Asking Input from Subscribers?

by 3 replies
Hey guys,

I recently released my first ebook, a giveaway to start building a list. It's been about two weeks since I've put it online and I've grown it to about 30 subscribers.

I've been thinking of new topics for an upcoming giveaway ebook/product and want to get input from my subscribers as to how they would feel about it. I want to understand their wants, needs, and concerns.

With only 30 people on a list, do you think it's too early to ask for this type of input from my subscribers? And if you guys have any, what are some techniques that you've used in a similar situation?

Thanks a lot!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #input #subscribers
  • All you need is one good person to get some great info.

    There is a very good chance that your research is already done, 2 suggestions:
    1) look for threads in forums where the same problem was discussed and cull the insights

    2) Look at competitors products and find the pain buttons they push

    I've done both of these before and they are fast, easy, and prevent me from being the limiting factor.
  • I really think your blog is awesome. Great job. Those social bookmarking icons
    is cool and the red sexy line. That really does it. I've subscribed to your
    list and will read your e-book and give you some feedback. But I've read your
    advice in a previous thread and it seems that you are on the right path.

    Hang around in forums, read blogs - produce a simple, workable and do-able
    solution. No rocket science. I'm sick and tired of this so-called secrets.

    There is no secrets. Get things done and work hard.

    Alexis Dawes says you must deliver for a desperate market. Seems the biggest
    problem is to stay focussed. Good solid easy to understand and implement on
    that one will be appreciated. How to use and apply the tools you already have
    to its maximum potential like google, firefox etc.

    or how to correctly set up your PC for IM or what software tools to have on hand.

    Pretty basic stuff but what is needed in my opinion.

    Keep well.

    Really hope you make a roaring success of it!
  • I have a "What are you looking for?" survey as one of the first few emails in my autoresponder series. As people get on my list I continue to get great feedback on what they want and I can use that info to create products, promote matching offers, etc.

    Scour the forums, etc., as mentioned, but asking the people on YOUR list what they want is even better, I think.

    Jay Jennings

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