10+ Podcasts All Marketers Should Check out
13 Podcasts Every Marketer Should Download
To wit:
".....1. Marketing Over Coffee
We love this podcast because it's keeps us up on marketing news. It's not just about the latest tactics and trends, but it actually discusses key events and breakthroughs in our industry.
Listen to this once weekly podcast for your download of all things happening in the marketing world. Recent topics include "Podcasting and The Serial Multiplier" and "Jay Baer on Hug Your Haters."
2. Marketing Smarts
Created by the duo behind MarketingProfs, this weekly podcast interviews marketers from all industries. The podcast offers audio content that accompanies the content on MarketingProfs website, and gives marketers insights and advice for the toughest challenges we face.
Recent topics include "Not Everything has an ROI (and That's Okay)" and "How to Not Waste Your Time (and Money) at Tradeshows."
3. PNR: This Old Marketing
This podcast is put together by Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, two leading experts in the field of content marketing, and is part of the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) Podcast Network.
Using a slightly different formula than other marketing podcasts, not only do Pulizzi and Rose talk about current trends and information, but they take old marketing tactics of the past and find the ways that we can learn from them in today's current marketing landscape. Recent topics include "Advertising and Content Marketing are Different?" and "Longform Content Actually Works on SmartPhones."..."
Love the fact MarketingProfs and Marketing with Coffee is mentioned....
What are your fav marketing podcasts?
dansilvestre -
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