One day campaign allowed with Teespring?

by awledd
4 replies
I wanted to motivate people to buy by seeing the count down timer. It also says last day to order. So One day campaign allowed with Teespring?
#allowed #campaign #day #teespring
  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    No, you can't. Why would you ask this here instead of going to Teespring to find out? You could've gotten your answer there in less time than it took to come here and write your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author nichekick
    Originally Posted by awledd View Post

    I wanted to motivate people to buy by seeing the count down timer. It also says last day to order. So One day campaign allowed with Teespring?
    Yes you can. You just need to request it through support if you don't have the option (a lot of us big sellers have the option added to our accounts)

    You'll have to excuse the first reply from "JC Web". A lot of tired marketers around here who don't know any better are just bitter
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    It appears so:

    Teespring | Search Results

    Heres the types of campaigns:

    Teespring | Types of Campaigns Offered

    You can email them your questions at

    Teespring | Email us

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Nice to learn that it is possible with a request from support. Will try it. Hope it increases conversion.
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