5 replies
Ive put up some computers for sale and I have people wanting to buy them. Do I need to send them a customer agreement and what's the best way to take payment? I have a paypal account should I just e-mail the invoice or is there a better way?
#payment #taking
  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    Originally Posted by mwallat View Post

    Ive put up some computers for sale and I have people wanting to buy them. Do I need to send them a customer agreement and what's the best way to take payment? I have a paypal account should I just e-mail the invoice or is there a better way?

    Why don't you avoid the hassle and list them on Ebay. You can give your customers your link to the items after you have listed them on ebay.

    I am sure ebay has a tutorial that explains what you need to do to protect your customer and yourself.

    I think going this route will make things easier for you, protect your customers, and also protect you.
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    • Profile picture of the author mwallat
      Do they charge per post or just take payment when you sell something?
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  • Profile picture of the author mwallat
    Ok I got it posted. Sometimes the answer is so basic you over look it. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author enjamulahsan
    Search in the google for paypal short link. There's a paypal short link generator by paypal that can generate links and your buyer can send any amount to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author GetPLRhere
    I agree with webmarke, post it up on eBay. It's much safer to do physical product transaction through a reputable 3rd party platform - rather than some classified ads. Too many things have gone awry through classifies.
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