Need Word Press Theme recommendation for niche blog

16 replies
Hi folks,

I will be running a niche bodybuilding blog and I was wondering if anyone had any good WP theme recommendations? I am looking for an affiliate marketing friendly theme and one that's optimized for SEO. I was thinking originally that I'd like a news magazine style format, but I am not going to be featuring a number of categories or menu items, so I am open to other formats. Any help or recommendations would be extremely helpful!


#blog #niche #press #recommendation #theme #themes #word
  • Profile picture of the author mathompson
    Originally Posted by ScottBeckstead View Post

    Hi folks,

    I will be running a niche bodybuilding blog and I was wondering if anyone had any good WP theme recommendations? I am looking for an affiliate marketing friendly theme and one that's optimized for SEO. I was thinking originally that I'd like a news magazine style format, but I am not going to be featuring a number of categories or menu items, so I am open to other formats. Any help or recommendations would be extremely helpful!


    should you try to splash and sahifa wordpress theme
    they also good for seo and easy to modify
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I am looking for an affiliate marketing friendly theme and one that's optimized for SEO
    Use OptimizePress.
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  • Profile picture of the author ANDREIS
    You should search the net and find the websites similar to what you'd like your website to look&feel. Once at those sites try to find out what platfrom they're using.

    You can also click right button on your mouse and select "view source". There you can see all sorts of things that website is using. For example if the website is using wordpress, once in the source code you look for "theme" and you'll see what specific theme that site is using.

    When you find the site and the platform which you like, just get that for yourself. With some changes according to your taste your website will be just fine!
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterComeau
    Thrive Themes

    Outstanding themes and site builder options that are easy to use - super responsive help forum too.

    I've messed around with themes for five years now and junked all of them now I use Thrive. Take a look.
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    • Profile picture of the author ScottBeckstead
      Thanks Peter, I will definitely check it out. I appreciate the help.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    You should try mythemeshop themes or themes provided by themeforest. Both are providing good themes
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author getbread has some really good themes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellac
    If you have the budget, take a look at Divi.
    It is just an awesome theme.

    For a free option, Point theme has a cool design. But customizing it can be a hassle.
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  • Ultimately it depends what you are trying to achieve with your blog,the style you are looking for.

    There are many magazine style themes but if you are doing like a niche review site for example clean and simple seems to be the way to go these days.

    I enjoy using Genesis themes on some of those if that helps but it's a paid theme.

    Have a blissful day.


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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    In my opinion...You can use any theme from the Free WordPress database and should do well...if its matching your layout requirements.

    The most important aspect to keep in mind that WordPress itself is a SEO optimized Platform and can easily be more SEO friendly with the help of popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and others.

    I hope, it helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author SCrafted
    I always buy them on themeforest. 90% of the themes you buy there are great and have amazing support...
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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    You'll get better ideas from mythemeshop and themeforest...Just search and select which appeals you the most...
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    I don't have a specific recommendation, as you have plenty of those already. What I do have is advice on the process.

    You're on the right track looking for a theme that's SEO friendly, but these days that isn't enough. You need a theme which is fast, responsive and mobile friendly. If you can, preview any theme you are considering on a regular computer screen, a tablet and a mobile phone.

    Don't get hung up on the graphics and images. These can be changed to fit your topic. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad to start researching a niche and find many sites using the same "niche" theme - especially in the fitness and weight loss markets.

    Find a theme with the flexibility and functions you want, and then, as the singing contests always say, "make it your own."
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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    I think Themeforest is the best place for you to get the theme. But if you want free WordPress blog theme, you can take a look on this site.
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