You really should have a Help Desk folks
What can Help Desk software do? Basically the customer creates a ticket and its stored in a database viewable by you and the customer in the Help Desk System. The ticket has a
Status ie: Opened, Pending, Resolved , etc.
Why not just use email? Several reasons.
1. Email is a conversation and it gets mixed in with other conversations. Even if you have a dedicated email account for help, you can get things all mixed up. Did you complete that person's request? Don't know, you have to look through the thread. If they reply multiple times that thread could be all over the place with different dates.
2. Email is harder to farm out to virtual assistants. It can be done, but they will have the same sorting problem and it will be harder for you to monitor which issues are solved and those that are not.
3. Email is hard to create reports from. Need a report on all the open issues? A help desk system can do that easily, not so with email.
4. Email doesn't allow the customer to see what is being done on their issue.With a help desk a customer can log in at will, see any comments, see the status, and feel good. With email they must send another email asking what the status of the issue is.
The good news is that most hosting has Fantastico and free help desk systems to choose from. A few clicks and its on your server. With a help desk you look and feel like a real business. Customers love it. They can check on their issue anytime.
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