Self Serve platforms. Can I trust them?

2 replies
Hey all,

I was wondering regarding the self platforms that provide traffic on CPM basis.
Many of them are asking to work on pre-payment.

Is that something I can trust?
Why they don't do Net payment basis?
Is there any way to check their reliability?

#platforms #serve #trust
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    You're asking an impossible question.

    How can you lump all platforms/companies into one meaningful group and ask if you can trust them?

    Yes, you can trust some . . . and no, you can't trust others.

    They are not all the same. If you ask a very general question like this you're going to get very general answers.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author BorisAF
    Thanks Steve
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