What is the best way for selling digital items?

15 replies
I'm new at digital marketing. So guys, please help me this issue.
I'm creating some products on Themeforest & Graphicriver

I'm working for submit Themeforest item. So, I need to know the best way about digital marketing for getting good sale for my item.

Thanks all in advance.
#digital #graphicriver #items #selling #themeforest
  • Profile picture of the author Ashok Panda
    Hi Envalab

    When you are creating a digital product specifically for a marketplace

    You need to come up with a plan that is unbeatable in terms of your offering ( make a list of your USP , if you already have a lot of value and innovation , its good , and it will sell well ) to maximize profit , create a good sales video and text content. a few demo videos .

    Break down your offering so that you can make OTOs and uosales

    Create good landing pages for a webinar and a free bie .

    Dont forget to include some bonuses.

    If you would like to know more or strike a partnership , drop me a line in PM

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  • Profile picture of the author Sujata Mondal
    I think you should search keywords and write great content for your product page
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    You can create your own online store to sell your digital products. Today most of the eCommerce platforms support digital products. Alternatively you can use Clickbank, eJunkie, etc. to sell your digital products.
    Bloggershook.com- Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author envalab
      Originally Posted by vishwa View Post

      You can create your own online store to sell your digital products. Today most of the eCommerce platforms support digital products. Alternatively you can use Clickbank, eJunkie, etc. to sell your digital products.
      Thank you for your valuable comments. I will to follow this. Hope it'll be helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    That's the first thing to work on. Making sure your product converts. All you need is a little good quality traffic say from PPC with Google or Bing. Your best off capturing some details to stay in contact with. Only around 2% of traffic will purchase on the first visit according to industry standards.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author aronprins
    Personally, I'd recommend a simple WordPress / WooCommerce website. This automatically sets you up for secure delivery of your products, and a good base for the future!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by envalab View Post

    I'm new at digital marketing. So guys, please help me this issue.
    I'm creating some products on Themeforest & Graphicriver

    I'm working for submit Themeforest item. So, I need to know the best way about digital marketing for getting good sale for my item.

    Thanks all in advance.
    First you need a good niche. Then find/create a product as your lead-in item to sell. After you get the sale, continue to market more products to your customers.

    In the beginning, get Wordpress, an autoresponder from Aweber or Getresponse, setup a squeeze page, generate leads, do email marketing to them, then collect sales. List building is the key. Without a list you don't have anything and can't demonstrate credibility to people who don't know who you are.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaysolution
    pick ten common promotion tactics from the Top 10 grossing items on the Envato marketplace. do a google search on them and see who is pointing to them and see if you can submit your product also.
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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    Digital marketing is all about creating quality products while doing your market research, just like everybody else says do list building first.
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  • Profile picture of the author GetPLRhere
    Well first, we don't know what your item is. There's all kind of digital items; audio, video, ebooks, themes, graphics, etc. There are specialty marketplaces for each one, and places to sell all of them.

    There are of course affiliate platform like Jvzoo and Clickbank, where virtually all of the products there are digital. Then there are digital seller platforms like tradebit and ejunkie.
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  • Profile picture of the author seanalexm
    One of the best ways for digital products is to create a website with the content of your products. Then share your site through guest posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author irdkkelate
    do you offer review copies ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Caitlinz
    First list your product for sale in your website or themeforest, a fair percentage of sales will come from themeforest if your theme is good. Then promote in on forums or where your target traffic is.
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  • Profile picture of the author david henry
    If you are starting out getting help and access to the basics is always a good thing, PLR Profits Club provides a free gold level with access to over 100 quality PLR products you can sell as your own or use the content to create lead magnets and you will also find some great video training modules to help you set up the basic services you need like aweber, hosting etc.
    I hope this helps, click the linkto register your free membership

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  • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
    If you can get affiliates to sell your product , that will be good. Or you can create a landing page and get traffic to it via Bing PPC or Facebook ads... Track conversions and find successful campaigns.
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