Totally Stuck, need advice
Started with internet in 2003, then went to offline job, crashed in 2010 and got a physical disability.
Made some contract jobs, traded some stuff, 01/2016 started a niche web business directory with clear vision how to succeed in a year, but now totally stuck: no income for almost a year, have good knowledge on simple seo and web site design, tried reselling solo ads, tried fiverr, nothing happens.
Have decent knowledge in sales - squeeze pages, list building, graphics design, traffic wholesale, facebook group mass posting (have slacksocial active)..
Can you advice someone to follow or to ask for coaching? just to learn how to make some tiny daily income - to stop worrying phone bills and hosting and domains payments every month..
Thanks, folks!
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Emzi | I am a Digital Marketing and WordPress Enthusiast.
I love solving problems and creating solutions.
I build WordPress Websites (Click this to go to offers for Warriors).
I also provide White Label Services for WordPress.
Resources I use: For Email Marketing,
For Building Websites. My Warrior Profile.