CB Direct Link to Check Out
I'm working on an affiliate funnel for a specific Clickbank product. Since the sales page of the product pretty much looks like cr@p, I'd like to make my own sales page which I can split test and track. Most of the work is done, I only need to await permission to make the custom sales page and direct link to the check out page.
However, I somehow cannot get the check out page link to work, I have tried:
ht tp://CB affiliateID.Vendorid.hop.clickbank. net/?rd=order&tid=abc
This one doesn't work with the product I'm promoting, but does work with others.
ht tp://Productnumber.AffiliateID_VendorID.pay.clickbank. net
This one does work, but when scroll down it says
[affiliate = AffiliateID.abc ] instead of [ affiliate = affiliateID ]
Does someone know what to do?
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison