Amazon FBA & eBay / Product Liability Insurance / Canada

4 replies

Is there anyone out there working with Amazon FBA from Canada? I've been thinking about getting into this, however I'm concerned about the insurance.

1. I was told that in order to sell stuff online (whether Amazon or eBay), I should get product liability insurance to cover myself in case I get sued over a product defect. Is it true that in order to apply for the Amazon FBA membership, you need to get product liability insurance? Or do they offer it as part of signing up?

2. The few quotes I got from Canadian insurance companies for product liability insurance are astronomical (i.e.: 3000$-5000$ per year). Is that right? ? ? Is there anyone out there paying less for their insurance? ? ? If so, I would love to get their contact information.

Thanks in advance!

#amazon #canada #ebay #fba #insurance #liability #product
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    If you are looking to do private label products or if you will be the manufacturer of a product then insurance may be an issue. With FBA you are a reseller for a product that someone else manufactured There is no need for any type of insurance to set up a seller account. That is about all I know.
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    • Profile picture of the author dangordon
      Thanks for the info. My plan would be to private label a few products related to a niche that I'm working on. Since I'm modifying the product, I have a feeling I should cover myself for that.

      Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    As far as liability goes, talk to a qualified lawyer. Only they can give you real advice, not strangers on an Internet forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    I would second the opinion mentioned above - speak to a lawyer who is knowledgeable in this area.
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