The 8 Reasons why I make good money online and you don't...

by morry
59 replies
I've been around this little world of ours for a few years now. And while I don't claim to be the greatest ever expert on internet marketing, I've been full time for a couple of years, so I feel qualified to teach other people how to do it.

And in the few years I've been involved with this stuff, I've seen loads of people come and go. For every person that "makes it", there's another 100+ who never get anywhere. They might start off enthusiastic, but after 6 months and no real results, they give up, never to be seen again.

So, newbies, pay attention. Here are what I consider to be the 8 reasons why I'm making good money online and you aren't. If you've been struggling to get off the ground, hopefully you'll learn something here.

1. Get your head right

I'm a big believer in getting your head right. I'm not a fan of the airy fairy "manifestation" stuff everyone seems to be spouting though. While everything that you create is a result of your thoughts, it's not that easy.

Sitting on your bed visualising your ferrari won't magically make one appear. But it might get you thinking about things you can do to get that ferrari. And sure, your first 9/10 attempts will probably fail, but eventually you'll get one right and you'll be closer to your ferrari or whatever you're after.

Basically, without getting your head right, you're in trouble. However, I don't know of any magical pill that can get it right for you. It's something that happens over time. For example, I didn't actually believe this stuff was real.

It wasn't until I got my first Clickbank cheque of $161 that my brain suddenly went "Holy ****, this stuff is real. Get your act together so we can make more money". And that's what I did.

I could write an entire book on this stuff (and probably will one day) but basically, focus on the action stuff and your mind will gradually change. Action is way more effective than meditation for this stuff.

If you need a kickstart though, something to overcome that initial inertia, just focus on your goal, whatever that may be. Keep that in mind and you'll slowly work your way towards it. Don't think that you'll magically wake up with your goal though, it doesn't work like that. But thinking about your goal will cause you to feel desire, which should get you off your backside and doing stuff. This isn't new, Napoleon Hill was talking about it a long time ago...

2. Get a real mentor and avoid the parrots

It took me a while to get things off the ground. I floundered around at the start, not really knowing what to do. Meanwhile I was trying a million things at once and I wasn't really doing that well at any of them.

It wasn't until I got a mentor that things really started looking up. As well as giving me a more solid direction to head in, the biggest thing he gave me was hope. I felt that with him on my side, I'd achieve my goals a lot quicker. And I did.

The first time I made more money online than I did at my job (factory worker, not fun) was a few weeks after I started following my mentors advice. It felt pretty awesome walking into work that day knowing I'd already made more in my sleep than I would standing at a conveyor belt for 12 hours...

But how do you find a mentor? Well, it is a bit hit and miss. I think I was pretty lucky to get my mentor. But there are a few things you can do to improve the odds. Firstly, you need to figure out who your mentor should be.

And you should only be looking for someone who has successfully done what you are trying to do. There are way too many people following "mentors" that really have no idea what they're talking about (but more on parrots later).

If you want to make $5000 a month selling info products, find someone who's done that. If you want to make $10000 a month selling supplements, find someone who's done that. And so on.

Once you've figured that out, go and find a whole bunch of people who would qualify as your mentor. Then, be prepared to pay them some money. Sure, successful people love to take on mentees, but the people you want are usually too busy to deal with time wasters.

And until they know otherwise, you are a timewaster. I get emails all the time from people who want to be my apprentice. And while I do work with a few people, I only accept people who can pay me a ton of cash up front.

And it's not because I'm greedy. It's because I don't want to deal with time wasters and neither does anyone who's doing well online. I've tried coaching people for free before and only one person has ever done really well.

Sure, you'll find some people who will take you on for free, but they're rare and you have to prove to them that you're not a time waster. This can be hard when you are starting out.

And I should mention, when I say find a mentor, I'm talking about someone who will work with you one on one. I'm not talking about someone who'll send you a "coaching" video every week.

While information is great, that's not a mentorship.

Also, avoid the parrots. Who are the parrots? They're people who've read an ebook or watched some videos and now think they're ready to start teaching other people how to make money online.

While I have nothing against these people (hey, we've all gotta make an income somehow), they're not the people I'd want mentoring me. I only want to deal with people who've done what I want to do.

So find yourself a mentor and avoid the parrots.

3. Start developing your skills

Unless you were born with internet marketing skills, you've got a lot of stuff to learn. Marketing, sales, business, management and so on. And you'll never stop learning this stuff. So start now.

Get your head around PPC, figure out how SEO works. And I'm not talking about the latest and greatest "PPC System". I'm talking about how PPC works. If you can figure out how to use PPC, you can figure out how to use it for your specific business.

While money making systems are great when you're a newbie, you'll eventually have to create a solid asset. But more on this in a few points time.

Buy books, buy courses, keep browsing forums like this. It doesn't really matter how you go about it, but you've gotta keep learning stuff.

4. Learn from your mistakes

If you're going to do this, you're going to screw up. Lots of times. I've screwed up so many times, but after each screw up, I learn another lesson and just move on. I don't get all upset (well sometimes I do, but I quickly get over it) and quit.

And I still make mistakes. And I always will. And so will you. Don't get too stressed as each mistake is one step closer to your goal. Just keep that goal in mind and you'll be on your way.

Sometimes it will feel like you're going in circles (and if you're not taking notice of the feedback, this could happen) but if you can ask yourself what went wrong and what you could've done to improve things, you'll get closer.

This stuff takes work, anyone who says otherwise is probably selling their "Million Dollars overnight" package. Ok, enough about this point, I think it's pretty common sense.

5. Just do stuff

Far too many people get "paralysis by analysis". And it's easy to get caught in this trap. When you're new and you lack the confidence about what to do, fear can take over and you worry about screwing up.

Get over it and just do something. The best student I've had is a guy who just does stuff. I'd teach him something, then the next day he'd put it into action. Sure, he screwed up. But I corrected him and he went on to the next step.

Most people spend way too long on little things like their hosting company. They research, they go into forums and ask questions and a month later they haven't even got their hosting sorted.

You need to get a lot of things done in this game and if it takes you a month to make a small decision, you're gonna be in trouble. I'm not saying to act without any thought whatsoever, but you need to be decisive.

Remember, you're going to screw up, so don't stress about making mistakes. Just get out there and do stuff and you'll get to where you want to go a lot quicker. The quicker you can get feedback the better.

6. Work towards building a business

One huge problem I see is that people are far too concerned with developing a "money maker", rather than a real business. And while this is fine when you're starting, you have to be thinking that you'll eventually need to build something solid.

When I was getting started, I knew nothing about business. So someone telling me to go and build a salable business would've been useless. I needed to start with some money makers and chances are most of the newbies here do too.

But if you never graduate to building something solid, your success will be limited. You can make money with money makers in the short term, but sooner or later they fall apart. So if you don't know anything about business, that's fine, but at least start thinking about it.

7. Stop caring what others think of you

This is also huge. If you care about the opinions of others too much, you'll be paralysed by fear whenever you go to do something. Your brain will entertain thoughts of people making fun of you and so on.

But if you want to do well, you've gotta try and get over this. I'll admit, it's not easy. And we all care about others opinions of us to a certain degree, just work at making it less and less important to you.

I'm sure most people will have positive things to say about this post, but I'm also sure some people will have something negative to say. But if I got worried about that stuff, I'd never do anything in my business and I'd still be working at that damn factory.

So next time you do something and that fear of embarrassment creeps in, just move on regardless. If you can make a habit of this, you'll be much better off in the long run. You'll also be able to lead a life where you're not constantly trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Go and read Fountainhead by Ayn Rand if you want a good read about this stuff.

8. Deliver Value

Last, but not least is deliver value. If you want to make money, you've gotta understand what money is. It's just a medium of exchange. People exchange money (one form of value) for a good (another form of value) because they value the good more than the money.

So focus on delivering stuff that people value. I've seen a lot of people come out and confuse this with helping people. But I don't really like thinking of it like this because what you think is helping someone might be different to what they think is help.

If you see a drug addict, you might want to help them by getting off drugs. I'm sure most of us would agree this is a good thing. But that probably has less value to them than the drugs they're buying, since they're spending their money on drugs. So if you wanted to tap into the cash of drug addicts, you'd be better off selling them drugs than rehab (from a purely financial point of view, I'm not talking about ethics here).

So it's not about what you think is valuable, it's about what your prospects think is valuable. Figure out what people want (or what they WOULD want) and give it to them. Simple, but it works.

Ok, so I'm done. That's the longest post I've ever written here or any other forum I post on, so let me know what you think. Please don't email me about getting coaching for free. While I'd love to coach every newbie on the planet for free, time just doesn't work like that.
Have fun and I hope that helps!

Sean Morrissy
#good #make #money #online #reasons
  • Profile picture of the author sp2009
    Excellent advice Sean!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Chua
    Thanks for your post. It would only need hardwork and open-mindedness to learn more and succeed. I agree to how a person should pursue his dream no matter what.
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  • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
    Nice post, one day I will get around to reading the whole thing. But seriously, I think you really hit the nail on the head, most of those things where what was holding me back for a long time.

    The only thing that I would add, (and if it is there and I missed it I'm sorry) is to focus. I dabbled way too long, it wasn't until I really just picked on thing and focused on that one thing that I started to make progress.

    See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Sean - great website in your sig. Great post also. Hey, did you guys know that Sean is the sexiest guy in Australia
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  • Profile picture of the author edmltw
    I appreciate the advice..

    I myself am starting out within the market. So far i have a negative budget. haha.. So i was like, what? I rather spend the money on a mentor..

    Anyone willing to take in a mentee? XD

    *promise to work hard!!*


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  • Profile picture of the author cheesy
    Some really good advice here, ill have to keep checking back every once and a while to check if im doing everything right
    Thanks for the detailed post.
    *NEW* Automatic Social Bookmarking Sofware? coming-soon Q3...
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    • Profile picture of the author TravisVOX
      Good post, great read...
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  • Profile picture of the author chateauRedunet
    Thank you, Morry.
    A book could literally be written with each point as the title. Probably has already.

    I really enjoyed point 8, deliver value. For decades, in both sales and customer service, I have attended seminars, meetings, etc that focus on "exceeding customer expectations." Of course the corollary is that one must have some idea of customer expectations in order to exceed those expectations!

    I guess I attended so many seminars that something must have struck a chord in the very deepest recesses of my being. Delivering value is the only way that a business (point 6) can succeed long-term.

    Thank you very much!
    all the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    Hello Sean,

    I enjoyed you post and it does have quality information

    Really appreciate your time and effort into creating this post

    All the Best
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Nice tips - shame about the patronizing headline.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Brilliant post.

    The biggest one is ACTION. Too many people "talk" and do nothing.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author patman3d
      That was a great post. I agree with raomone that the important one is action. Without action it seeems I'm still just sitting here.

      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Brilliant post.

      The biggest one is ACTION. Too many people "talk" and do nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Fantastic post. Especially the just do stuff bit.

    I know so many people who want all the lights to be green before they start their road trip in business. Best way to fail is not trying.

    Thanks for taking the time to share.
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  • Profile picture of the author isler45
    Thanks for the advice. I'll look for more info at your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author avani
    Awesome advice! I'm so glad you shared it, thank you

    I think some additional tips on how to distinguish the parrots from the more experienced guys would come in handy. I was planning a post myself on a checklist of things that might hint at the possibility that a service/product is fraudulent or not top-notch... generally, stuff that a newbie should watch out for. I should get to it soon (I'm afraid I am a top-class procrastinator!).

    However, I can only point out common-sense stuff, will be nice to see someone like yourself do a more comprehensive listing. (Not to say your present post is lacking in any way - I loved it and I'm completely grateful that you put this advice together!)

    [Off-topic] I noticed that the "Six Day Weekend Apprenticeship Program" video at your site (yep, just signed up - great info out there) does not really play a video as far as I can see... it would be really nice to have a transcript to go with it. Just a small nit, and sorry to bring it up here, was unsure about sending you a PM.
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    • Profile picture of the author morry
      Originally Posted by Chris Thompson View Post

      Sean - great website in your sig. Great post also. Hey, did you guys know that Sean is the sexiest guy in Australia
      That's right. Google has figured it out, I'm just waiting for the rest of the world to catch on

      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      "Go and read Fountainhead by Ayn Rand if you want a good read about this stuff."

      But be careful - her books are addictive. Once I'd read 2 or 3 I ended up buying everyone I ever saw for years afterwards.
      Yep, once you read a couple your life won't be the same. It will also take a long time. I read a lot and it still took me about a month to finish Atlas Shrugged.

      Originally Posted by avani View Post

      Awesome advice! I'm so glad you shared it, thank you

      I think some additional tips on how to distinguish the parrots from the more experienced guys would come in handy. I was planning a post myself on a checklist of things that might hint at the possibility that a service/product is fraudulent or not top-notch... generally, stuff that a newbie should watch out for. I should get to it soon (I'm afraid I am a top-class procrastinator!).
      I think parrot spotting comes with experience. If you're new, you can't tell who is legit and who is full of it. One way to test people is to ask them why they say the things they say. Some people will defend points really hard, but they have no idea why they do so (except to say that So n So said it).

      The legit people will be able to give you reasons why they support a certain thing. Maybe it comes from experience, maybe they just have a deeper understanding of the whole thing.

      Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, I don't bite

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  • Profile picture of the author crissanteiro
    Another great post. I can't say enough about this forum. It really rocks. I love the information and honesty that I get here. I have a lot of respect for many people here that in a way "mentor" us just by their great advice.

    Thanks to all of you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    "Go and read Fountainhead by Ayn Rand if you want a good read about this stuff."

    But be careful - her books are addictive. Once I'd read 2 or 3 I ended up buying everyone I ever saw for years afterwards.

    nothing to see here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1110059].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      "Go and read Fountainhead by Ayn Rand if you want a good read about this stuff."

      But be careful - her books are addictive. Once I'd read 2 or 3 I ended up buying everyone I ever saw for years afterwards.
      I second that.

      I'm surprised that they're still permitted in the UK Andy. They're not exactly consistent with a lot of "progressive" social agendas.
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  • Profile picture of the author teamwildjoker
    Excellent Post...Value is hard to come by and you provided it in this article.
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  • Profile picture of the author K1
    Awesome Posts. I've also been doing IM for a few years, although I make a few thousand a month, I'd be making more with a job still, but a job wouldn't allow the freedom that I currently have doing IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Looks like a nice post but I didn't read it because it is too long and I am here for only 5 minutes .

    Anyway I bookmarked it and will come back to it. Thanks for the contribution.


    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author Todd Sampson
      Great post. You hit the nail right on the head.

      I think #1 is the most important point. I have recently come to the realization that this is what is holding me back and have been working on getting my head in the right place. I agree with you that there is no quick and easy fix for this.

      I think most of us have been programmed from a young age that we go to work at a job for 8 hours a day and someone gives us $x.xx for each hour. Breaking out of this programming takes some work.

      I think writing down your goals and looking at them every day helps you start getting into the right frame of mind. It is no easy task, especially because other people around you will try to re-enforce the 9 to 5 programming that we have running in our brains. Just ignore them and keep working at it and you will eventually get there.

      -Todd Sampson
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  • Profile picture of the author Amy Carczak
    One thing I did to stay on track was to go public with my efforts. I started doing my 1st business and then started a blog to talk about it.

    This is a motivational tactic I picked up from one of my corporate (last job) training sessions. If you go on a diet, talk about it with friends and family and state your goal. That makes it a lot harder to quit because you know that everyone will ask you how you're doing, if you made you're goal, etc.

    When you keep it a secret, then it's too easy to quit when things get tough.

    The other is to write your goal down. My goal was to earn $100 a day and I worked my butt off to get there. I will admit that I wanted to quit a number of times but by going public, it really forced me to stick with it.

    Try it ...start a blog or at least write your goals down.

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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Hey Morry, I loved your post! I just joined 6 day weekend! Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author CaribbeanDream
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
      Number 8 has a lot of truth to it. Thanks for the post.
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  • Profile picture of the author captainDyl
    Great read. Procrastination is a motherflipper!
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  • great post, especially the parts about just doing something. That's the biggest problem I find with clients and friends is that they wonder "well do I do this or this or this?" Well, whatever you want, just put a REAL effort into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    2. Get a real mentor and avoid the parrots

    And while I do work with a few people, I only accept people who can pay me a ton of cash up front.

    And it's not because I'm greedy. It's because I don't want to deal with time wasters and neither does anyone who's doing well on line.
    and would it a be a person with all but $200 to his name and the desire of a lion king to succeed or a playboy throwing $ at the next sparkly toy akin to a child tossing aside one toy for the newest one that would make a greater apprentice ?

    enjoyed your post, thanks
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Keith
      Sweet post.

      #8 is the most important to me on that list. If you can search you brain for something you know you can deliver to a market that is of massive value to that market, you will always be successful.

      Find a need, want, or intense curiousity, and satisfy it as best as you possibly can.
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      • Profile picture of the author morry
        Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

        and would it a be a person with all but $200 to his name and the desire of a lion king to succeed or a playboy throwing $ at the next sparkly toy akin to a child tossing aside one toy for the newest one that would make a greater apprentice ?

        enjoyed your post, thanks
        That's a good point, but I've had my time wasted so often by people who I've helped for free. I'm yet to have anyone who's given me money waste my time (or theirs).

        Originally Posted by vest007 View Post

        Well... if you live in the US, then you can earn big $$$$.... else it will b impossible.
        Not true. I don't live in the US and I'm doing ok. I know of plenty of other non-US people who are doing well, so don't use this as an excuse. As long as you don't live in Afghanistan or Nigeria you should be fine.

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        • Profile picture of the author warfore
          Great post! I'm approaching my one year anniversary in IM an the income is slow but increasing. The key lessons of building traffic, linkbuilding, list building are starting to sink in. It definitely is not for those expecting immediate riches.



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  • Number six is great advice. You won't make any money at all until you learn to approach it as a real business.

    Thanks for the inspirational post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gabriel_C
    Yeah um, so where can people find a mentor ???
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  • Profile picture of the author markshields
    Absolutely amazing post that words just could not describe and invaluable information for someone struggling at the moment and there is many like that

    All My Secret Strategies Exposed -

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  • Profile picture of the author alucard001
    Yes, I totally agree with you.

    Especially I like this point:

    7. Stop caring what others think of you

    Maybe sometime I also feel stress, disappointed and depress with "No result" on what I did, and people may not understand, or even do not believe what you did.

    But, I will prove it to them.

    Thank you for your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author chengnuomima
    thank you,Great post. You hit the nail right on the head.
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  • Profile picture of the author tamal
    A million dollar advise.We should remember that impossible is nothing.The main thing is that we should act immediately on what ever we think upon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kappa
    #8 really resonates with me, being aware of what people buy online and why they buy it has gotten me pretty far in a shorter amount of time. Thanks for the insight!

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  • Profile picture of the author bettersocial
    I'll agree with you on all these points except one - Fountainhead is a terrible, terrible book
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  • Profile picture of the author kayanl
    Great post. Just the kick in the butt I needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author ha_squared
    Great post. I think the biggest problem for newbies who want to make money online is that they believe there's some way to get rich quick. Maybe it's because marketers sell products that tell them they can. Patience is a virtue, but such a hard one to follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRealDomainer
    Believe in your ability, find your passion and work with it to make money
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  • Profile picture of the author peetred
    I really enjoyed your post

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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    This is great. If utilized, it can turn a newbie into a superstar.
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  • Looks like you have just got it all figured out.
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  • Profile picture of the author itcoll
    excellent post.One thing that has made me money was once when i converted all my thoughts into action.So people who just dream about making money must take action if they really want to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorMaster
    A fantastic post, this is so true. When I read the part about coaching I thought wow this dude needs to be my mentor haha.
    Anyway I won't ask for free mentoring.

    Take care
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    • Profile picture of the author morry
      Originally Posted by Gabriel_C View Post

      Yeah um, so where can people find a mentor ???
      It's not always easy. But first find a bunch of people who could be your mentor, then try and figure out if there's a way to get them to mentor you. Depending on who these people are, you might find it easy or hard. Getting Donald Trump to mentor you is probably a bit harder than getting me for example.

      It might take you a while, but when you get a good one, it will be worth it. So just start approaching people, the worst thing that can happen is that they say no.

      Originally Posted by sashas View Post

      I'll agree with you on all these points except one - Fountainhead is a terrible, terrible book
      What didn't you like about the Fountainhead?
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  • Profile picture of the author The IM Prodigy
    That is quite a post!

    You make some very good points!
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  • Profile picture of the author kkrueger
    Thanks Sean for your post. It's so true! It takes a lot of self-discipline to keep yourself on track.
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  • Profile picture of the author KPKP
    Nice post. I particularly like the part about delivering value. Well done.
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  • Profile picture of the author feixia913
    Wow, such valuable information! Thanks, morry.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis-White
    Great post great read thanks mate, I would agree everything starts within the mind. You must develop the power of the mind to accomplish anything and especially internet marketing. Because you have to be a self starter and learn from your mistakes yet not be afraid to try new things and fail and learn. Network ask around don't be afraid to expand your business.

    Affiliate Marketer, business builder and Content Creator >Grab My FREE Internet Marketing Profits Book Here<

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    • Profile picture of the author morry
      Originally Posted by kkrueger View Post

      Thanks Sean for your post. It's so true! It takes a lot of self-discipline to keep yourself on track.
      Thanks Karen, how's your business going?

      Originally Posted by Dennis-White View Post

      Great post great read thanks mate, I would agree everything starts within the mind. You must develop the power of the mind to accomplish anything and especially internet marketing. Because you have to be a self starter and learn from your mistakes yet not be afraid to try new things and fail and learn. Network ask around don't be afraid to expand your business.
      Yep, spot on Dennis.
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  • Great Post and good advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author akoni
    hi! just read your post, i can very well relate to this right now, it inspires me and those you mentioned is what i exactly feel now. thank you for this, it surely has gave me inspiration to pursue the things i'm doing even if i feel like i'm about to give up. great post!

    no sig for me

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  • Profile picture of the author GFox
    Beautiful post. I must say that I have used most of these points over the years to build various businesses, and they do work. Thanks Sean!
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