Does your WSO sell any video content? Here's a tip!

16 replies
If you are going to sell a WSO that offers video as part of the package especially if you are offering resale or plr rights here are some tips for you that will boost your sales:

1. Include links to samples. If you don't show samples people doubt your ability and the quality of your offer.

2. If you are selling resale or plr always include the high quality avi version... chances are if you are like 99% of the people producing online you do not have the knowledge or the right tools to encode your videos to satisfy all your clients.

Many people will want to encode the video themselves to change the dimensions, reduce the file size, reduce the bit rate, and improve the image quality by using the best encoding tools on the market... by providing the avi versions you do not have to guess for them.

Why not make your self more sales? Take these tips to heart and you will.
#content #sell #tip #video #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Joel O
    Great advice Josh...

    I dont know how many times I have had to ask for a sample or more information simply because they did not include it on the sales page. Many times its a lost sale because I become uninterested and frustrated.

    Sadly... not many people will edit a plr ebook or edit a video... but that doesnt mean that some people will. So like you say, always include the raw files, it adds more value too.

    Here's a tip to offer even more value or maybe even an upsell.. if the videos are slideshows, why not offer the slides themselves?


    Have you taken massive action today?

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Taylor
      Hey Josh, I'm far, far, far from being where you are in the video knowledge but I'll always remember this tip.

      So value here.


      Ask...Because you never stop learning.

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  • Profile picture of the author James Turner
    Thanks Josh, excellent suggestion.

    It's often very difficult to use Video PLR because you cant access the source files.

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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      It's often very difficult to use Video PLR because you cant access the source files.
      If you can't access the source files its not PLR... but so many people pretend that is what they are offering.
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      • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
        That can be very annoying as well. Some people don't have the voice or personality of video voice overs. It is always nice to have that AVI to re-do the voice over yourself or to outsource it to someone else.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jay Jennings
        Originally Posted by Josh Anderson View Post

        If you can't access the source files its not PLR... but so many people pretend that is what they are offering.
        I'll quibble with that statement -- PLR can mean simply that you can put your name on it. It doesn't have to mean you can edit it. Take PLR vitamins, for example -- just because they're privately labeled doesn't mean you have the right to change the formula.

        I think most PLR products *do* include the rights to edit, but you can't assume that just because you see the letter PLR in the description.

        Jay Jennings
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  • Profile picture of the author Muhammad Jalloh
    Thanks for the tip, Josh.

    This will come in handy for me sometime soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Fulfer
    Another great tip is to offer make sure and offer multiple formats of the video. Often people will have the wrong codecs on their PC to play the .avi file.
    Even though .mov files are often larger I've found its a good idea to at least include them. This way you make sure that everyone is able to view/use your videos.
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    • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
      .MOV option is good for MAC users. .AVI is good for Windows users who either want to re-brand or edit the video content. .SWF or .FLV is good for embedding or having a small download. So like Josh F. was saying it is good to provide the user options...

      The only issue I have with what he said is having codec problems with .AVI files. Usually codec problems revolve around formats like DIVX. Not many users have those codecs on their computer. I am almost certain that Windows users can handle .AVI files even with a clean install of Windows XP or Vista. Not sure about Windows 2000... but very few people will be using that OS anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    You're the video guy! This is great advise and something that never hit my brain.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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