Is Wikipedia the new Teespring?

11 replies
Scanning down the front page, I noticed half a dozen new threads asking about setting up Wikipedia pages to promote their websites.

I'm guessing that one of the gooroos had a webinar, and now a bunch of people will be trying to get rich with Wikipedia pages.

The Teespring thing burned out fairly quickly, other than the sig pimps and spammers.

I wonder what the half-life of this fad will be. Any guesses?
#teespring #wikipedia
  • Profile picture of the author Hard Work
    I've heard it is damn near impossible to get anything marketing related/profit orientated onto Wikipedia.

    Literally anything with commercial intent will be marked as spam, even if its not right away... Unless you are a serious expert publicly known and can be referenced within a relevant informative article, you're going to have trouble.

    I read it somewhere a while back, I'll post a link when I find it.

    Plus I think most people would skip a wiki result in the search results and head straight for a unique relevant website.

    I know I do!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    damn near impossible to get anything marketing related/profit orientated onto Wikipedia.
    Good for Wiki!!!!

    John - I'd guess 2-3 months for it to play out.

    We have the "have you tried this" and eventually we'll have the "try this - it works" - then "does Wiki still work" - and then a "dead thread". Then on to the next shiny bright idea...

    Edit: Seems the multiple threads are from 2013 to 2015 - being bumped by someone pushing a "Wiki service" guess we can jump directly to the 'dead' thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    I used to be a Wikipedia editor and was constantly deleting marketing crap. It's easy to spot, but if I somehow didn't catch it, another editor would.

    On the flipside, I had an old blog post get cited as a source in a Wikipedia article. That was pretty cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author Reddevil007
    I agree with most of the replies that Wikipedia is not where you can advertise your offers but offer information.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Thanks, all y'all...

    Didn't notice the old dates, just that there was a sudden rash of front page threads.

    Next time, I might have to open a few.

    I'm glad it's nearly impossible for marketers to pollute Wikipedia with thinly-disguised promotions. There's enough misinformation there without a commercial motive. In fact, I just bookmarked an article for later on how checking Wikipedia doesn't count as "research" for a historical novel.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

    Scanning down the front page, I noticed half a dozen new threads asking about setting up Wikipedia pages to promote their websites.

    I'm guessing that one of the gooroos had a webinar, and now a bunch of people will be trying to get rich with Wikipedia pages.

    The Teespring thing burned out fairly quickly, other than the sig pimps and spammers.

    I wonder what the half-life of this fad will be. Any guesses?
    They were marketing Teespring on Wiki ? I know there are still a lot of people killing it on Facebook with Teespring. Not easy but if you know what you are doing it can be highly profitsble ( of course I guess a lot of people made money with it pimping questionable courses on how to be successful with TS)
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  • Profile picture of the author silveroaks
    I do not think that this is a viable idea as Wikipedia hires people for that kind of stuff that is removing the fluff from the real info. And the editors there remove the commercial as soon as they see it as they are not getting paid for it as they would like lol why would they let others earn from their resource?
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    • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
      Originally Posted by silveroaks View Post

      I do not think that this is a viable idea as Wikipedia hires people for that kind of stuff that is removing the fluff from the real info.
      Not sure what you're talking about. Wikipedia is a non-profit and has a pretty small staff. Those that do the day-to-day editing are volunteers and they remove the fluff/spam from the articles.

      And the editors there remove the commercial as soon as they see it as they are not getting paid for it as they would like lol why would they let others earn from their resource?
      Um, Wikipedia editors are volunteers and do not expect any payment for their time and work. Further, Wikipedia is not a money-making revenue stream for internet marketers. It never has been.

      Source: I used to be a Wikipedia editor.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    When I posted the original, there were a lot of posts on the front page by people promoting "how to get traffic from Wikipedia", not necessarily promoting Teespring.

    I made the comparison because the last time I saw that many similar posts, it was all about how to get rich quick selling tee shirts via Teespring. Like every other flash in the pan, this one seems to have run its course.
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      When I posted the original, there were a lot of posts on the front page by people promoting "how to get traffic from Wikipedia", not necessarily promoting Teespring.

      I made the comparison because the last time I saw that many similar posts, it was all about how to get rich quick selling tee shirts via Teespring. Like every other flash in the pan, this one seems to have run its course.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Hey john

    There seems to be a lot of this guru stuff do this do that!

    No wander people never make money online when each day they are checking out the new fiverr.....
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    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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