3 replies
How do you find past products that you have purchased through Warrior Payments? I know you can find past products that you have purchased through JVZoo or Warrior Plus, but can't find any links to do so with Warrior Payments.

Very Frustrating!

Any one know how to do so? Thanks.
#payments #purchase products #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author vedremo
    An order history page would be great wouldn't it!

    But alas there is none.

    I know this is a horrible workaround, but the only real way is to look for emails from Warrior Payments. They'd be sent to your Warrior Forum email address at the time of purchase (e.g. if you ordered Jan 15, but changed your email Jan 30, it will be in the Jan 15 mailbox). You're sent 2 at least 2 emails:
    - Product delivery (including link to access product)
    - Email requesting you to rate it (I think 1-2 days after?)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
    Have you tried contacting the product seller...

    rather than the payment processor?

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Profile picture of the author CASHsystems
    Thanks. You guys answered my question. I understand about the workarounds and checking my emails and I appreciate that suggestions. I'm just use to using JVzoo and Warrior Plus more and thought Warrior Payments would provide that courtesy as well.

    Afterall WF is owned by Freelancer and I can see all my project that I have posted and purchased there so seems like that would have seen the same value here as well you would have thought.
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