Anxiety/Social Anxiety Niche Groups

5 replies
Hey everyone, I'm just getting started with a blog relating to fear/anxiety/social anxiety. Once I start generating traffic I plan on hooking up CPM ad networks as well as building an email list for affiliate marketing.

Are there any groups on here that focus around this niche? Looking for all the help I can get/contribute. Thanks!
#anxiety #anxiety or social #groups #niche
  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    I don't think there are any specific groups/sections on this forum, but if you do a Google search you should be able to find lots of forums, groups, etc. related to fear/anxiety/social anxiety.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Amazes me how people always take the piss on the sick and vulnerable you truly have no soul
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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    No, you won't find any groups here... But I believe that is a good niche you chose, but always provide information that you are knowledgable about.
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  • I just got sucked into an anxiety group by accident! I took a quiz to see "how high my anxiety was" It wasn't until after I started getting the marketing emails that I realized it wasn't just a fun quiz but a marketer's ploy! ha.
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by CourtneyBrentwood View Post

      I just got sucked into an anxiety group by accident! I took a quiz to see "how high my anxiety was" It wasn't until after I started getting the marketing emails that I realized it wasn't just a fun quiz but a marketer's ploy! ha.

      Thanks for contributing to the thread Its nice to see people like to waffle on and nothing of use .
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