Those Bastards Emailing Me Every Day - Wait Wrong Bastards

by Harlan
27 replies
How dare they email me every day.

They don't even provide any content.

Day after day they try to sell me something.

It's freaken outrageous.

I have half a mind to tell off those people at Amazon

And LandsEnd

And LLBean

and heck - those people at Quill are always trying to sell something to my secretary.

And the worst is the damm Wall Street Journal.

Oh wait - those are real businesses.

They're allowed to mail us every day.

That's what makes them respectable.

But if you are in Internet Marketing - emailing too often is evil.

Think about it.


PS. Amazon STOP telling me about special sales on the Wii. How the heck am I going to get any work done.
#bastard #bastards #day #emailing #wait #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author LB
    You're forgetting the number one rule of "internet marketing" and that is...selling stuff is bad, sneaky, dishonest and full of scammers...whenever it's those other guys. Buy my WSO.
    Tired of Article Marketing, Backlink Spamming and Other Crusty Old Traffic Methods?

    Click Here.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
      Originally Posted by LB View Post

      You're forgetting the number one rule of "internet marketing" and that is...selling stuff is bad, sneaky, dishonest and full of scammers...whenever it's those other guys. Buy my WSO.
      I really have to... buy my WSO... agree with LB here. Buy my WSO.... I think his comment really bares :::: BUY MY WSO! :::: considering. Really. He makes a BUY MY DAMN WSO NOW!!!! strong case.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

    How dare they email me every day.

    They don't even provide any content.

    Day after day they try to sell me something.

    It's freaken outrageous.

    I have half a mind to tell off those people at Amazon

    And LandsEnd

    And LLBean

    and heck - those people at Quill are always trying to sell something to my secretary.

    And the worst is the damm Wall Street Journal.

    Oh wait - those are real businesses.

    They're allowed to mail us every day.

    That's what makes them respectable.

    But if you are in Internet Marketing - emailing too often is evil.

    Think about it.


    PS. Amazon STOP telling me about special sales on the Wii. How the heck am I going to get any work done.

    You know, it's funny you brought this up.

    Did you know that Amazon keeps records of everything you've bought and
    actually sends you emails about stuff that you might be interested in
    because of past purchases?

    Not to mention the other emails I get from them almost daily.

    I don't really mind all that much. I'll either read the email or delete it,
    whatever mood I'm in.

    See, that's the beauty of getting emails. Nobody can force you to read
    them. You can always choose not to.

    If you sign up for somebody's list, unless you're told one thing (I'll send
    you content everyday) and are then receive another (no content, nothing
    but offers) then I really don't understand what all the complaining is

    Having said that, I try not to piss my subscribers off because I do know
    how people can get.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Anyone on Howie list, man this guy emails like a few times a day on a low day. Just take all emails and put in one folder. Sometime like 20 years from now, I may look at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    I don't get all those emails!!!

    Why am I so lonely and overlooked?

    Now I'm feeling left out....


    BUY my WSO!
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewHansen
      I'll play devil's advocate for a second.

      While it IS unfortunate that our industry is in such a state that people have come to hate these practices that are commonplace in similar industries...

      Isn't our job as marketers to listen to what our market are asking for and provide it to them? Instead of telling them off for not liking minimal content, maximum pitch, or not liking too many emails each day, shouldn't we just be working out new ways to give them more content and still make the sale, if that's what they want?

      The question is do these people really represent our market, or are they the unfortunate, harassed fringe that aren't worth trying to make happy anyway?

      On a sidenote, I think the resistance to excessive salesy-ness has been steadily growing for a long time and in general spans far outside our industry.. And I'm not sure it's a bad thing?

      Whaddya reckon?


      More Affiliate Marketing & SEO Strategy For Free Than Most Courses Will Give You If You Pay...

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      • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
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        • Profile picture of the author snapper
          What bores me to sleep is plain text emails. Who can be bothered reading through long emails that are just plain ol boring text.

          We often get 6 - 8 catalogues placed in our letter box everyday and lately I have been reading some of them. I find that there are 1 or 2 I take notice of every week, one being the ALDI grocery store cat. Now being a full blooded male I don't readily admit to reading grocery catalogues but ALDI does something interesting...they mix it up and have themed weeks - one week could be computers, one week could be ski equipment etc which is displayed along with their grocery specials.

          The specials they offer are usually really well priced. The point of it all is that offline catalogues are all pretty pictures...perhaps IM marketers need to jazz up their online catalogues that get stuffed in our online letterbox.

          True...we can a link to a video, but video has the downside that it usually takes a few minutes to watch, and although we probably spend as much time reading online and offline seems there is a sub-conscious notion that a video is going to take up more of our time than reading...

          Dunno - I may be way off the mark here but I can only speak from my experiences and I get totally bored with most emails to the point that not many even get opened because I suspect that it will just be a big long boring plain text email.
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          • Profile picture of the author Eric Graudins
            Originally Posted by snapper View Post

            What bores me to sleep is plain text emails. Who can be bothered reading through long emails that are just plain ol boring text.
            Lots of people.
            Especially if the content is interesting, and you are reading on a mobile device.

            I don't care whether newsletters are in text or come as fancy graphics.
            To me, the content is more important than the delivery method.
            Cheers, Eric G.

            The biggest benefit of the internet is that almost everything can be automated.
            The biggest curse of the internet is that almost everything can be automated.

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        • Profile picture of the author JazzOscar
          Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

          -----But if you are in Internet Marketing - emailing too often is evil.-----
          No, it isn't. But it might prove conterproductive for you for some part of your subscribers.

          Originally Posted by Shana_Adam View Post

          over saturation leads to blindspots - soon my whole inbox will be invisible I just wont be able to see anything thanks Mr IM Guru
          That's what happens, at least to me. I get a lot of email from some very email trigger happy big name marketers. No real problem for me. I'm not a whiner, do not want to unsubscribe and have nothing against being sold to now and then.

          In their relationship to me as a subscriber, however, those very well known marketers have a problem. The amount of emails causes me to move quite a lot of them directly to their designated Outlook folders, UNREAD.

          Marketers employing a mailing frequency more to my liking, like many, not all, of the less well known marketers do, usually get their emails read by me.

          Something to ponder.

          Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

          -----The problem I see in this thread and other is a lot of sarcasm directed at those who would dare to state they don't like being inundated with offers. It doesn't matter if they're marketers or not - if it caused them to unsubscribe and they're voicing their dislike of it...chances are it's a real issue.

          And expecting them to just roll over and accept it seems to be like a lot of markers have a huge sense of entitlement themselves.

          Oscar Toft

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          • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
            Just unsubscribe! Any business that emails me more than once a week gets unsubscribed from.

            Buy my WSO - oh wait, I don't have one!
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    Howie does likes making his videos and I also recieve more email from him
    than any other marketer. However he actually gives more advice and tips
    than just selling product so I put up with it.
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shana_Adam
    over saturation leads to blindspots - soon my whole inbox will be invisible I just wont be able to see anything thanks Mr IM Guru

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  • Profile picture of the author TheNightOwl
    And the point is...?
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Meirndorf
    Wow, lets make some lemonade here! You got a free lesson on what not to do! So Rejoice because stress kills.

    Be who you want to become, every second of every day. Make it true!

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  • Profile picture of the author tj
    Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

    How dare they email me every day.

    They don't even provide any content.

    Day after day they try to sell me something.

    It's freaken outrageous.

    I have half a mind to tell off those people at Amazon

    And LandsEnd

    And LLBean

    and heck - those people at Quill are always trying to sell something to my secretary.

    And the worst is the damm Wall Street Journal.

    Oh wait - those are real businesses.

    They're allowed to mail us every day.

    That's what makes them respectable.

    But if you are in Internet Marketing - emailing too often is evil.

    Think about it.


    PS. Amazon STOP telling me about special sales on the Wii. How the heck am I going to get any work done.
    Just hit delete - it's one of the most used button on my keybard

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  • Profile picture of the author BizBooks

    this is so true... and they make it harder to cancel then the average IMer.

    instead of unsubbing you automatically, they say "enter your email address and which lists you want to unsubscribe to".

    Those big, capitalistic, greedy, big companies. they must be run b y internet marketers.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
      Great Advice Harlan, I just unsubscribed to your list and a bunch of others. I don't mind being pitched but I do mind being pitched every day without and content on a normal basis.

      It's like asking me to have sex with you without even giving me a kiss or taking me out to dinner.

      And I know that there are tons of people who do this successfully - good for them, but they aren't getting my money and that's all I care about.
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      • Profile picture of the author ExRat
        Hi Harlan,

        But if you are in Internet Marketing - emailing too often is evil
        It's not evil. But if it's producing that type of response from it's recipients, then it would be wise to consider if it's possible to email them less, while producing better results - not so difficult, if you have any kind of ability/smarts.

        I think it's quite clear that for IMers who have been in the market longer than a few months, if you email them 'too much' (their opinion) then it just gives the impression that -

        a) the sender is desperate

        b) the sender promotes everything that comes down the pipe

        If your recipients are thinking b) then there are many negative ramifications of that - not least the trust factor.

        Some say that if you're not agitating people, then you are not marketing aggressively enough - but I believe that this is too simple a soundbyte for something so complex.

        There's a difference between agitating a prospect by reminding them of a nagging problem that needs solving (and you happen to have the solution) and agitating them by being a pushy, nauseating, pain in the neck - unnecessarily - that's just stupid and counter-productive.

        The whole crux of this thread is about as pointless as someone making a thread to complain about someone's marketing, and by making it, you are pointlessly stooping to the same level - but with added arrogance thrown in for good measure.

        The people complaining are often near the bottom of the pile, struggling to find a way forward.

        You are (allegedly) near the top of the pile, yet this is all that you have to offer all of those below you.

        3/10 Could do better

        Roger Davis

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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Big Mike is spot on with this.

        When I get emails from Amazon (which actually isn't that often), they're usually highly targeted and worth a read. Clearly, someone has put some effort into matching the offer to the profile.

        So many IM emails are poorly targeted and evidently emanate from marketing amateurs and wannabes. This scattergun approach will continue for as long as the cost of sending emails remains minimal. It's probably no coincidence that while the volume of physical direct mail has decreased over recent times, the quality has, generally, been maintained - it's just too expensive to get wrong.

        Even professional IMers can fall prey to lazy or careless practices. I've just had four (so far) identical emails from one of Harlan's chums; no doubt because I've opted in to watch various videos etc. The list segmentation obviously either isn't working or hasn't been given sufficient thought.

        It's not evil. But it is inefficient. I just don't open the identical emails, so if the marketer is testing subject lines vs open rates, the figures are going to be skewed. It's amateur hour.

        If you're going to compare your business practices to those of Amazon, then listen to your customers and prospects and treat them with a bit more professionalism.


        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Moffatt
        Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

        It's like asking me to have sex with you without even giving me a kiss or taking me out to dinner.
        Man, I LOVE it when that happens. Saves me $9.99 at Sizzler and I don't get that nasty lipstick all over my face.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by Harlan View Post

    How dare they email me every day.

    They don't even provide any content.

    Day after day they try to sell me something.

    It's freaken outrageous.

    I have half a mind to tell off those people at Amazon

    And LandsEnd

    And LLBean

    and heck - those people at Quill are always trying to sell something to my secretary.

    And the worst is the damm Wall Street Journal.

    Oh wait - those are real businesses.

    They're allowed to mail us every day.

    That's what makes them respectable.

    But if you are in Internet Marketing - emailing too often is evil.

    Think about it.


    PS. Amazon STOP telling me about special sales on the Wii. How the heck am I going to get any work done.

    Yeah ... how dare people who pay for the privilege of getting email be offended when they have to wade through 200 viagra and cialis and colon cleansing ads to find people who they actually want to communicate with. When I get junk mail via snail mail, I just toss it unread. Takes a second. Wading through tons of garbage in my email before there were filters and laws in place to curb it was practically impossible. I normally would just dump an email address and start new periodically after it was rendered useless by spammers.

    Craigslist has been rendered practically useless by spammers, and Twitter is in danger of being rendered useless by spammers, plus every other social networking site on the Internet. If there's a hole for spammers to spam, they will spam the crap out of it and to hell with people who want to use the site for legitimate reasons.

    If you have something I want, I will most likely find it. If you don't have something I want, I don't want to be pounded with your emails trying to persuade me.

    If you're a real marketer, you already know how to build a list of people who want to hear from you and sell to them. If you're not, then you might be upset about the systems in place that prevent you from contacting people who have not given you their permission to sell to them via email.

    Personally, I don't get emails from LandsEnd, LLBean, Quill, or the damm Wall Street Journal. I haven't given them permission to email me, so they don't. But I still get spammers sneaking in on a daily basis trying to sell me crap that I wouldn't buy in a million years. Fortunately, by adding them to my spam folder, I only get them once.
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  • Profile picture of the author wisecrone333
    I wouldn't mind so much if people who were acting as affiliates or JVs got their act together and staggered the emails they send through - It is not unusual for me to wake up to an inbox full of repeated emails where about six people are the personal friend of "Joe Blogs" who just happens to have a new product he is launching at a discounted rate for a limited time - hey I am older, my mind is probably getting a bit woolly, if the emails weren't stacked one on top of the other, I might even read one or two of them, but personally I have started unsubscribing from all IMs and affiliates who can't be bothered to put in a personal message once in a while - constant sales bombardment (often more than once a day) just gets too much.

    I am making this point as a customer (I do buy stuff from some of these emails) so maybe someone will take note?? Or not, but from just reading the posts here it is clear that some marketers that don't take heed of what customers are saying are going to find their list numbers going down not up.

    My 2c
    Hire me to write your ebooks - Warriors get a discount: just check out the blog below for more details.
    Gran's tackling the world of IM - check out the blog here
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  • Profile picture of the author greff
    I don't think Walgreeens and Target use forced continuation, do they?

    They usually show you the price of the product up front, don't they?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      First, before I forget...

      Snapper, one of the big reasons you get so many plain text emails is that they are much easier to get delivered. Many spam filters assume that emails that are primarily or completely images are sent by spammers trying to avoid the filters. So they do a peremptory block.

      Now on to the main issue...

      I think a lot of the rancor towards frequent emailers comes from skewed expectations. If I sign up for a "weekly newsletter" and I get 20-30 solo mail shots in addition to some generic article, you've violated the expectation you set up.

      I know what I'm going to get from Amazon, the sites I buy clothes from, and so on. Our relationship is vendor-customer, period. There's no attempt to build a personal relationship, nor is any attempt expected. And, as Big Mike said, their offers are usually pretty well targeted.

      Part of the fault lies with some of the gooroos who teach list building. They preach building a relationship with your list, without explaining exactly how you do that. Send tons of great content, they say, and then slip in a pitch. Of course, watching some of their email streams, they don't practice what they preach.

      Another thing you don't see big companies like Amazon doing is sending pseudo-personal cookie cutter cut-n-paste pitches for other companies.

      I don't ask much of the list owners I've signed up with. Just be consistent and deliver what you said you will deliver. If you plan to send me affiliate offers, tell me. I can decide if you go overboard, and I can unsubscribe if I decide your list isn't worth the time.

      Lie to me, and getting into my wallet will be tougher than getting into a nun's knickers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Haahahaha, it is sooo true. Simple solution Opt-out.

    Remember you opt-in somewhere to get that email (most of the time)
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Harlan... you always provide so much to this forum.. such worthy contributions...


    I've never been shy of a promo or 3... I shamelessly promote myself, and the things that I believe in.. I feel confident in my providing of free content to do so. BUT.... there is good reason why people take issue with relentless promo in their inbox... it has to do with expectation.

    There is a Warrior here, who runs some free WSO's to build his list.. and he promotes to me every single day.. you know what?.. I love it.

    He always pitches good stuff, and I don't expect anything different..

    I think there is a point or two to be found in this thread, not in the OP, but they're about 11 and 20 steps down the page, respectively.



    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author aihamshujaa
    I'm with you guys. Since I started IM, my inbox is filled with 90% of offers from so-called Guru's. There is an art to email marketing that avoids it becoming just like scam...

    I only tend to read offers where I can see Aweber in the clickable link. This way, if you're getting excessive emails from the same source, then you can be sure if you unsubscribe then Aweber will ensure that this happens. Aweber is red-hot when it comes to spamming and its a service I personally use.

    Unlimited Autoresponders & Email Newsletters
    99.34% email delivered. Free support.
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