Looking for good 2-tier affiliate programs

1 replies
Hello Fellow Warriors,

I'm looking for good 2-tier affiliate programs. If you know of one or several, please share

What do I mean by "good"?

It converts well when you send the right audience, and the product/service is of a good quality (i.e., very few if any refunds).

It delivers what it says on the sales page (and the sales page is appealing etc.).

They pay reliably and at least somewhat quickly.

They respond to questions and are helpful.

They have products for internet marketing, online marketing, making money online, self help, personal development, health and/or fitness, or similar products.

Coaching programs are good too.

Yes, I know I need to target the offer to the right audience, but for now, I'd like to find out about a bunch of great two-tier affiliate programs, i.e., ones I can feel really good about recommending to my current (and future) list.

Thanks so much!
#2-tier #2-tier affiliate program #2tier #affiliate #affiliate programs #good #good products #internet marketing #programs
  • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
    Since it rolled off the first page, I'm giving this another try.

    Does ANYONE know of good two-tier affiliate programs? I would really appreciate any help with this!

    I heard rumors that Clickbank may have a few? Is anyone familiar with that?

    Thanks so much!

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