FAQ for Most Asked Questions

42 replies
Hi Warriors,

I think it would be great to have a FAQ thread of Most Asked Questions with the best replies in it.

This way when someone comes into the forum asking those questions we can direct them to this thread (and we will probably make it sticky as well).

So it would be great if you could post the question/type of question that needs to be added to this FAQ and the best threads/posts that answer that specific question (or even create a new response to that!).

I'll start off:
"How Can I Make $XX in the Next Y Days/Weeks/Months"

To The Question "How Can I Make Money Online?" Here's My Answer!

How I got to 50$ a day for free IN 2 WEEKS!!! (No investment)

How to make $48,000 in 5 weeks by taking action and following up

From $2 to $1,500 per Month, My First Year as an Amazon Affiliate

Just a few examples, I am sure that are a lot more! Feel free to add threads to this example and suggest other Most Common Asked Questions for the FAQ thread.

Here is your chance to stop saying we get the same questions over and over again and actually create a FAQ we can refer members to.

#asked #faq #questions
  • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
    Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

    Here is your chance to stop saying we get the same questions over and over again and actually create a FAQ we can refer members to.
    They're still going to ask them.
    You don't get you're sig file seen reading other threads.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10696681].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
      Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

      They're still going to ask them.
      You don't get you're sig file seen reading other threads.
      And some will ask it because they genuinely want to know the answer.

      Care to throw some suggestions?
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      • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
        Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

        Care to throw some suggestions?
        We've tried that in the suggestion forum.
        No one takes any notice.
        Would it be worth wasting anymore time with suggestions?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10696894].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
          Originally Posted by lgibbon View Post

          We've tried that in the suggestion forum.
          No one takes any notice.
          Would it be worth wasting anymore time with suggestions?
          For threads and answers to be included in FAQ
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      • Profile picture of the author webmarke
        Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

        And some will ask it because they genuinely want to know the answer.

        Care to throw some suggestions?
        My sentiments...exactly!

        Some of these members never have anything positive to say or contribute.

        They spend their whole time on the forum making negative comments on threads and rarely (if ever) contribute to the conversation with something constructive.

        We need a separate thread dedicated to those people.

        We could call it ...I Am A Professional Troller...Hear Me Roar!"

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10697290].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

          My sentiments...exactly!

          Some of these members never have anything positive to say or contribute.

          They spend their whole time on the forum making negative comments on threads and rarely (if ever) contribute to the conversation with something constructive.

          We need a separate thread dedicated to those people.

          We could call it ...I Am A Professional Troller...Hear Me Roar!"


          As long as you're the one ranting it's ok. Everyone else that doesn't agree with you is a troll. Makes sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    We used to have a "FAQ" section - and it served a useful purpose.

    If was a regular SECTION of the forum - and when people asked the same simplistic and repetitive questions in other sections - their threads were deleted and they were told the answer was "in the FAQ section".

    Yes, people will keep posting the same old tired questions, They don't want answers....they want exposure. And a few here will keep answering those same questions over and over - because they sell to newbies and also want exposure.

    At least with a FAQ section mods could slap those folks down when they troll too close to the shore....

    The only downside to this particular way of adding a FAQ section is if members are continually linking to their own WF FAQ threads to say "here's the answer" (send newbies to FAQ and make them find the answer. That's a lesson in itself.) If there's an "official" FAQ section and sigs are included...there will be competition for who is "represented the most".

    Overall, good idea IF mods defer to it and delete repetitive threads.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10697002].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      We used to have a "FAQ" section - and it served a useful purpose.

      If was a regular SECTION of the forum - and when people asked the same simplistic and repetitive questions in other sections - their threads were deleted and they were told the answer was "in the FAQ section".

      Yes, people will keep posting the same old tired questions, They don't want answers....they want exposure. And a few here will keep answering those same questions over and over - because they sell to newbies and also want exposure.

      At least with a FAQ section mods could slap those folks down when they troll too close to the shore....
      At least someone gets it. 😂

      Any FAQ thread would need to be away from the main forum or that would be targeted for exposure too.
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    • Profile picture of the author kilgore
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      We used to have a "FAQ" section - and it served a useful purpose.

      If was a regular SECTION of the forum - and when people asked the same simplistic and repetitive questions in other sections - their threads were deleted and they were told the answer was "in the FAQ section".

      Yes, people will keep posting the same old tired questions, They don't want answers....they want exposure. And a few here will keep answering those same questions over and over - because they sell to newbies and also want exposure.

      At least with a FAQ section mods could slap those folks down when they troll too close to the shore....

      The only downside to this particular way of adding a FAQ section is if members are continually linking to their own WF FAQ threads to say "here's the answer" (send newbies to FAQ and make them find the answer. That's a lesson in itself.) If there's an "official" FAQ section and sigs are included...there will be competition for who is "represented the most".

      Overall, good idea IF mods defer to it and delete repetitive threads.
      Instead of compiling a list of FAQs, I really like the idea of a FAQ Forum section like Kay describes. One thing I'd do differently is that instead of deleting the questions that are asked over and over again, I'd just move them to the FAQ section. Whoever wants to answer them to get whatever forum exposure they wanted to get could do so. The rest of us could safely steer clear of that section.

      To me, a FAQ section accomplishes several things:
      1. It prevents having to maintain the FAQ list should techniques change over time since questions will continue to be answered.
      2. Let's all the sig whores have their fun (and maybe even keeps them out of the main forum!)
      3. Gives the newbies a place to look first before asking questions (and should their question be moved, provides a big hint about where they might look first next time.)
      4. Keeps the rest of us from having to deal with the same crap over and over again.
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      • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
        Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

        One thing I'd do differently is that instead of deleting the questions that are asked over and over again, I'd just move them to the FAQ section. Whoever wants to answer them to get whatever forum exposure they wanted to get could do so. The rest of us could safely steer clear of that section.
        Hello kilgore, no ill intent in my thoughts here, but I think spam and stupidity will still dominate the boards until a few other things change.

        I strongly disagree on the duplicate thread/post topic, as duplicate threads and posts are not really much good for anyone. Usually, duplicate threads/posts clutter the forum, they make it harder to find real insight on a topic, they are not good for forum searches, they can skew Google results, and they promote more spam and bogus information of all types to be posted to the forum making it more difficult for solid members to detect the real scoop.

        Personally, with a few exceptions, I almost always hate duplicate or very similar posts and questions, unless the post belongs in a couple different major sections (possibly as a sticky topic).

        To me, a FAQ section accomplishes several things:

        It prevents having to maintain the FAQ list should techniques change over time since questions will continue to be answered.
        IMO, the primary current of the forum flow will be almost the same...IMO most idiots, spammers and newbs rarely read the rules or use the search function... Hell, I don't even know if some of these peeps open their eyes before they post. I don't believe creating an FAQ forum will substantially reduce the amount of BS posted here.

        Let's all the sig whores have their fun (and maybe even keeps them out of the main forum!)
        Let's not! Let's do an IP ban instead!!!

        Gives the newbies a place to look first before asking questions (and should their question be moved, provides a big hint about where they might look first next time.)[*]Keeps the rest of us from having to deal with the same crap over and over again.
        Hahahaha...wishful thinking, I do believe. Most newbs don't look around too much before posting. I don't think many do anything more than take a minute or two to look at the first forum they see traffic in --> and then they fire away.

        No search, no checking a few pages deep on the thread, no paying attention to the proper forum, and no reading of the forum or section rules etc. etc.

        Heck, probably about half the people on here or more don't even read the thread they are posting on. They read the OP and then pop a one or two liner on the thread. Of course some exceptions do apply.

        Bottom line, I don't think an FAQ section in itself will make a big difference in the content quality posted to this forum.

        Could it help a bit? Sure, if it was administrated properly.


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        • Profile picture of the author kilgore
          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          Hello kilgore, no ill intent in my thoughts here, but I think spam and stupidity will still dominate the boards until a few other things change.
          Agreed. 100%.

          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          I strongly disagree on the duplicate thread/post topic, as duplicate threads and posts are not really much good for anyone. Usually, duplicate threads/posts clutter the forum, they make it harder to find real insight on a topic, they are not good for forum searches, they can skew Google results, and they promote more spam and bogus information of all types to be posted to the forum making it more difficult for solid members to detect the real scoop.
          I do agree with you. I just think it's a more severe form of moderation to delete a thread rather than just throw it into some section that nobody really cares about. It also has the potential to be confusing and lead to even more, "Why was most post deleted?" threads.

          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          IMO, the primary current of the forum flow will be almost the same...IMO most idiots, spammers and newbs rarely read the rules or use the search function... Hell, I don't even know if some of these peeps open their eyes before they post. I don't believe creating an FAQ forum will substantially reduce the amount of BS posted here.
          Let's be honest. Even smart people usually don't read the rules or search. But my point is not that I think a FAQ forum will reduce (much) the amount of BS posted -- more that it makes it so people like you and me don't have to look at it. People will continue to post it, I'm sure, but if it gets moved, at least it won't clutter up the main forum. And all the sig spammers can have their little love fest all by themselves.

          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          Let's not! Let's do an IP ban instead!!!
          Are we really going to start IP banning people because they posted or answered another "What to do with $X thread?" I just don't see it. Moving the post to a different section is a much lighter moderation touch. It's a not-so-subtle way of saying, "This question has been asked 43.2 million times before" while still allowing anyone who feels they have something to add to the discussion the ability to do so. Whether they'll actually add anything of value is doubtful -- but that's exactly why I wouldn't bother going to that section.

          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          Hahahaha...wishful thinking, I do believe. Most newbs don't look around too much before posting. I don't think many do anything more than take a minute or two to look at the first forum they see traffic in --> and then they fire away.
          Nope. Which is why the moderators would need to be proactive for this to work.

          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          Bottom line, I don't think an FAQ section in itself will make a big difference in the content quality posted to this forum.

          Could it help a bit? Sure, if it was administrated properly.
          Again, I agree. Big difference? Probably no. Somewhat helpful? Yes, if moderated correctly. But I think it's a mistake to not do anything because it won't make a big difference -- small changes do add up.

          Moreover, I think compared to maintaining a lot of FAQ threads (which was the original proposal) FAQ section is a lot easier to implement and maintain. Just add a new section and move threads as appropriate.

          Of course none of this discussion makes much difference if nothing actually gets implemented...

          And speaking of forum sections... Shouldn't this thread be in the "Suggestions" section?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Dan -

    It's clear you are trying hard to improve things here. It will take time to win trust back as we've had two years having suggestions ignored - questions not answered, etc.

    It builds up callouses and you can't smooth it over in a week or two - but I can see you are seriously trying to create better lines of communication.

    It may not work to bring long term members back but it will improve the quality of the forum for new members going forward.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    I applaud Dan's effort to reach out to the members for help in making the WF a better community. I, for one, have been asking for some help in the way of organizing answers to the questions asked most often so we can refer new members to solid threads of the past.

    Yes, it is going to take some time and it will also require patience and help from all of us.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

    Hi Warriors,

    I think it would be great to have a FAQ thread of Most Asked Questions with the best replies in it.

    This way when someone comes into the forum asking those questions we can direct them to this thread (and we will probably make it sticky as well).

    So it would be great if you could post the question/type of question that needs to be added to this FAQ and the best threads/posts that answer that specific question (or even create a new response to that!).

    I'll start off:
    "How Can I Make in the Next Y Days/Weeks/Months"

    To The Question "How Can I Make Money Online?" Here's My Answer!

    How I got to 50$ a day for free IN 2 WEEKS!!! (No investment)

    How to make $48,000 in 5 weeks by taking action and following up

    From $2 to $1,500 per Month, My First Year as an Amazon Affiliate

    Just a few examples, I am sure that are a lot more! Feel free to add threads to this example and suggest other Most Common Asked Questions for the FAQ thread.

    Here is your chance to stop saying we get the same questions over and over again and actually create a FAQ we can refer members to.


    This was done on the SEO forum but the problem is it still has to be maintained because SEO tactics change or become outdated and you end up with a bunch of threads/links that are junk/clutter. See screenshot below and wayback link here for how stickies of outdated threads can get out of control.

    The only thing worse than the same questions being asked over and over is looking at outdated questions/threads because it junks up the forum and confuses noobs into starting additional threads asking why something isn't working for them now.

    Trust me on this scrolling through a mile of stickies sucks, that's why the SEO forum stickies were eventually consolidated into a single thread of links (still needs maintained to remove outdated threads/links).

    Also, and this is VERY important, you have to lock stickies especially on the SEO forum because link spammers will blast them with backlinks creating a huge mess.

    FAQ stickies can be a good idea If you go about it the right way.

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  • Profile picture of the author kakihencap
    how do you make money online ?

    most asked i think
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    What would you do with $xx.00


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Dan, I think this may be a good thing if it's handled properly from the get go.

    A few thoughts:

    1. We don't want to squelch the good discussion and we don't want to not answer folks questions. This should be looked at as an additional way to help answer people's questions not a replacement for good discussion.

    Most people don't want a canned answer – they want personalized help. I think we can refer people to the FAQ but we need to be willing to add additional help on a thread if their situation is different from what's covered there.

    2. Some regular posters will probably leave or take part less in the discussion since their main interest is in sig exposure as mentioned by Kay and Les. If we spend a lot of time on this, I hope FL is willing to take that temporary hit when some of them leave for the sake of the longer term good.

    3. I personally think having a free for all FAQ is going to be less than helpful. There are too many people with too many agendas to push and keeping it clean will be a chore. If you go the free for all route, maybe you need editors that can help make sure everything is up to standard – kind of like the Wikipedia editors.

    For example, you'll have someone with Kindle reviews for hire site that insists paid reviews are fine. You need someone that can clarify that while there are paid reviews available, the reader needs to be aware of XYZ that may get their account banned at Amazon.

    Likewise, you'll have people pushing their plugins or their theories or making the unethical ethical if you aren't careful.

    Then there are answers such as the role of social signals in SEO that even "experts" can't agree on. Which answer goes into the FAQ or are both sides presented and let the reader decide themselves or what?

    My point is that if this is going to work, it needs to provide the best answers possible – not just some junk thrown up to get a sig seen. We have enough of that now. It truly needs to be helpful.

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    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I hope FL is willing to take that temporary hit when some of them leave for the sake of the longer term good.
      Most of them don't hang around anyway.
      A lot of these repeat questions are made by newbies as their first post.
      It's usually their last too, when they wake the next morning
      and find their bank accounts are not full with Dollars as promised when they were sent here.
      Most never even visit the forum again.
      It would be a lot simpler just to delete the repeat questions
      Anyone genuinely interested will use a bit of common sense and find
      the answer by searching.
      The others won't even notice.
      A lot less time would be wasted all round.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    FAQ's are nice, but I don't think people asking questions is really the problem. I think what we really need is recognition of a serious question versus someone just trying to increase post count and/or have their signature seen.

    Someone mentioned the question above "How do I make money online?"

    If a thread is started with that just that question, it should just be deleted by the moderators. It is not a serious question.

    Now if someone posted something more along the lines of...

    I have this hobby site I started a few years ago. It is getting XXX number of visits per day. I started it as a hobby, but it seems like there should be some ways to make money off of the traffic. The site is about....

    ...what are some suggestions for monetizing this traffic?
    That is a more serious and honest question worthy of a discussion. It is someone genuinely looking for help.

    Relating it to the SEO forum where I have generally been active over the years, one-liners like "How do I rank a webpage?" or "How do I get links?" are not serious questions. They just junk up the forum and invite more spammers to post their nonsensical answers and drop their signature links. Before you know it, there is a 3-page thread full of crap. A thread that should have been deleted after the first post.
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  • I figure Dan's contributions are snappy guides for the perplexed, an' I kinda like 'em.

    Problem is, the perplexed are often also kinda stoopid -- an' given the signature bombardment problem, the not-so-stoopid ones may also be kinda unperplexed.

    Gotta hope this initiative -- along with some tightly written & strategically deployed FAQs an' 'coolest ever' post links -- will serve as a waterin' hole for the needy.

    Beyond that, prolly someone should fix up a finer sieve.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I think another issue to be addressed is where the answers come from: full thread links, certain post links, written from scratch, or some combination.

    A simple question such as: is it better to have long content or short content for SEO purposes turns into a thread such as this: http://www.warriorforum.com/search-e...ng-2016-a.html that really helps no one - especially those that need the help because they don't have a lot of experience themselves. That's why they come here. To get help.

    Not a pretty picture.

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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      I think another issue to be addressed is where the answers come from: full thread links, certain post links, written from scratch, or some combination.

      A simple question such as: is it better to have long content or short content for SEO purposes turns into a thread such as this: http://www.warriorforum.com/search-e...ng-2016-a.html that really helps no one - especially those that need the help because they don't have a lot of experience themselves. That's why they come here. To get help.

      Not a pretty picture.

      Well, to be fair, I'm the one that's right in that thread link.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bhupesh941
    How to become a succesfull affiliate marketer ???
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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    "What is the secret to online success?" or some other variant of that question is one we see a lot.

    Also, "how do you drive traffic?" - which gets me thinking...

    Don't we have an http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ffic-tips.html thread?

    Sadly, it gets ignored.

    I commend Dan for his efforts but we still have a lot of work to do in improving the community.

    This is a nice start, though.

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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I wish there was a quality vote similar to stackexchange. Good threads whether in the form of questions or tips would be voted to the top. The best replies/answers/contributions would be voted to the TOP of the thread within the thread.

    It would not be perfect but you may not need to read through 5 pages of lame replies or personal arguments. Newbies would be able to quickly get some good advice within the top 10 replies or so even as threads got older. If some of the information became outdated or needed to be modified a new post could be made and the experienced members would vote it to the top.

    P.S. This will never happen.

    P.P.S. Most FAQ's don't really have answers or at least they can't be answered without much more information than the asker is generally willing to post. Sometimes there are so many factors involved there is really no right or wrong answer.

    How much is my domain worth?
    Can I legally ________?
    Is it against the TOS of ____________ to ___________?
    What would you do if ____________?
    Where is the best place to host my website?
    Should I get a job or should I try IM?
    Should I go to college or should I start IM?
    Should I quit my job?
    Of all the methods what is the best way to make money online?
    Is __________ still a good way to make money?
    Is __________ dead?
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  • Profile picture of the author dansilvestre
    I appreciate the discussion and agree with some points while personally disagreeing with others.

    That being said, few provided the answer to the original point of this thread: what questions get asked the most and which threads are the best to answer that? (some people commented the first part only)

    Would you prefer to have a All-in-One thread instead?

    The problem would be creating a thread for each specific type of question and make it sticky. This would mean having 10-20 sticky posts on Main Internet Marketing forum for example.

    We will be more aggressive in moderating threads that provide no context at all when asking a question.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

      I appreciate the discussion and agree with some points while personally disagreeing with others.

      That being said, few provided the answer to the original point of this thread: what questions get asked the most and which threads are the best to answer that? (some people commented the first part only)

      Would you prefer to have a All-in-One thread instead?

      The problem would be creating a thread for each specific type of question and make it sticky. This would mean having 10-20 sticky posts on Main Internet Marketing forum for example.

      No, I don't want to scroll past 20 stickies on every page load of the main sub-forum page/s. Like I've already said, that's been done in the past and it's very annoying for anyone that has been a forum member for longer than a week/month.

      Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

      We will be more aggressive in moderating threads that provide no context at all when asking a question.
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      • Profile picture of the author vedremo
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        Noit's very annoying for anyone that has been a forum member for longer than a week/month.
        I just wanted to re-quote this. Hopefully it is a clue on how to solve the problem.
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      • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        No, I don't want to scroll past 20 stickies on every page load of the main sub-forum page/s.

        Not to mention the ever increasing amount of articles too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Here's a list of some commonly asked questions...the best threads for each question is another story...although for anything video/Youtube related, the obvious answer is "The Warrior High Voltage Forum".

    Instead of links to individual threads for each, maybe links to search results, either using the WF's internal search or Google custom site search, would be better?

    Best PLR?
    Best course for noob to learn IM?
    Best free traffic sources?
    Do I need a website?
    Does article marketing still work?
    How do I build an email list?
    How do I choose a niche?
    How do I find affiliates for my product?
    How to start with affiliate marketing?
    How do I get started with _______
    How do I get traffic?
    How do I make $1000 before midnight?
    How do I monetize my website?
    How do I promote my services?
    How do I rank my video on Youtube?
    How should I spend $1000?
    Is _____ dead?
    Is there a penalty for duplicate content?
    Misc. Amazon/Kindle questions...
    Should I create my own product?
    Should I pay for hosting or use a free blog service?
    What's the best affiliate network?
    What's the best alternative to Adsesnse?
    What's the best alternative to Paypal?
    What's the best hosting service?
    What's the best software to make Youtube videos?
    Where can I find free images that are legal to use?
    Where can I get a mentor?
    Which autoresponder is best?
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Here are a few. I didn't check for duplicates in other posts nor did I add the best threads.

    What is the best WP plugin for SEO?
    Where can I find good themes for WP?
    Which is better Blogger, WP.com, or standalone WP?
    My FB/YT/PP/Bing/Adsense/Adwords account was limited/banned. What can I do?
    Why isn't my sig showing?
    Why isn't my WSO showing?
    Is Google dancing?
    When is the next Google update?
    How do I learn PHP/Python?
    How do I rank my YT video?
    How do I increase my site's ranking?
    I've got malware on my site, how do I fix it?
    How do I choose a niche?
    Which niche is most profitable?
    How do I create an authority site?
    How do I get started with Kindle/affiliate marketing/infoproducts?
    How do I get quality outsourcers?
    How do I write a good advertisement/sales letter?
    How long does it take to succeed with SEO/Kindle/affiliate marketing?
    How did you make your first $100/$1000?
    How do you do an A/B test?
    How do I increase conversions?
    What is the best squeeze page maker?
    How do I speed up my WP site?
    Which is better - affiliate marketing or creating own product?
    What are the best free/paid traffic sources?
    How do I get started with building my list?
    How often should I email my list?

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    How can I increase Fiverr sales?
    I've got a site but it's not making any sales. What's wrong?
    What can I do to sell services to my local community?
    Can you review my website?
    How do you create a PDF?
    How do I get started with FB/LI/Twitter?
    How do I increase followers/likes in FB/Twitter?
    How long should my article/ebook be?
    Which is the best social media to start with?
    How much should I charge for __?
    So and so ripped me off. What can I do?
    How can I contact Google/PayPal/YT/FB/etc?
    What does your day/schedule look like?

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Some of these members never have anything positive to say or contribute.
    Some post totally phony "positive" bullshit...which is worse?

    We could call it ...I Am A Professional Troller...Hear Me Roar!"
    With your profile as a sticky.

    Hey Dan,

    What ever happened to no sig. until you've made 50 posts?

    Active, competent moderation would solve the problem quickly.

    I would like to add more but "I Am A Professional Troller" and as such have many more forums to troll. So much trolling to do, so little time...
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Too bad you can't flag certain words so if someone starts a thread with one of those terms...a popup says "did you check the FAQs first". That's how many commercial sites online handle questions and answers.

    There is a moderator problem and while I can see efforts to improve - too many spam posts remain for hours.

    There are threads that should be "gone" immediately:

    rants about a person or a product or a site
    one line "nothings" (good post, like this, thanks to you, I agree)
    requests for customer service for various online products and systems

    One concerning change is that I see long term members being banned - and I can't tell WHY it happened. No rants, no rudeness though might be blunt on occasion...successful and helpful marketers gone while some pretenders just keep posting....the ones that will answer anything and label anyone with a different opinion (or more knowledge) as a "professional troller".

    IF YOU BRING SIGNATURES UNDER CONTROL - you might eliminate 75% of the spam and junk posts here.

    The rules here say "must be a site you own" - and in the past squeeze and landing pages were not allowed in sigs. NOW it's constant "signup here" pages and Fiverr links - and FB and MLM signups.

    Go back to enforcement of "must be a site you OWN on a domain you REGISTERED" and disallow the "signup page only". Disallow Fiverr links in sigs - why should the WF be giving free ads to Fiverr?

    Alternative is to charge a fee to use the signature function. Most who abuse the sigs wouldn't pay to do it.

    Yes, you would temporarily reduce participation numbers if you really "cracked down" but you might reverse what is a downward trend. This forum has survived members fussing at each other - and spammers/scammers - and bad WSO's, etc.

    Lately, though, the WF has become BORING - and I don't think any forum can survive that long term.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      IF YOU BRING SIGNATURES UNDER CONTROL - you might eliminate 75% of the spam and junk posts here.

      The rules here say "must be a site you own" - and in the past squeeze and landing pages were not allowed in sigs. NOW it's constant "signup here" pages and Fiverr links - and FB and MLM signups.

      Go back to enforcement of "must be a site you OWN on a domain you REGISTERED" and disallow the "signup page only". Disallow Fiverr links in sigs - why should the WF be giving free ads to Fiverr?
      That's probably the only hope for this forum Kay.
      But it's highly unlikely anyone will do something about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    If this FAQ project gets underway and is to do any good at all, I think the overall picture needs to be looked with some of the things Kay brought up.

    For example, on this very thread we had these two posts earlier:

    aaryaseo has replied to a thread in the Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum forum.

    FAQ for Most Asked Questions

    How can i am start making money through display ad og google?
    aaryaseo has replied to a thread in the Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum forum.

    FAQ for Most Asked Questions

    How can i am start making money through display ad og google?
    BY aarya,Perfect Insulating Bricks, Insulation Bricks ,Wares manufacturing Jabalpur india (Perfect Insulating Bricks, Insulation Bricks ,Wares manufacturing Jabalpur india)
    A FAQ will not solve this problem.

    I don't recall this being a big problem before. Yes there have always been spammers but this is a fairly new type (unless my old age is getting the best of me). The goal here seems solely to get a backlink for SEO purposes.

    This poster isn't a robot I don't think. They probably think they were pretty smart asking the right question in the right thread (Dan you did open it up for suggestions as to questions people have) and then answering it in another post with their spam.

    This isn't a signature problem either.

    So if this guy isn't going to read the FAQ then nobody else is. Unless there is some technical answer like Kay mentioned. Or a warning upon posting that the FAQ should be checked first. Or where they first have to type in their question and suggested threads/answers are presented. Hopefully, they check them out. If not, either because they are lazy or nothing fits, they can still post their question. A number of companies use this. Namecheap and Microsoft come to mind.

    Another thing you could do upon registering is making sure that people know links are no follow.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by dansilvestre View Post

    I appreciate the discussion and agree with some points while personally disagreeing with others.

    That being said, few provided the answer to the original point of this thread: what questions get asked the most and which threads are the best to answer that? (some people commented the first part only)

    Would you prefer to have a All-in-One thread instead?

    The problem would be creating a thread for each specific type of question and make it sticky. This would mean having 10-20 sticky posts on Main Internet Marketing forum for example.

    We will be more aggressive in moderating threads that provide no context at all when asking a question.
    Dan, we've tried All-in-One threads before, and they suffer the same fate as FAQs, only worse. The sig pimps and self-promoters know people will be referred to the AIO thread, so they get in as many entries as they can. Look what happened to the "What to Do If You're Desperate" thread, intended to solve the "how can I make $xx in a week" threads. That monster has thousands of posts, most of which are repetitive, off topic or just plain worthless.

    As for questions that constantly come up, here are some doozies...

    What's the best [product or service - usually WP theme, web host or autoresponder]

    Usually followed up by "What does the same thing as [product or service], only free?"

    A very common problem, which an FAQ won't solve, is the idea that the WF is the universal support site for every product, service, etc. on the Internet.

    If you do go ahead with this, you might take a look at how Kurt manages things in his High Voltage forum. He does a nice job keeping the topics organized.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      If you do go ahead with this, you might take a look at how Kurt manages things in his High Voltage forum. He does a nice job keeping the topics organized.
      One thing I do in the High Voltage that I haven't seen done in other sub forums is use the "Merge" feature of vBulletin.

      Having said this, I also have fewer threads to moderate than other sub forums...but still, there are times I think the Merge feature would come in handy in other parts of the forum.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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      • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        One thing I do in the High Voltage that I haven't seen done in other sub forums is use the "Merge" feature of vBulletin.
        A couple of years ago someone tried doing some merging in the Reviews section, the way it was done, however, made the the particular thread(s) I was following quite discombobulated.

        I agree though...the proper merging of threads can be a very useful administration tool, and it ain't being used as much as it should be around here. It was a tool I used with great affect many moons ago in my own forums.


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        • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
          Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

          I agree though...the proper merging of threads can be a very useful administration tool, and it ain't being used as much as it should be around here.
          It worked perfectly in the past.
          It was particularly useful in threads where the OP
          would add something to the thread every 6 hours or so
          to keep the thread bumped.
          Merging them keeps the first time stamp.
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  • Profile picture of the author EdwardYoung
    My question to you is why do marketers always sell products and programs with the attached agreement that you buy OTO's. Is it greed or what? End of line
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