How to make your YouTube videos rank higher today

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So I posted this before but for some reason it didn't show up I've got a rather unique method it's not my message I did get it from other people so get ready for something really simple really easy and I will show proof as well.

First of all we know that YouTube is trending and videos and images are what really hook people and get them to look at what you've got to offer most searches are done and video results are actually being picked over the old web results now.

Now I use a method called the OMG method and it has help me rank on first page of Google for positions 1 and 2 which is quite good considering it took me all of 5 minutes I did not do any keyword stuffing I did you some hashtags are in the description and meta tags etc but get ready for a really really simple trick that more people should know I'm probably giving way too much for free but I don't care.

Now remember this is the OMG method and it does work. Anyway here it is all you have to do is when you're uploading your video to YouTube under your account instead of going and just uploading it normally you want to click on the little creative studio and then go in to create live event when she created the life of an change your settings so that even people with bad connections can connect to this and you stream your video file program I use called wire cast I use the free version or demo version.

Now it really is that simple obvious you add your description make it good makes us not spam me and use hashtags because that's what a lot of people actually searching now that's a train that I found from my daughter and my research what you want to do is you just create the live event like I said but the awesome part of this is Google slash YouTube will promote your event Boss that's life and you can even get into starter motor get an hour or so I think before hand now if you doing that you're getting your video out there 2 more people for free if you want proof of this we have to do is Google The Following

Social management Solutions Australia you see a video in position 1 and 2 and that's where results not searching the actual video results just plain web results you'll see that the 2 videos there by that's the username for the account that I used I did this when I was a social media management consultant and have my own business which I could only advertise for local businesses but it's really simple trick and I really think you should jump on it if you don't know about it now um it works a treat you will love it I hope you guys have found it helpful I'm just trying out a bit of value to the community a person have a lot of experience in social media management marketing and ephemeral marketing as well so I'm happy to answer questions for free I do not expect people to pay because that's what I want I just want to add value at the moment to other peoples lives and to this really really awesome community so thanks everyone for taking the time to read this sorry it's a long I was using Google voice typing whatever it's called on my phone so it made it a lot easier what I'm working on my information product thanks again everyone I hope you found that useful and if you got any more questions about traffic driving traffic or have bigger names are actually killing it online by driving Target traffic there is a secret to it and it was a really really simple secret to it and involves affiliate marketers but not being one ok that should tell you everything you need to know to get you to read between the lines here but um thanks a lot.

May the force be with you everyone thanks
#higher #make #rank #today #videos #youtube

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