Thanks for teaching me to fish

by Orator
6 replies
I've been lurking around this forum for about seven days of intensive reading, planning, and general excitement. I've always wanted to enter a field that would allow me to become my own boss, and then... this lovely forum popped up in my search screen.

I'm always skeptical of the idea of a quick buck, but this place is refreshingly candid about how like most things, your going to have to work hard but it can be done.

I'm already setting up my first income stream due to this website, and so folks you've all got my thanks for creating such a wonderful place to teach a guy like me how to fish.

I hope in the future I can repay some of the debt owed.
#fish #income #newbie #stream #teaching
  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
    Hi Orator,

    That's awesome

    Yes, this place certainly is a lot more straight forward then some other IM forums, I love it!

    I look forward to you repaying your debt and learning from you. Nice analogy with fishing too by the way,


    WarriorForum Rules!

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  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    do you want my paypal adress?

    The longer you hang here - the more you'll learn.

    Something else you'll discover is that most of the people here are ready to help if you have a problem you need solved.

    Fellow Warriors have been kind enough to...

    Do video critiques of my sales pages
    Help me with wordpress problems
    Help me with script problems

    and loads of other stuff.

    If you give and learn - this place warmly gives back.
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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    • Profile picture of the author netkid
      Also remember that there is no "quick buck" way to riches online for most of us. You are building the foundation of something that can grow into full time income if you never give up. "Keep on keeping on" is what we say. (persistance, my friend!)


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      • Profile picture of the author cadoutsource
        Best place to be on the net as far as I'm concerned. I've learned so much about IM. Bought some WSO'S, Gained some new friends, & laid the foundation my IM businesses that puts me on the road to work from home.
        May Success Overtake You!
        My smartphone Pays Me
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  • Profile picture of the author XiahouDun
    I'm wondering how many $27 ebook you would have to read to match all the information that exists in this forum
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