad will be placed, and all that good stuff.

    Hope this helps you out a bit buddy!
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    • Profile picture of the author info126
      Thank you so much, buddy
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Many people refer to Buysellads as Media Buying.

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  • Profile picture of the author munir ahmed

    Basically according to my
    knowledge its a website for
    you to promote banner ads...

    This is a major website that
    holds massive traffic generating
    websites who wish for their
    websites to have ads from

    so if i had a website with big
    traffic i would go on to buysellads
    and advertise my website for
    anyone in the same niche to
    promote their banners on my site...

    So know you can go to this
    website and find a website
    in your niche do a little
    research on how much traffic
    they get a month, decide
    whether its a great place
    for you to advertise your
    business or banner ads..

    hope I made that easy to

    Good Luck...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10573683].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author timothykiko
    Originally Posted by info126 View Post

    There is this famous platform for buying ads...


    May I know what is this type of ads call? Is it banner ads? Native ads?

    Thank you.
    I called as banner ads but from my experience then its price is very high and you have to choose sites there carefully. Some are low traffic which will give you less conversions.

    I would recommend this site WebMasterSun.com

    High traffic, good conversions and low price for your banner ads.

    I tried and it's working as well for me.

    Hope it helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattdawg841
    It's a place for you to purchase banner ads! Depending upon your offer, it works well….I've used it before and got some results from it!

    I hope that helps and good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author melons
    If you're looking for an alternative, Project Wonderful is a growing ad-seller you could check out.
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