Want a FREE Membership to the War Room ? 30 Winners announced!
Sept. 1 - Winners announced Post # 270, page 6. ( some people deleting their posts, look near 270, currently 268) * ADDITIONAL prizes, post # 364, page 8*
** Be sure to see the last P.S. --- other warriors are getting on board, so there's room for more than one winner. **
It's taken me over two years, but I noticed a couple of days ago that I now have over 500 posts on this forum. While I don't always have a lot to say, I really value this forum and the generosity of members here.
Allen has just added 'War Room Member' above avators and I am *shocked* (shocked I tell you ...) by how many people have not ponied up the fee to be a member.
That private forum is a freaking gold mine of information, not only from other warrior members but from Allen himself.
So ... to thank this forum I am going to sponsor one person into the War Room. I will pay your membership.
Post below how you can use the membership as an investment in your online education and business. Because you should be looking at it as a business.
On September 1 - Labour Day - a winner will be picked. You'll receive a paid membership into the War Room which should help you make some money.
And to help you get you started on the right foot financially, I'll include a copy of my report on 'Money Smarts for IM'. It's a straight-forward look at how to manage your money when you no longer have a job and an employer to 'think' for you financially.
Labour Day. Make it the start of a new year for you ... and start 'labouring' for yourself.
~ Kate
P.S. Don't wait to join b/c you 'might' win a membership. There's too much valuable information there and every day you wait you could be losing money.
P.P.S. Other warriors are getting on board and offering gifts and sponsorships. So there is room for more than one person to win here. Thanks guys!
Added (Up for grabs on Sept. 1st):
Dr. Mani: Will sponsor 3 more War Room memberships
Kim Standerline: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (plus 1 more)
Daniel Molano: Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip
CDarklock: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
lisag: Will sponsor 1 more for a single, widowed or divorced mom (plus 2 more)
BIG Mike: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
kevinb: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
JCTunes: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
Andyhenry: Will sponsor 2 more War Room memberships
Sagar Mehta: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (& ebook)
John Rogers (Icansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip
Diego Hernando (Incansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
Joshua Collins: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
santosm: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
* For complete list, see post # 268 - Winners announced *
Mukul Verma: Will throw in a free copy of his new course on Video Marketing which will be released in the next week.
TheRichJerksNet: Will contribute a free copy of WordPress Secured to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread. If it goes above the current 6, he'll match that number.
TheRicherksNet: Will award a full-version of a membership script to one warrior. See post # 148 for details.
Fernando Veloso: Will award a custom complete mini-site package. Post #160 for details.
NOTE: Additional gifts and tools to be offered will be added later. For now, I'll just be updating the War Room sponsorships. There's several more in the thread.Thanks.
Already awarded:
Ken Leatherman has chosen one person from this thread and sponsored them into the War Room. They're already in!
Anonymous A long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.
TheRichJerksNet has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.
jacktackett has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.
Anonymous: Another long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.
NOTE (Aug 29): That's 4 memberships already awarded, and 9 up for grabs. Plus the one that Michael Mayo awarded in his thread earlier today. That's a total of 14 War Room memberships gifted by warriors. Plus, if you've been paying attention, other warriors are quietly sponsoring people in ... one day the member is not a war room member, and the next they are. On top of that, just thinking about why they want to get in is helping some people decide to just pay the fee and get in themselves.
Running tally - War Room Memberships served:
Already awarded: 6
Up for grabs Sept. 1: 21
* Sponsors are having so much trouble choosing from the high-quality stories and worthy applicants that they are throwing in more memberships. *
------ > Sponsors .... can I have your attention?
If you are offering a sponsorship and would like to choose the recipient yourself, please PM me the name and post # by the 31st (if you have not already done so). If you'd rather I choose, no worry, I will do that if I don't hear otherwise. I have a healthy short-list going.
Please, please -- if you are offering a membership through this thread -- hang on for the 1st so we can award all the memberships at the same time ...
- it will be more fun ... but more importantly ...
- it help keeps an accurate count of memberships that are available
- if you send funds directly to a member before the 1st you may be sponsoring someone in who was somebody else's first pick and they now have to choose again
- payment and set-up process will be easier if we do it all in one wave
Thanks everyone for participating - this thread has taken on a (great) life of it's own.
P.S. September 1st. High noon PST (GMT -7). It's less than 48 hrs ...
Anyone else? I can edit this thing as long as it takes ....
** Be sure to see the last P.S. --- other warriors are getting on board, so there's room for more than one winner. **
It's taken me over two years, but I noticed a couple of days ago that I now have over 500 posts on this forum. While I don't always have a lot to say, I really value this forum and the generosity of members here.
Allen has just added 'War Room Member' above avators and I am *shocked* (shocked I tell you ...) by how many people have not ponied up the fee to be a member.
That private forum is a freaking gold mine of information, not only from other warrior members but from Allen himself.
So ... to thank this forum I am going to sponsor one person into the War Room. I will pay your membership.
Post below how you can use the membership as an investment in your online education and business. Because you should be looking at it as a business.
On September 1 - Labour Day - a winner will be picked. You'll receive a paid membership into the War Room which should help you make some money.
And to help you get you started on the right foot financially, I'll include a copy of my report on 'Money Smarts for IM'. It's a straight-forward look at how to manage your money when you no longer have a job and an employer to 'think' for you financially.
Labour Day. Make it the start of a new year for you ... and start 'labouring' for yourself.
~ Kate
P.S. Don't wait to join b/c you 'might' win a membership. There's too much valuable information there and every day you wait you could be losing money.
P.P.S. Other warriors are getting on board and offering gifts and sponsorships. So there is room for more than one person to win here. Thanks guys!
Added (Up for grabs on Sept. 1st):
Dr. Mani: Will sponsor 3 more War Room memberships
Kim Standerline: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (plus 1 more)
Daniel Molano: Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip
CDarklock: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
lisag: Will sponsor 1 more for a single, widowed or divorced mom (plus 2 more)
BIG Mike: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
kevinb: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
JCTunes: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
Andyhenry: Will sponsor 2 more War Room memberships
Sagar Mehta: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership (& ebook)
John Rogers (Icansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room memberhsip
Diego Hernando (Incansoft): Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
Joshua Collins: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
santosm: Will sponsor 1 more War Room membership
* For complete list, see post # 268 - Winners announced *
Mukul Verma: Will throw in a free copy of his new course on Video Marketing which will be released in the next week.
TheRichJerksNet: Will contribute a free copy of WordPress Secured to every warrior that receives a membership through this thread. If it goes above the current 6, he'll match that number.
TheRicherksNet: Will award a full-version of a membership script to one warrior. See post # 148 for details.
Fernando Veloso: Will award a custom complete mini-site package. Post #160 for details.
NOTE: Additional gifts and tools to be offered will be added later. For now, I'll just be updating the War Room sponsorships. There's several more in the thread.Thanks.
Already awarded:
Ken Leatherman has chosen one person from this thread and sponsored them into the War Room. They're already in!
Anonymous A long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.
TheRichJerksNet has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.
jacktackett has sponsored someone in this thread into the War Room.
Anonymous: Another long-time warrior member who wishes to remain anonymous has chosen someone from this list to be sponsored into the War Room.
NOTE (Aug 29): That's 4 memberships already awarded, and 9 up for grabs. Plus the one that Michael Mayo awarded in his thread earlier today. That's a total of 14 War Room memberships gifted by warriors. Plus, if you've been paying attention, other warriors are quietly sponsoring people in ... one day the member is not a war room member, and the next they are. On top of that, just thinking about why they want to get in is helping some people decide to just pay the fee and get in themselves.
Running tally - War Room Memberships served:
Already awarded: 6
Up for grabs Sept. 1: 21
* Sponsors are having so much trouble choosing from the high-quality stories and worthy applicants that they are throwing in more memberships. *
------ > Sponsors .... can I have your attention?

If you are offering a sponsorship and would like to choose the recipient yourself, please PM me the name and post # by the 31st (if you have not already done so). If you'd rather I choose, no worry, I will do that if I don't hear otherwise. I have a healthy short-list going.
Please, please -- if you are offering a membership through this thread -- hang on for the 1st so we can award all the memberships at the same time ...
- it will be more fun ... but more importantly ...
- it help keeps an accurate count of memberships that are available
- if you send funds directly to a member before the 1st you may be sponsoring someone in who was somebody else's first pick and they now have to choose again
- payment and set-up process will be easier if we do it all in one wave
Thanks everyone for participating - this thread has taken on a (great) life of it's own.
P.S. September 1st. High noon PST (GMT -7). It's less than 48 hrs ...
Anyone else? I can edit this thing as long as it takes ....
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