Totally Stuck, need advice

15 replies
Hi all!

Started with internet in 2003, then went to offline job, crashed in 2010 and got a physical disability.

Made some contract jobs, traded some stuff, 01/2016 started a niche web business directory with clear vision how to succeed in a year, but now totally stuck: no income for almost a year, have good knowledge on simple seo and web site design, tried reselling solo ads, tried fiverr, nothing happens.

Have decent knowledge in sales - squeeze pages, list building, graphics design, traffic wholesale, facebook group mass posting (have slacksocial active)..

Can you advice someone to follow or to ask for coaching? just to learn how to make some tiny daily income - to stop worrying phone bills and hosting and domains payments every month..

Thanks, folks!
#advice #money making #stuck #totally
  • Profile picture of the author ANDREIS
    I wrote this text in reply to some other wannabe internet marketer's question but I think it may help you too. So here it is:

    Money online can be made in one of the following ways:

    - creating a product and then selling it
    - becoming an affiliate and then promoting other people's products
    - creating a viral content and attracting lots and lots of people to your website
    - buying websites and selling them for profit

    What do you want to focus on? Before you decide think how you intend to attract people because that will tell you a lot about what you wanna do.

    In order to get traffic you can:

    - use paid advertising (PPC or solo ads) - quick but requires you to spend money
    - SEO - slow and requires work but free
    - create interesting viral stuff and distribute it fast all around the FB and other social networks

    What do you want?

    Not every way of making money is suitable for every type of person. I personally like affiliate marketing, most notably Amazon, that's where I make money. Other people are good at creating their own products, some people are good at viral content.

    Making money online is all about finding a very concrete way of making few dollars online and then multiplying it!

    Every way of earning money online has its rules. You must enjoy the rules of that specific way of making money if you want to be persistent and have fun. Otherwise it will all be just hard work.

    I suggest you find 5 ways of making money online. Do a proper research on what each model will require in order to be a success. The one that you see as a sweet chalenge for yourself and you feel like you would be very, very happy to see it happen - go for it.

    You must enjoy that way of making money you choose. I still remember when I made first 2$ on Amazon. I realized I could multiply and make more. I was so happy. I still have that feeling when I put something on the net which I know will add few dollars to my account..

    You need that feeling of earning money with something...then just work and multiply!

    In order to make money online you always need to give people what they want. People who play games - give them interesting games related offers. People who like health? Give them health products! Where are those people? They are on Google or Bing or Yahoo! Where else? They are on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram! Where else? They are on very popular blogs and websites! You need to jump in front of them and give them what they want!

    You think this sounds good but you don't believe it? Listen, how am I making money? I know that so many people go to Google every day. I know they are researching some products. If my website is in front of them when they do a search for a product and I'm giving them info they need - some will buy and I will make money. Go where people are on the net and give them what they need! Give them what they really need and you will last! Want another example?

    This forum attracts lots of people who want to make money online? I've been online for the last 10 years and making some money. How can I make more money? I can show people who don't know how to put something online and earn money how to do it! People will rather pay me to show them how to do it than spend couple of years losing nerves while trying and going up and down. You see? If you put in front of the people what they need and you really give them what they can use - you will make money!

    Make a plan! Make sure you have that feeling of happines with the way of making money you intend to pursue! Take action! Earn some money. Multiply. It can be done but you need to find that small way of making money that you can grow bigger and bigger.
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    • Profile picture of the author Harry Exper
      Originally Posted by ANDREIS View Post

      In order to make money online you always need to give people what they want. People who play games - give them interesting games related offers. People who like health? Give them health products! Where are those people? They are on Google or Bing or Yahoo! Where else? They are on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram! Where else? They are on very popular blogs and websites! You need to jump in front of them and give them what they want!
      I just copied this portion of your post to my warriorforum note. It is a true summary of what we do as internet marketers. I sure will use it for advising someone about internet marketing in the future.

      Your entire post was an epic advice.
      Get Your Facebook ad, Google ad, Solo ad, Landing page copy and Sales copy written for you by Fiverr Ad Writing Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Aseto
    What are you selling?

    What is your strategy in selling what it is that you are trying to sell?
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Mayers
    Hey theappchief!

    Appreciate your post. It sounds like you've been through quite a bit when it comes to making money online and I can relate myself.

    Currently, I am an email marketer but I also am in quite a few revenue sharing programs that are legit and paying out daily.

    I would recommend getting started in a couple revenue share programs to get a bunch of income streams working for you at once and over time, you will build up a nice income that will allow you to pay your bills, hosting and domain payments with ease.

    If you'd like, feel free to PM me and I can tell you more, or feel free to click my signature link on how to get started :-)

    Take good care and talk soon!

    -Nazir Yahshua (Joshua)
    Learn How This Simple System Can Generate UNLIMITED $25, $100 and $300 Payments Directly Into Your CashApp Account Using Nothing But Your Cellphone. . .
    ~ ~
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  • Profile picture of the author scott m harvey
    The quickest way that I can think of to start bringing money in is Amazon kindle marketing. You'll start to see a financial trickle, but unless you really commit to it, you're not going to see enough flowing in to pay your bills (like with anything I guess!).
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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickTaylor1
    There's so many directions you can go online that you can get pulled in a million different directions and never make money.

    Here's my two cents on the subject:

    1) You need a very specific niches and a very specific goal.

    2) People make money for 2 things and 2 things only: a) selling a product; or b) selling a service. You have to determine what that is and focus on promoting it.

    3) You need to determine if there is a market for your product or service and once you have determined that there is, you are going to need to invest in PAID traffic. Why paid? Because you cannot scale up free traffic. Once you know something works, you want to scale it up in a huge way.

    I focus on doing only three things every day. I cannot do everything. I had to find a way that made money, systemize it, and work it every day.

    Hope that's helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author theappchief
    Thanks for all the answers. I guess the closest thing to my interests in which I've almost succeded was CPA traffic arbitrage.
    I tried ppv, search ppc, social ppv/ppc as traffic sources. Max return I've got was about ~65% of invested money.

    Tried pay per signup game offers, cps offers, never got conversions in niches I'm interested personally - financial, mmo, business, franchises, so left that experiments and achieved money-loss-fear experiencing on testing offer stage..
    Offering Ultra Responsive Laser Targeted Solo Ads
    T1 80%+, Opt-in up to 60%, dd/mob from 50/50 to 100/0, satisfaction guaranteed!

    PM me here to start your sales NOW or Mart1ce@facebook
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10604089].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PatrickTaylor1
      Originally Posted by theappchief View Post

      Thanks for all the answers. I guess the closest thing to my interests in which I've almost succeded was CPA traffic arbitrage.
      I tried ppv, search ppc, social ppv/ppc as traffic sources. Max return I've got was about ~65% of invested money.

      Tried pay per signup game offers, cps offers, never got conversions in niches I'm interested personally - financial, mmo, business, franchises, so left that experiments and achieved money-loss-fear experiencing on testing offer stage..
      I would say that #1 you need to get some help. Just getting started you need to get a mentor and get some guidance.

      Are there others in your field of interest who are making money online? What are they offering? What could you offer? What would people pay for membership in? Do some intelligence gathering on them. :-)

      Also, this is just my opinion, but I think you need to do something that you have an interest in, not just something that makes money.

      What is it that you talk about naturally with friends and family? What are your hobbies and interests that you put time and money into?

      Just a couple of ideas.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rob Aseto
      Sounds like you are way too focused on the "making money" part as opposed to the "have awesome stuff for sale" part of it.

      Who do you think will be more successful?

      - Someone who is in the "make money online" niche, who primarily attracts other people that are well aware of all of your money making schemes.

      - Someone who creates a really useful plugin for Wordpress and sells it for $47 and also has lots of other people promoting it for him as affiliates.

      Think about helping people rather then making money, and you will probably make more sales.
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      • Profile picture of the author theappchief
        Originally Posted by Rob Aseto View Post

        Sounds like you are way too focused on the "making money" part as opposed to the "have awesome stuff for sale" part of it.

        Who do you think will be more successful?

        - Someone who is in the "make money online" niche, who primarily attracts other people that are well aware of all of your money making schemes.

        - Someone who creates a really useful plugin for Wordpress and sells it for $47 and also has lots of other people promoting it for him as affiliates.

        Think about helping people rather then making money, and you will probably make more sales.
        That's also one kind of blocks in my mind, how can I sell on the internet - where anyone can always find same or even better thing(service, tool, offer, tutorial and so on) for free (opensource, sponsored or given away, not talking about pirated/warez).

        My main proposition is to start generating some value (product of blog or service) and hope to start gaining interest and trust.

        That's what i did with my directory site - i research the industry and the opportunities related to product lifecycle. Current success are companies visited my site and now requesting to be listed.

        But to start monetizing with the model Ive chosen i have to make some serious site improvements (ssl, custom theme, sales letters series, some promo videos to create and display ads to be bought).

        And also the site seems too young now (no pr, low backlinks count, zero mentions, etc), so I suppose to start sales after 3-6 monthes of site functioning and info being published daily.
        Offering Ultra Responsive Laser Targeted Solo Ads
        T1 80%+, Opt-in up to 60%, dd/mob from 50/50 to 100/0, satisfaction guaranteed!

        PM me here to start your sales NOW or Mart1ce@facebook
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10604126].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Harry Exper
          Originally Posted by theappchief View Post

          That's also one kind of blocks in my mind, how can I sell on the internet - where anyone can always find same or even better thing(service, tool, offer, tutorial and so on) for free (opensource, sponsored or given away, not talking about pirated/warez).

          My main proposition is to start generating some value (product of blog or service) and hope to start gaining interest and trust.

          That's what i did with my directory site - i research the industry and the opportunities related to product lifecycle. Current success are companies visited my site and now requesting to be listed.

          But to start monetizing with the model Ive chosen i have to make some serious site improvements (ssl, custom theme, sales letters series, some promo videos to create and display ads to be bought).

          And also the site seems too young now (no pr, low backlinks count, zero mentions, etc), so I suppose to start sales after 3-6 monthes of site functioning and info being published daily.
          Basically, there are two kinds of sites
          you can establish to make money from. The first is the kind of site you talked about, a future investment site-a site you will need to grow over a long time before you start getting significant return from it. This kind can become as big as warriorforum or facebook.

          The other kind is site like niche blogs, that you can set up publish a few dozen content on it add product links and you will start getting return from it as it receives traffic. All this can happen within a week.

          If you are in need of quick cash and you want to make it through setting up a website, you will have to get more details about setting up second kind of site I mentioned.

          Also, don't kill that directory site you are currently runing. It has a great potential to make you a lot of money.
          Get Your Facebook ad, Google ad, Solo ad, Landing page copy and Sales copy written for you by Fiverr Ad Writing Specialist
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        • Profile picture of the author Rob Aseto
          Originally Posted by theappchief View Post

          That's also one kind of blocks in my mind, how can I sell on the internet - where anyone can always find same or even better thing(service, tool, offer, tutorial and so on) for free (opensource, sponsored or given away, not talking about pirated/warez).
          This internet is a HUGE place, and there are LOTS of people in the world. No need to reinvent the wheel. Just simply have great stuff for sale (even if the same stuff can be found that's cheaper and/or better), and you will make sales to those that are in search of what you are selling.

          Originally Posted by theappchief View Post

          My main proposition is to start generating some value (product of blog or service) and hope to start gaining interest and trust.
          That's one method of doing it, but it may take a good bit of time to build up a steady flow of traffic. It's hard to stay committed to a model like this since it involves doing a ton of work, with no actual means of getting paid.

          This is how Steve Pavlina did it. Check out his blog (his archive shows you all posts since day 1 of his blog). His goal was simply to build traffic, which he did. Then, one day he placed ads on his site after he had a steady traffic flow. Shortly thereafter he was making good money off advertising.

          Note that his primary goal still was always on providing GREAT CONTENT.

          He now makes money from affiliate links and public speaking. Very inspirational guy! I initially tried to follow his model, but I realized that it wasn't for me.

          Personally, I like to model my sites directly around a product or products that I'm selling. This way, my work of creating the site and traffic sources has the definitive goal of "selling something" in mind.

          Originally Posted by theappchief View Post

          And also the site seems too young now (no pr, low backlinks count, zero mentions, etc), so I suppose to start sales after 3-6 monthes of site functioning and info being published daily.
          Site age and rank isn't a huge deal as SEO is only one means of traffic. It's not even a great source anyway. You want to get as many people to your site as possible by all the common free means, but then once they are there you want to:

          1.) Show them just how great your site is, so they realize that the stuff you are selling is just what they are looking for.

          2.) Collect their email so you can keep in touch with them (with the goal to keep them coming back to your site). People typically don't buy the first time they visit your site, so you want to keep reminding them that you have what they are looking for for sale on your site. That's your targeted traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Harry Exper
      Originally Posted by theappchief View Post

      Thanks for all the answers. I guess the closest thing to my interests in which I've almost succeded was CPA traffic arbitrage.
      I tried ppv, search ppc, social ppv/ppc as traffic sources. Max return I've got was about ~65% of invested money.

      Tried pay per signup game offers, cps offers, never got conversions in niches I'm interested personally - financial, mmo, business, franchises, so left that experiments and achieved money-loss-fear experiencing on testing offer stage..
      In order to succeed in promoting CPA with paid traffic, you have to be very good at copywriting. Your ad copy as well as your landing page copy has to be great for you to get good result.
      Get Your Facebook ad, Google ad, Solo ad, Landing page copy and Sales copy written for you by Fiverr Ad Writing Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author svsets10
    Pick one strategy and only one......make it work......Stop coming on here and getting information overload and shiny object syndrome. Since you only want to make a little bit of money there isn't much pressure and you can do that easily if you don't spread yourself thin with various strategies.

    I chose SEO a long time ago and that is what I do now. Are there other ways to make money? Absolutely. I don't mess with them because I am more concerned with improving and testing SEO daily. Pick one thing and get really good at it vs. being awful at many things...that just means you suck
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  • Profile picture of the author emzi
    I hear ya theappchief ! The only key to "working from home" is discipline. People overrate working from home. Yes, it does give you certain convenience but it spoils you if you do not plan your day and act accordingly. The point I am trying to make is this; Look at post from ANDREIS, if you do that religiously - you wouldn't have to ( Nor do I ) to worry about the regular bills. Affiliate commissions is the easiest income string. Find a product that you can get traction for - through free media - FB, twitter. All you'd be doing is, following and get followed by people with similar product interests - and take your link and post there.

    Emzi | I am a Digital Marketing and WordPress Enthusiast.
    I love solving problems and creating solutions.
    I build WordPress Websites (Click this to go to offers for Warriors).
    I also provide White Label Services for WordPress.
    Resources I use: For Email Marketing,
    For Building Websites. My Warrior Profile.

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