What are the best affiliate marketing forums?

37 replies
Hi friends,

I'd like to publish this list of affiliate marketing forums, All of them are affiliate marketing related. I bet you will find some new forums that you'll like.

So here is the list of internet marketing and affiliate marketing forums:


Pleas share your thoughts and what are your favorite affiliate marketing? why?

Hope it helps in promoting your affiliate programs and increasing sales for your sites.
#affiliate #forums #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    My favorite is Warriorforum and digitalpoint forum.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Digitalpoint imo has been on a sharp decline. Some of the Threads in there are just really juvenile.
    Really !!

    Warrior still the best around

    - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author harryptx
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Digitalpoint imo has been on a sharp decline. Some of the Threads in there are just really juvenile.
      Really !!

      Warrior still the best around

      - Robert Andrew
      I agree with this thought, Now warriorforum and webmastersun are forums I like visiting best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mcfoxr
    I still prefer the Warrior forum compared to Digital Point. The reason is that WF is very active and loads of IM veterans here compared to others. It is hard to find someone in the IM niche and not be a member of the Warrior forum
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    I don't like to spread myself too thin so I stick to posting to the Warrior Forum...best forum in the IM niche in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The Warrior Forum is the best of the best and one of the most active online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Apra Barua
    Warrior Forum is the best.
    You can also check out the affiliate marketing forum:
    wicked fire [dot] com
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  • Profile picture of the author GetPLRhere
    Your list is spot on - except one has a broken link, another is being sold. I notice wick fire allow profanity in there. That's not for me
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  • Profile picture of the author blueonblue
    Originally Posted by harryptx View Post

    Hi friends,

    I'd like to publish this list of affiliate marketing forums, All of them are affiliate marketing related. I bet you will find some new forums that you'll like.

    So here is the list of internet marketing and affiliate marketing forums:

    #1 Affiliate Marketing Forum ::* ABestWeb
    Webmaster Sun - The #1 Internet Marketing Forum, SEO & Marketplace

    Pleas share your thoughts and what are your favorite affiliate marketing? why?

    Hope it helps in promoting your affiliate programs and increasing sales for your sites.
    affiliates4u.com is down and abestweb.com is going out of business
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Wicked Fire = profanity, borderline blackhat. The name is banned on WarriorForum.

    DigitalPoint = juvenile, terrible cringe-worthy advice since 2004

    Abestweb = closed, forums are read-only

    WarriorForum = Was #1, quality is going downhill since buyout. less veterans than ever, sense of community has disappeared, more bad advice every day.

    Don't know the others.

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  • Profile picture of the author yannablog
    Originally Posted by harryptx View Post

    Hi friends,

    I'd like to publish this list of affiliate marketing forums, All of them are affiliate marketing related. I bet you will find some new forums that you'll like.

    So here is the list of internet marketing and affiliate marketing forums:

    Webmaster Sun - The #1 Internet Marketing Forum, SEO & Marketplace

    Pleas share your thoughts and what are your favorite affiliate marketing? why?

    Hope it helps in promoting your affiliate programs and increasing sales for your sites.
    I would go Warriorforum.com for IM and affiliate marketing

    Webmastersun.com is really good for webmasters, web design, IM and specially web hosting helps, I got good support to solve my hosting problems from other members on this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author gladiator80
    Warriorforum is the best by far.
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  • Profile picture of the author fredi
    My favorite are Warrior and Digital Point.
    Main reason is huge amount of experience member and most of them are eager to help.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Jackman
    i think warriorforum is the best for affiliate marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Warrior Forum is the best, but I want to suggest a Pat Flynn's blog - it isn't a forum. I know you said forum but the info is really good.
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  • Profile picture of the author heartyy
    Of course warrior forum has to be on the list.

    Another one is digitalpoint. It's one of the best forums with a very friendly community.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Right now (the best free forum) - warriorforum, all the rest have had a huge decline in the recent years
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    • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      Right now (the best free forum) - warriorforum, all the rest have had a huge decline in the recent years
      I agree, with one exception: one time i had to so some clever redirection sort of thing,
      and i duckduck go-got it, what came up was black hat world, and viewing it from the angle
      of a guy that does everything himself i have to say: there are some very smart people
      at that forum. In programing i give them two extra stars over WF.

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    • Profile picture of the author harryptx
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      Right now (the best free forum) - warriorforum, all the rest have had a huge decline in the recent years
      I agree, what reason it is? its by search engines changed their algorithm or affiliate marketing niche downed?
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  • Profile picture of the author travel umroh
    Originally Posted by harryptx View Post

    Hi friends,

    I'd like to publish this list of affiliate marketing forums, All of them are affiliate marketing related. I bet you will find some new forums that you'll like.

    So here is the list of internet marketing and affiliate marketing forums:

    Webmaster Sun - The #1 Internet Marketing Forum, SEO & Marketplace

    Pleas share your thoughts and what are your favorite affiliate marketing? why?

    Hope it helps in promoting your affiliate programs and increasing sales for your sites.
    affiliate marketing is still the best in the internet online
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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    Originally Posted by harryptx View Post

    Hi friends,

    I’d like to publish this list of affiliate marketing forums, All of them are affiliate marketing related. I bet you will find some new forums that you’ll like.
    Affilorama - why not Google for keyword affiliate marketing forum. Warrior Forum is more into freelancing forum these days, rather than internet marketing forum. I used to hang out at Abestweb at the beginning of my journey as an affiliate, but then the forum is closed already.
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  • Profile picture of the author rubelgazi1980
    I choose the Warrior Forum & Digitalpoint. These are my first choice. then other. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    here is a good tip. Just pick one forum....they all say the same thing!!!

    just spend your time reading 20 mins a day.

    Then go implement.

    How many times you seen people just READING, and READIN and thinking holy crap! This is awesome....and never take action.

    They wake up the next day and do the exact same thing.

    Ok, so spend time reading, but you should be spending a majority of you day implementing stuff, and working on your business, not just READING and DREAMING!

    Taking action, is going to give you far better results than reading, and reading and reading all day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Well there is forum learning and contributing and there is forum marketing...2 different hats and activities and often combined.
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  • Profile picture of the author hynds
    For me, they're Warrior and digitalpoint. I'm using all for a long time. And now I prefer Warrior forum than digital forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    There use to be a lot of great forums, but most are gone. Sadly, they let trolls in. All they would do is make fun of anything new. Colleges, the result is the situation we have now.

    I like to read the considerate comments of every person. All of us can learn a lot by reading about another member's point of view. However, trolls seem to have taken over.

    Forums need fixing, and that is for sure. Quite often, they are the opposite of a safe space. Nasty trolls will congregate, ready to offer their mean-spirited opinions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicolai Kid
    I think warrior forum is the best! Because it have a lot of members. So we can learn many things on it from their posts every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author RefuseToLose
    The Warriorforum is the biggest, but it's far from the best.

    If you want to talk with people who actually know how to affiliate marketing, you will have to look at private forums or private facebook groups. That's where most of the successful affiliate marketers go. The warriorforum has a bad rep among the elite in the industry for being like digital point. Full of newbies who offer each other bad advice and are only good for being sold WSO's to.

    I wish it wasn't true, because I've been apart of every major affiliate marketing forum and they are all practically dead (besides the paid ones). I'm not a fan of the transition to private groups. Which is why I'm here. Hoping this place turns things around, but I'm not holding my breath.
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  • Profile picture of the author publyfe
    I'm a big fan of these guys: Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

    Spy On YOUR Competitors' Marketing Campaigns!!! -->> http://www.publyfe.com

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  • Profile picture of the author 60degree1
    I prefer Warrior forums and Digital Point. But warrior forums are best because there are lots of members and it is very active.
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  • Profile picture of the author CreativeDreamrz
    After warriorforum the second best is digitalpoint
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  • Profile picture of the author kursat
    WF was the best and I still hope it gets back to where it was a few years ago but more and more repeat posts make the forum look cheap...I learnt a lot from WF when I get started so I still stick by them. I am sure private FB groups are important as well...
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  • Profile picture of the author ignmmulia
    Warrior forum is still the best. There are a lot of great marketers here compared to other forums.
    [HOT] Earn Up To $105.75 Commission & $26,000 Contest Prizes From This Brand New Self-Help Product.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    There are many i use. This one of course. You can have a look at Digital Points Forums and Wicked Fire as well if you don't know them. But the best place is this one
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  • Profile picture of the author psenjani81
    Of course the Warrior Forum is the best Forum site in my view. Beside the http://www.warriorforum.com, I chose the Digital point. I chose these two site. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author BacklinkzTopper
    My all time favourite warriorforum.
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