Its official! f.iverr's new feature is the most pathetic one to date! Beware resellers!!!

40 replies
f.iverr has come up with a new stupid rule that:

1) you cannot download what you've ordered until you've marked it complete
2) you cannot view a full resolution clear image, again, till you've marked it complete

How the hell are other resellers managing?

What are we supposed to do send a f.iverr watermarked image to our clients? Or just mark it complete without asking for revisions because we can't see what we're marking complete?

The worst part? Theres a very clear message that says that if you mark it complete you can no longer ask for revisions.
Of course sellers on there will disappear if you go back for revisions.

Its bad enough clients take longer than 3 days to get back to us as resellers, by which time the gig is automatically marked as complete.

Customer support proved no help. All they say is they will take it as feedback.

And us? we're supposed to just take this? This hurts our business as resellers.

What are other WF members doing/thinking?
#beware #date #feature #fiverr #official #pathetic #resellers
  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    It means fiverrrrr hates resellers. And maybe those who are reselling on fiverrrrr's competitor sites such as PPH, WF or even freelancer. Who knows?! IMHO.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Fiverr did not start their business to provide cheap stuff for resellers. So you will have to find another source


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author rritz
    I always say you get what you pay for. After fees a fiverr seller gets 4 bucks. So what do you expect to get? If there are no revisions then there are none and that's it.

    Sorry if I use harsh words. I have never resold a fiverr gig. I ordered quite a few and most of them were crap.
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  • Profile picture of the author inyourway
    I do feel for resellers, especially since I've been one myself but honestly, I think it's a step in the right direction. Just as Al said, "Fiverr did not start their business to provide cheap stuff for resellers", and there's tons of others places you can get nifty deals from. Shouldn't take too long to come across a few other services you can use instead.


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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I think it makes sense and I don't think it is "against" resellers. It's telling resellers to run their own business.

      I don't do Fiverer at all - but why should a freelancer on Fiverr have to please both you (the reseller) AND your client...before he gets paid?

      All it means is that resellers will have to put some skin in the game...they spend no time doing the work but they will have to pay for it before they can resell it. Sounds fair to me. Where is it written that resellers should have nothing at risk?
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author b100
        Fiverr sucks anyways. Someone link me to a useful service on there and I will take back what I said.
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        • Profile picture of the author agmccall
          Originally Posted by b100 View Post

          Fiverr sucks anyways. Someone link me to a useful service on there and I will take back what I said.
          But, nobody really cares what you said


          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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      • Profile picture of the author MSutton
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        It's telling resellers to run their own business.
        Reselling is a business and probably the oldest business ever...(well, next to prostitution. )

        That said, if you're dumb enough to sell your services for way below market value, expect resellers to buy from you and resell it for market value. Sell your services at market value and you won't have to deal with resellers.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    This is actually a smart move on Fivver's part. It protects the providers from doing the work, then having the buyer reject it and use the image anyway. They're not targeting resellers at all, they're targeting thieves who steal other people's work. They should've done this a long time ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    I also agree with what others have said: fivver has never based their business model around catering to resellers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    What are other WF members doing/thinking?
    Avoiding Fiverr like the plague.

    For once Fiverr has done something to actually protect sellers. It's about time.

    Arbitrage or "reselling" is a terrible detriment to IM. Many platforms are taking steps to quash it.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    For the life of me, I don't understand why people pay attention to fiverr since they broke their original model.

    Yes, they used to be cheap & crappy, now they are :
    - Expensive (Any good gig offer nothing for $5.50 mostly bunch of crab, or 0 revision so the seller can purposely screw you over and sell you the same gig twice)
    - Manipulative
    - Same Old poor Quality
    - Unprofessional Sellers ( I mean that for at least 95% of the sellers on fiverr )
    - You can actually pay less for many stuff on other freelancer sites including freelancer and upwork

    fiverr got like a billion alternative, while portion of them sucks, there are others who doing a great job providing the same service for half the price and you may actually get a support.

    For those who using fiverr for reseller purpose, you are doing it wrong, mainly because any good service provide who figure it out on fiverr, either move to a real business outside of fiverr, or start bring their prices up pretty well, you have a better chance contracting a full time freelancer and relay on them instead
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Can someone tell me where it is Official or the words about this as there is nothing about it on the web!

    Because how does the OP know this???
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    • Profile picture of the author TheGMa
      Wow. Didn't know that there are so many 5rr haters.

      I've used certain providers on 5rr and have never run into any problems that couldn't be handled with a bit of conversation and a revision.

      As with any service provider, you want to make sure you are dealing with the right person before ordering. I've been given excellent work for $5 by a professional writer over there. Great posts that only require fine tuning. That's a good way to get to know the provider, btw. If you get crap for $5, you'll get crap for higher prices.

      Once I have the contractor I like, I use that person again. I seldom pay $5 anymore and do pay $15 to $20 for artwork, articles, research, and posts; but then, that's about average for a fair to good post anywhere. I have an upcoming gig for around $50 but will probably use our own PayorDie warrior's outfit for that one.

      - Annie
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      • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
        Originally Posted by TheGMa View Post

        Wow. Didn't know that there are so many 5rr haters.

        I've used certain providers on 5rr and have never run into any problems that couldn't be handled with a bit of conversation and a revision.

        As with any service provider, you want to make sure you are dealing with the right person before ordering. I've been given excellent work for $5 by a professional writer over there. Great posts that only require fine tuning. That's a good way to get to know the provider, btw. If you get crap for $5, you'll get crap for higher prices.

        Once I have the contractor I like, I use that person again. I seldom pay $5 anymore and do pay $15 to $20 for artwork, articles, research, and posts; but then, that's about average for a fair to good post anywhere. I have an upcoming gig for around $50 but will probably use our own PayorDie warrior's outfit for that one.

        - Annie
        I use Fivver myself, just not as a reseller. I have a list of providers I know do top notch work, every time. I've gotten everything from ebook covers to whiteboard animations.
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  • Profile picture of the author ydsimple
    Before excepting order you can ask seller via private massage to show work and only after you can approve job done well! Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author nwik
    That's actually a great rule change for Fiverr

    One of the biggest challenges to Fiverr is seller turnover

    People who produce quality graphics/text should be encouraged to stay in the system

    That new rule definitely helps quite a bit.

    Resellers have to manage their clients expectations better and communicate with sellers clearly and effectively.

    Otherwise, they get squeezed.

    That's the way it should be. Get sloppy and you get burned.
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    • Profile picture of the author amaziff
      Interesting information, thanks. But it can be probably expected that they will go further this direction and similar services might react also that way.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Funny, every time a site closes a loophole or takes measures to keep people from exploiting it, there's a howl of rage from the exploiters. And one of the common phrases is "stupid rule".

        The same howlers set up when Adwords stopped allowing direct affiliate links. And when Google devalued links from trashy article directories and gibberish articles.

        Face it. You had a nearly free ride for a long time, selling skills you don't have. The ones I feel for are your clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by terrabethbytes View Post

    And us? we're supposed to just take this? This hurts our business as resellers.

    What are other WF members doing/thinking?
    Trust me, in their eyes, their business is the online thing that matters. What are other WF members doing? The smart ones (like me) is simply offering their services on their own website. Imagine how much more you could charge. $4 would be out the door, because if your marketing is excellent, the people who need your services would be glad to pay more (cause most don't shop around) - as long as your work is of high quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by terrabethbytes View Post

    And us? we're supposed to just take this? This hurts our business as resellers.
    Are you presenting yourself to your clients as a reseller for Fiverr gigs? Or are you presenting yourself as an expert service provider and then hiring out the work to Fiverr gigs and pocketing the difference?

    If it's the former, I feel your pain. If it's the latter, you'll just have to find a different con to run.
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    • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Are you presenting yourself to your clients as a reseller for Fiverr gigs? Or are you presenting yourself as an expert service provider and then hiring out the work to Fiverr gigs and pocketing the difference?

      If it's the former, I feel your pain. If it's the latter, you'll just have to find a different con to run.
      You are aware that design agencies do use freelancers, right? I doubt that when they do, they explicitly notify the customer - "We're not doing X part of the project. We are hiring it out to a freelancer, who's work and price we like, and then we will mark that price up on you." Are they con-people, too?

      Bill Gates sold an operating system that included DOS, yet he did not have a working version. So, he sold it to IBM, and then went out and bought DOS from someone (for like $50,000, I think). Gates sold something he didn't create, didn't tell IBM he didn't create it, and didn't even have a working version when he sold it. That is far more 'deceptive' than the person you are giving crap to. Is Gates a con-man, or smart business man? According to your definition, Gates is a real unethical slimeball, eh?

      I would say using fake identities, as is the norm amongst many people that are 'article & content marketers', is far more a con-job then reselling a service.

      As far as Thatonefiverrguy

      To me that's using someone for their services and profiting from them.
      Welcome to the world of business. This kind of stuff LEGALLY & ETHICALLY occurs all day, everyday, in every country in the world. What the hell do you think Fiverr is doing to you? They are USING YOU FOR YOUR SERVICES AND PROFITING FROM THEM.

      That's Like my Buying Fake Jordan Brand Shoes and Selling them for double the price to someone who is expecting real ones.
      No, it is NOTHING like that. At all.

      If you sell other people's Graphic designs , Your not a Graphic designer your the person who is stealing work (Well your paying for it but stealing potential customers)
      Are you always such a Drama Queen? Calling people thieves who pay you money for services you offer is ridiculous and childish. The fact that YOUR marketing skills are so unsophisticated that you need to rely upon Fiverr to sell graphic work, well, that is YOUR FAULT, not a resellers.

      How much less work would you and other Fiverr providers have gotten over the years without resellers? Resellers help YOU pay your bills. Without them, many of you FiverrFolks would have made less money.

      And Charging Other people double if not triple the price (Which is ripping them off too because they could have gotten it for cheaper)
      It is called, "Buy low, sell high," and it is a MAINSTAY of doing business, in any industry.

      You seem to forget that a 'responsible' reseller actually PROVIDES A VALUABLE SERVICE - project management and navigating the ocean of piss poor graphic/content freelancers pretending they are some type of 'serious freelancer' because they downloaded Adobe Creative Suite for free on a torrent site, signed up to Fiverr, and are presenting themselves as a 'professional graphics designer', when all they are is a dude/dudette with a stolen copy of Adobe Illustrator and have watched a few Youtube videos on how to use it and make logos. Not to mention all of the garbage from Fiverr that is stolen ,copyrighted material, etc., that some of your fellow providers peddle - the thieves are found amongst the Fiverr sellers, not the purchasers of what you FiverrFolk sell.

      And, no, I have never bought anything from Fiverr.

      Managing graphics work takes time, which, in business, is money. A customer of a reseller can spend their valuable time putting together every element of a project, or even just one element, or they can pay someone, a reseller, to take over the fulfillment of needs, and management of it all.

      People BUY CONVENIENCE & TIME, happily, and a reseller, if they are legitimate, sells precisely that.
      One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

      - Seldom Seen Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author RetroCamp
    Fiverr should have done that way earlier, as well as providing some sort of Copyright assessment to sellers, to make sure they are the creators of the stuff they are selling (or at least have the rights to re-sell)...

    We have seen our designs and graphics over there "for sale" or to "produce whiteboard videos" from sellers that did NOT have the rights to do so...

    There are "sellers" who even give away famous software tools for free (pirated copies), and Fiverr does not seems to care at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author EnlighCity
    Originally the hype surrounding fiverr was really big, we could purchase useful gigs all for $5 and that was pretty much the standard for average to moderate quality with whatever you needed done. Sometimes if you found a seller in a country where that $5 translated to an Ok sum of money, you got good or better quality. I have ordered quite a few gigs across fiverr, but I stopped using it when the extra upgrades started going well into +$10, +$20, +$40 per extra. It became cheaper to just go to Upwork and find a freelancer who you could pick from a list of applicants.
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  • Profile picture of the author imihandstand
    Wow, I'm shocked how many people seem to hate Fiverr... In the last few years I spent there about 700 bucks and I was in 90% of the time satisfied.

    However, the 3 days until a gig is being marked as completed is really short.

    And about the watermark: Contact the seller that you need the image without watermark to show it to your client - if the seller trusts you, he will send you the image without watermark.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thatonefiverrguy
      I actually think is a good thing! No offense to Resellers but I always thought that it was kinda messed up to do in the first place! I'm a Fiverr seller and I do fairly well for myself! Fiverr is made for people to sell their services and others to buy , it wasn't created for the purpose of Reselling. To me that's using someone for their services and profiting from them. I know a lot of people do it , And so does Fiverr. That's Like my Buying Fake Jordan Brand Shoes and Selling them for double the price to someone who is expecting real ones. If you sell other people's Graphic designs , Your not a Graphic designer your the person who is stealing work (Well your paying for it but stealing potential customers) And Charging Other people double if not triple the price (Which is ripping them off too because they could have gotten it for cheaper) And that also takes away from the growth of Fiverr because Selling other people's work outside of Fiverr to people that does not know about Fiverr is taking away from potential new Fiverr users. They could simply be told about Fiverr and they would sign up and bring more business to us Fiverr users who actually put in the Real elbow and grease work! So it's a 3-way Rip off!! Im sure your good at something , you can create a Fiverr profile and earn money from your own skills not someone else's. So with that being said GOOOO Fiverr (P.S - Not being mean or Disrespectful just stating my opinion)
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      • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
        I agree with those who said that Fiverr never designed their service for resellers...

        I've often been wondering about the Fiverr arbitrage model. I found it way too risky to do it, so I either create the products myself (and charge accordingly) or hire someone directly to create them. My clients are too valuable to me to risk providing them with substandard work.

        Not that Fiverr work is necessarily substandard. I have gotten excellent work from them. But when it comes to writing, you do usually get what you pay for. And rewriting badly written stuff takes more work than doing it from scratch.

        Anyway, I think the Fiverr reseller market may shrivel up eventually since word about Fiverr has been getting around, so some people I work with now tell me about their "new" discovery... and get things directly (especially graphics etc) from Fiverr.

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  • I always say you get what you pay for
    So, what do you expect to get? If no later versions have not and that's it.

    It's never failed all achallenge

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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin McNally
    Why do Fiverr not offer an automated delivery option for some orders ?

    For example lets say I sell PLR articles after someone buys the gig they should have the option of being redirected to a file or download link immediately.

    This saves me the hassle of logging in just to send a file and avoids orders being delivered late, a win win and good customer experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    People use logos from Fiverr to enter design competitions that pay out at least $200

    $195 not bad, right?

    Well, that 'business model' won't work AS EASILY with the new system at Fiverr

    Thankfully, there's one OBVIOUS loophole with the new system and contest flippers can still make a decent return...
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Wow... I just retired my listing on Fiverr ( after my 400 positive reviews ) , I do wonder how this new change would have made my deliveries go. I do feel that it would have made my earnings higher but it might have also pissed off clients who couldn't see before they approved.

    I think if my listing was still on I would have changed the prices like crazy because of the change.

    VERY happy that fiverr stepped up for hardworking fiverr sellers who don't deliver crap but instead put dedication , love and passion into their service.

    keep moving forward

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Kevin McNally View Post

    Why do Fiverr not offer an automated delivery option for some orders ?

    For example lets say I sell PLR articles after someone buys the gig they should have the option of being redirected to a file or download link immediately.

    This saves me the hassle of logging in just to send a file and avoids orders being delivered late, a win win and good customer experience.
    Weigh that minor hassle against what happens when the download link is shared among a group of "resellers" who then make money from your work without the hassle of paying you...
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  • Profile picture of the author davejarvys
    I wonder how many resellers bother to check out the legality of what they are doing.

    Just because you buy an image off someone on fiver doesn't mean you own the copyright or can legally resell it.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    I don't really see how it's going to hurt resellers that much. Most resellers have to go through several Fiverr sellers to find ones they like anyway, so this is not really a big obstacle and I don't see how it's going to "destroy" resellers at all.

    Once a reseller gets a bunch of providers they know and trust, then they know that the work is going to be good and they also should have some kind of a business relationship with the provider by then, and the provider is going to want to keep them happy, so I don't see why this is a big ordeal. If you have a good working relationship with your providers, all you need to do is send them a message and ask them to do a revision for you if you don't like what they have delivered the first time.

    While I don't use this business model, I don't see it as a "detriment" to IM at all. It's a practice that has been going on since the very first entrepreneur opened the very first business. You try to get a quality for as cheap as you can and you sell it for as much as you can. Common sense business.

    Also, Fiverr is not the be all and end all of places where you can get good quality work done cheap. Actually, with all of the raises in prices that have gone on over there in the past year or two, I think Fiverr is probably more expensive than a lot of freelancing sites. They should definitely come up with a new name, because you cannot get anything for $5 there anymore. Even if you do find a $5 Gig, they slap you with a .50 "service charge," so you are still paying $5.50 and not $5. There is a difference, even if Fiverr would like to ignore that fact.

    BTW, I have been using a site called SEO Clerks for all of my articles and other minor outsourcing, and there are lots of quality providers there who would gladly give you higher quality work for a lot less than you would pay on Fiverr-Fifty, err, I mean Fiverr.

    The initial concept Fiverr had was awesome. Now it's become polluted with a never ending supply of Fiverr info products that preach all of these "loopholes" and "shortcuts," and talk about how easy it is to make money on Fiverr. If only that were true. The competition on Fiverr is fierce, and it's only getting worse every day.

    My advice would be to set up your own website and sell your services from there. You'll make more money per job and you'll have much more control.
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  • Profile picture of the author ANDREIS
    I understand that there are very bad examples of reselling but why would reselling by default be something bad? If resellers can find customers for their services then why is that a problem? Reselling is a common way of doing business in many markets and industries.
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by ANDREIS View Post

      I understand that there are very bad examples of reselling but why would reselling by default be something bad? If resellers can find customers for their services then why is that a problem? Reselling is a common way of doing business in many markets and industries.
      It's not a bad thing at all. It's a business practice that occurs in just about every single market and has been going on since the very first sale occurred in the very first "retail" outlet (whenever that was - maybe a caveman opened a tool shop ).

      I think some people see it as a bad thing because like most things in this world, there are a few bad actors that ruin it for the majority.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    This isn't about "reselling" as such. There is nothing wrong with reselling - it's done all over the marketplace online and offline.

    This is about taking orders - filling them by ordering on Fiverr - and then delaying payment to the Fiverr provider until YOUR client accepts/pays for the order. It's not fair to Fiverr sellers to have to wait for you to get your client's feedback or acceptance. It's not fair to Fiverr sellers to wait until YOU (as the reseller) get paid.

    Your client is not the Fiverr provider's problem - YOU are his client and he wants to be paid before you can use his work. Not asking too much at all.

    Fiverr doesn't issue a lot of new rules so this tells me slow or non-payment by resellers has become a problem on the site.

    That's how I see this new rule.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Christopher Fox View Post

    You are aware that design agencies do use freelancers, right? I doubt that when they do, they explicitly notify the customer - "We're not doing X part of the project. We are hiring it out to a freelancer, who's work and price we like, and then we will mark that price up on you." Are they con-people, too?
    Seems I struck a nerve. Not the first time with us, is it?

    I may have overreacted to the OP's whining about a rule change that, as Kay explained it, protects the actual provider.

    Legitimate agencies use freelancers. The con artists and exploiters I was mad at abuse them.

    Originally Posted by Christopher Fox View Post

    Bill Gates sold an operating system that included DOS, yet he did not have a working version. So, he sold it to IBM, and then went out and bought DOS from someone (for like $50,000, I think). Gates sold something he didn't create, didn't tell IBM he didn't create it, and didn't even have a working version when he sold it. That is far more 'deceptive' than the person you are giving crap to. Is Gates a con-man, or smart business man? According to your definition, Gates is a real unethical slimeball, eh?
    Don't try to convince me that Gates was a choirboy genius when he started out. He got lucky, selling something he didn't own. Had the owners of DOS or the executives at IBM been a bit smarter, Gates would have been left holding his dick facing a breach of contract suit instead of making billions.

    Originally Posted by Christopher Fox View Post

    I would say using fake identities, as is the norm amongst many people that are 'article & content marketers', is far more a con-job then reselling a service.
    Depends on the fake identity, or rather the reason for it. As an example, if a writer published both children's books and erotica, using two identities makes sense. Same way an ethical agency hiring (and paying) a freelancer for something they can't do for whatever reason is different from leaving the freelancer on the hook until the less-ethical agency gets paid.

    On the other hand, using a fake identity (like leading one to believe the writer is a doctor, lawyer or other authority/expert) to fool the readers is a con-job and should be abolished.

    There was a recent case here in my part of Florida. A young man (18 or 19, as I recall) bought a phony doctorate from an online university and started billing himself as Dr. X. Then he opened a clinic and started practicing medicine, seeing patients. When he was arrested, he told police that because of his online degree, he had the legal right to call himself "Doctor", and that he never actually told anyone he was an MD. Just because he called his office a "clinic" and operated with a stethoscope around his neck and a white lab coat, it wasn't his fault people thought he was a medical doctor.

    I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.
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    • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Seems I struck a nerve. Not the first time with us, is it?
      Hardly, John. Just pointing out you calling legitmate, legal and ethical business models cons, is all. No reseller is under obligation to disclose where they source their work.

      I may have overreacted to the OP's whining about a rule change that, as Kay explained it, protects the actual provider.
      My point, so don't get all worked up about it, mmmkay ...

      Don't try to convince me that Gates was a choirboy genius when he started out. He got lucky, selling something he didn't own. Had the owners of DOS or the executives at IBM been a bit smarter, Gates would have been left holding his dick facing a breach of contract suit instead of making billions.
      Would've, could've, should've. He took a risk. Maybe didn't lie, but withheld the truth. And it paid off. Big time. And by your definition, that makes him a con man, I suppose.

      And you know what John, this goes on in businesses across the globe, everyday, what Gates did, and when it succeeds, those people are praised as smart business people.

      Depends on the fake identity, or rather the reason for it. As an example, if a writer published both children's books and erotica, using two identities makes sense.
      Struck too close to home, did I? Lol. You are talking about authors. Pen names in that arena are well established, and well accepted, and nobody feels CHEATED OR LIED to because the author of a fiction book used a pen name. I'm talking about affiliate marketeers doing this, and calling it a pen name, when it is MOST OFTEN done to hide the fact that the affiliate marketer is ONLY a Google expert on the subject, which does NOT inspire consumer confidence, so aff marketers lie and create fake identities SOLELY to gain that confidence, in most of the cases I have seen. Uhl admits this, flat-out, including his 'misleading' of his actual lack of expertise via article marketing.

      I'm actually on the fence about the ethics of it all, John, but I really don't see people bringing up that issue about 'pen names' and why aff mrktrs REALLY use them - the subject is whitewashed, so I do bring it up.

      This is about you calling someone a con person for buying as low as they can, and then selling as high as they can, which is pretty much what EVERY business tries to do. Don't make it into something it is not, and your acknowledgement of 'overreacting' is appreciated on my part (I'm not being condescending - I mean that), for we all do that at times, including myself ...
      One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

      - Seldom Seen Smith
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