I need some answers or some help really bad!

36 replies
I need some answers, or I need someone to evaluate everything I have done and tell me where I have gone wrong, because I have put so much into this and for the last year now I have received nothing back in return. I am really looking for a mentor, or I am ready to give up.

Here is what I have so far:

1. A fully optimized word press website with a blog section, multiple squeeze pages and optimize press pages.

2. Aweber email auto responder with multiple email campaign system in place with a pro tools account setup.

3. 3 products including trip wire product, all products video sessions totaling over 25 videos

4. Facebook account account, Twitter account, Linkedin account, google plus pages account, all actively posted to every day, facebook page has over 7K likes, 500+ linked in contacts. YouTube account.

5. Multiple facebook ads with cpc rates below .22

6. All products listed on clickbank and JV Zoo with affiliate pages and resources available.

7. All 3 products listed on Udemy with courses being given away to get reviews.

8. The squeeze pages, email system and products were all created by one of the best companies in the industry and are all first rate quality, and include video creation.

What I have tried:
1. Facebook ads, spent over $1,000 so far, getting good cpc rates. Over 3000 clicks
2. Solo Ads.
3. Banner ads
4. Blogging post to social media

1. 66 opt ins to my email list

WTH am I doing wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, or a reference to someone who I would be willing to pay to get me on the right path.

#answers #bad
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    First problem I see:

    When I try to click your sig link - I get a "virus detected" warning from AVG.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718141].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      First problem I see:

      When I try to click your sig link - I get a "virus detected" warning from AVG.
      ^ ^ ^ Same here. Definitely NOT good.

      Also, you list at great length all the methods you've implemented to make sales, but not once have you indicated how you are creating any value for visitors. You're working hard to sell 3 different products, but I would run mile from a website that all too clearly focused upon forcing me to reach for my piece of plastic, nothing more.

      These days it's the authority sites that are successful. They contain a great deal more information than they do blatant attempts at selling through multiple squeeze pages.

      That said, with the virus warning, no-one is going stick around for more than a second or two anyway.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718161].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author elitesales
        Ok, I get that the link is not good in my signature, but that is just here, everywhere else where I drive traffic from it works fine.

        Lazy Sales Formula - works fine, and the site along with the landing pages and is not a hard sell at all, in fact it is just the opposite.

        Thanks for the advice though.


        Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718166].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author elitesales
    Ok, fixing that now, but the site links in all the ads are always tested and work fine.


    Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718157].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by elitesales View Post

      Ok, fixing that now, but the site links in all the ads are always tested and work fine.
      I'm curious what you did to fix your page after being alerted to the virus alert? How did you know what to fix and how did you do it so quickly?

      I didn't get an alert but I did get rerouted to gen.xyz with your affiliate ID/domain name attached.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718237].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author elitesales
        Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

        I'm curious what you did to fix your page after being alerted to the virus alert? How did you know what to fix and how did you do it so quickly?

        I didn't get an alert but I did get rerouted to gen.xyz with your affiliate ID/domain name attached.


        I am traveling back to my office now to work on the link from this site, but http://lazysalesformula.com is working fine from all other devices and I just tested the current ad on Facebook and it also works, not sure what is going on with this link, I cannot edit it from my iPad.



        Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718245].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author elitesales
    The products, landing pages and squeeze pages along with all sales copy, email messages and videos were all created by one of the leading companies that is very active on this forum. I have no issues with the content, it has to be my delivery methods.

    I really need an experienced marketer to go through my whole system and tell me what I am doing wrong.


    Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718195].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm not sure what you want.

    In this thread you are asking for advice or help because you CAN'T sell your product (which is "how to sell anything online").

    The first person who alerts you to a virus warning on your link...you dismiss as "it's only here".

    Then another experienced IMer points out some issues she sees with your site...and your response is...

    works fine, and the site along with the landing pages and is not a hard sell at all, in fact it is just the opposite.
    If it works fine - where is the problem?

    Think about that. It's not easy to ask for help when you've worked hard and the result isn't succeeding. Even harder to accept comments and critiques without being defensive - but you have to do that if you really want help.

    Edit: We posted at the same time. I think you're wrong to assume the only possible problem is "delivery".

    I really need an experienced marketer
    Maybe one of those will come along and help you out....;-)
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718196].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I'm not sure what you want.

      In this thread you are asking for advice or help because you CAN'T sell your product (which is "how to sell anything online").

      The first person who alerts you to a virus warning on your link...you dismiss as "it's only here".

      Then another experienced IMer points out some issues she sees with your site...and your response is...

      If it works fine - where is the problem?

      Think about that. It's not easy to ask for help when you've worked hard and the result isn't succeeding. Even harder to accept comments and critiques without being defensive - but you have to do that if you really want help.
      The advice is very much appreciated, but the link is a very small part of a much bigger problem. I am getting literally thousands of clicks with no action being taken.

      I take all advice very seriously from veterans, that's why I asked the questions, but right now I need more than a glass of water to drown a candle when the whole house is on fire.

      Thanks to everyone who is responding, I really do appreciate it. Just very disappointed and frustrated with this project so far.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718217].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author anisaaynashe
        Originally Posted by elitesales View Post

        The advice is very much appreciated, but the link is a very small part of a much bigger problem. I am getting literally thousands of clicks with no action being taken.

        I take all advice very seriously from veterans, that's why I asked the questions, but right now I need more than a glass of water to drown a candle when the whole house is on fire.

        Thanks to everyone who is responding, I really do appreciate it. Just very disappointed and frustrated with this project so far.


        Hey Ken,

        Sorry to hear all your effects are not paying off, It really upsets me to see someone who is so active and trying hard to become successful and not getting any good results ...

        I would like to have a skype coaching call with you if thats possible. :-)

        Message me back.
        Anisa :-)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718725].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Ken, I don't know how you write your Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter content, but that landing page you just linked to is a potential problem. It's anonymous.

    The posts are from someone called "Administrator"; there's nobody I can connect with on the page. No name, no personality.

    Especially in the niche you're targeting, people like to deal with people. You need to put yourself out there and create an online persona. Get your prospects to like and identify with you first, and you'll have a much healthier conversion rate.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718203].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Pretty easy to get clicks from FB.

    Not so easy to turn those clicks into anything.

    66 opt ins is not enough. Conversion within that number would be around 2% and that would simply be lucky for a newbie because you haven't figured the process out yet--despite getting help designing it.

    However, you would think from 3000 clicks you would get 1 sale by accident.

    You haven't shared anything about your niche or marketing content, which is fine if you don't want to share them on a public forum.

    However, that means we can't tell if there's a mismatch between your marketing and your products. Or your FB ads and your landing page. All along the chain there are places for the sale to die.

    We can't assess with the information here. All we know is you committed and did some things. Whether your targeted traffic truly matches the right target market, or whether your sales process falls down somewhere along the line, we can't know until we see what you did.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718204].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Pretty easy to get clicks from FB.

      Not so easy to turn those clicks into anything.

      66 opt ins is not enough. Conversion within that number would be around 2% and that would simply be lucky for a newbie because you haven't figured the process out yet--despite getting help designing it.

      However, you would think from 3000 clicks you would get 1 sale by accident.

      You haven't shared anything about your niche or marketing content, which is fine if you don't want to share them on a public forum.

      However, that means we can't tell if there's a mismatch between your marketing and your products. Or your FB ads and your landing page. All along the chain there are places for the sale to die.

      We can't assess with the information here. All we know is you committed and did some things. Whether your targeted traffic truly matches the right target market, or whether your sales process falls down somewhere along the line, we can't know until we see what you did.
      I think you really hit the nail on the head, I need someone who I can give access to that can evaluate the ads and the site to see if I am way off here.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

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  • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
    Very well said Kay . . .
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  • Profile picture of the author lhlouiscom
    Wow hey there,

    You're creating too many things, one of the problem people start blogging, they will definitely go ahead and go sign-up for all the social media platforms.

    Mark Cuban said: If you have 4, cut 3 and focus on 1.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Lets start with the first one. You say an optimized wordpress site with a capture form. Now what is your CTR on your traffic and then what is your conversion rate on your blog? Focus on those two things first. You can not just build this stuff and send traffic. You need to send traffic and when nothing happens you need to then change content and images on your website to get the conversion. Have you done this yet?
    Working to achieve higher results...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718226].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by EPoltrack77 View Post

      Lets start with the first one. You say an optimized wordpress site with a capture form. Now what is your CTR on your traffic and then what is your conversion rate on your blog? Focus on those two things first. You can not just build this stuff and send traffic. You need to send traffic and when nothing happens you need to then change content and images on your website to get the conversion. Have you done this yet?
      Yes, to a certain extent I have, but I am not an expert at matching up the ads to the content and then adjusting again. Seems like I am spending a ton of money on these forms of traffic and really am at a loss as to how to optimize them.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

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  • Profile picture of the author mikec513
    I noticed a big conversion increase when I changed how I bought solos - I was getting the cheaper variety of 35-40 cents, funnel and solo, but then I paid about 55 cents per click and bought solos that were warrior plus product buyer leads. That made a big difference. So, if you bought solos, try and find someone that sells solo ads from buyer lists, and not just people that built their entire list from funnel thank you page clicks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    IMO and at first glance, your website is very "busy."

    It is not immediately clear what I will find here or what you're peddling.

    My eyes jump around your home page seeking to discover exactly what it is your offering.

    I see a bunch of disconnected large headlines:
    1. The 4 Step Plan To Harnessing Youtube As A Marketing Channel
    2. My Amazing Formula To Earn an Income Online Through Affiliate Marketing
    3. Lazy Sales Formula
    4. I have developed an amazing formula for success in marketing affiliate products
    5. My Amazing Sales Technique That Allows You To "Sell Without Selling."
    Nothing in particular grabs my attention and "forces" me to want to read more.

    There is nothing compelling here and I am asking the age old question . . . "What's in it for me"

    You're focusing on your formula . . . but I could care less about that.

    Where's my benefit?

    That's just the first thing I noticed - but it's a critical element in getting viewers to stay at your site. If you are confusing or not clear, you are going to lose your visitors very quickly.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718248].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      IMO and at first glance, your website is very "busy."

      It is not immediately clear what I will find here or what you're peddling.

      My eyes jump around your home page seeking to discover exactly what it is your offering.

      I see a bunch of disconnected large headlines:
      1. The 4 Step Plan To Harnessing Youtube As A Marketing Channel
      2. My Amazing Formula To Earn an Income Online Through Affiliate Marketing
      3. Lazy Sales Formula
      4. I have developed an amazing formula for success in marketing affiliate products
      5. My Amazing Sales Technique That Allows You To "Sell Without Selling."
      Nothing in particular grabs my attention and "forces" me to want to read more.

      There is nothing compelling here and I am asking the age old question . . . "What's in it for me"

      You're focusing on your formula . . . but I could care less about that.

      Where's my benefit?

      That's just the first thing I noticed - but it's a critical element in getting viewers to stay at your site. If you are confusing or not clear, you are going to lose your visitors very quickly.

      Very good insight, you are correct, here is the clickbank landing page that I believe should be converted into a squeeze page.

      Http:// lazysalesformula.com/live

      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718253].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author elitesales
        Thanks to everyone who responded, obviously there are more than just a couple of things that need to be changed here. With that being said I guess now I am appealing to the community to see of anyone knows of an expert who can guide me through this.

        I am willing to pay the right person to mentor me and go through this project and make it right.

        Anyone have anyone they can send me to?

        Thanks again for all the advice.


        Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718266].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dclifton
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  • Profile picture of the author elitesales
    Ok, signature fixed, the address was not correct in my profile.



    Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718319].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You are trying to understand why a "system" isn't working as you want it to but you have to take it apart and examine each part of the puzzle.

    You start with "dear friend". It goes down from there for me.

    Worse, you tell ME what I think, what I've done, what I want....and that I'm "like most people". I was GONE after that. Your visitor needs to feel unique, unusual, important....not one of many or part of the crowd.

    More than that - the more I look at your copy/graphics, etc...the bigger the disconnect in my mind between:

    A man highly experienced and accomplished in offline sales for a huge company....

    ...and the person posting the cartoons, large fonts and big headlines and splashes of color all over the place.

    You don't become a top seller offline or online without a professional approach to your work. I would expect a top seller to briefly explain his credentials - how he developed his system and the amazing results of using that system for himself. He'd tie it in with an image of himself as an ordinary person who learned how to sell and is willing to share his methods.

    That's where the credibility starts - by saying who you are - by putting your personality on the screen. People love a story - they want to identify with a seller - they need to believe in YOU to believe you can help them.

    If I had to say what is basically "wrong" it would be too much infomercial and not enough personal connection. I'm not sure that makes sense to anyone but me.

    It often takes time and re-doing before you find the right formula to sell your product. Don't give up and don't be defensive....just keep tweaking and fixing until you get it right.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718341].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      You are trying to understand why a "system" isn't working as you want it to but you have to take it apart and examine each part of the puzzle.

      You start with "dear friend". It goes down from there for me.

      Worse, you tell ME what I think, what I've done, what I want....and that I'm "like most people". I was GONE after that. Your visitor needs to feel unique, unusual, important....not one of many or part of the crowd.

      More than that - the more I look at your copy/graphics, etc...the bigger the disconnect in my mind between:

      A man highly experienced and accomplished in offline sales for a huge company....

      ...and the person posting the cartoons, large fonts and big headlines and splashes of color all over the place.

      You don't become a top seller offline or online without a professional approach to your work. I would expect a top seller to briefly explain his credentials - how he developed his system and the amazing results of using that system for himself. He'd tie it in with an image of himself as an ordinary person who learned how to sell and is willing to share his methods.

      That's where the credibility starts - by saying who you are - by putting your personality on the screen. People love a story - they want to identify with a seller - they need to believe in YOU to believe you can help them.

      If I had to say what is basically "wrong" it would be too much infomercial and not enough personal connection. I'm not sure that makes sense to anyone but me.

      It often takes time and re-doing before you find the right formula to sell your product. Don't give up and don't be defensive....just keep tweaking and fixing until you get it right.
      Very well said, and great insight, thank you. Looks like I have my hands full.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I object.

    I object to the headline... because the top salesman is introduced too late.

    I object to your assumptions:
    Let’s face it – the biggest problem with making money online today is that there are too many “gurus” promising you things that they can never deliver (nor did they ever intend to deliver on their promises).

    PS A lazy sales formula is a formula that doesn't work well. I want either a Lazyman's sales formula or Self-motivated, turbocharged, always-working-hard-to-make-me-money formula.

    No, the biggest problem for me was never that. I got delivery of a lot of promised things that didn't make me money. The biggest problem for some is that guru's make it sound easier than it is. For others that there are too many upsells, for others that making money online involves effort and time (I know, I know, but some people do hate that part).

    It's a busy sales page with all the wrong colors, if you ask me. Blue = trustworthy, calm; green = renewable. Yellow = fun, etc...

    You have too many colors in my opinion, and the wrong ones... McDonald's isn't red and yellow by chance.

    Why is what I get all the way at the bottom? That should be at the top.

    Then, question for you: what do your ads look like? What do they say?

    If you get that much traffic and no sales, your sales button must be broken or what the ads make them thing they'll get something other than your sale page (either look or content).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718412].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      I object.

      I object to the headline... because the top salesman is introduced too late.

      I object to your assumptions:
      Let's face it - the biggest problem with making money online today is that there are too many "gurus" promising you things that they can never deliver (nor did they ever intend to deliver on their promises).

      PS A lazy sales formula is a formula that doesn't work well. I want either a Lazyman's sales formula or Self-motivated, turbocharged, always-working-hard-to-make-me-money formula.

      No, the biggest problem for me was never that. I got delivery of a lot of promised things that didn't make me money. The biggest problem for some is that guru's make it sound easier than it is. For others that there are too many upsells, for others that making money online involves effort and time (I know, I know, but some people do hate that part).

      It's a busy sales page with all the wrong colors, if you ask me. Blue = trustworthy, calm; green = renewable. Yellow = fun, etc...

      You have too many colors in my opinion, and the wrong ones... McDonald's isn't red and yellow by chance.

      Why is what I get all the way at the bottom? That should be at the top.

      Then, question for you: what do your ads look like? What do they say?

      If you get that much traffic and no sales, your sales button must be broken or what the ads make them thing they'll get something other than your sale page (either look or content).
      Awesome stuff, really thanks to everyone.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718454].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      I object.

      I object to the headline... because the top salesman is introduced too late.

      I object to your assumptions:
      Let's face it - the biggest problem with making money online today is that there are too many "gurus" promising you things that they can never deliver (nor did they ever intend to deliver on their promises).

      PS A lazy sales formula is a formula that doesn't work well. I want either a Lazyman's sales formula or Self-motivated, turbocharged, always-working-hard-to-make-me-money formula.

      No, the biggest problem for me was never that. I got delivery of a lot of promised things that didn't make me money. The biggest problem for some is that guru's make it sound easier than it is. For others that there are too many upsells, for others that making money online involves effort and time (I know, I know, but some people do hate that part).

      It's a busy sales page with all the wrong colors, if you ask me. Blue = trustworthy, calm; green = renewable. Yellow = fun, etc...

      You have too many colors in my opinion, and the wrong ones... McDonald's isn't red and yellow by chance.

      Why is what I get all the way at the bottom? That should be at the top.

      Then, question for you: what do your ads look like? What do they say?

      If you get that much traffic and no sales, your sales button must be broken or what the ads make them thing they'll get something other than your sale page (either look or content).

      Great feedback. I had many of the same reactions.

      Especially the "What's In It For Me" being too far down the page. And the colors.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718497].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author motorkitty
    I think you can fix it without hiring an "expert." It's just going to take a whole lot of re-writing.

    Here's what I see, for what it's worth, as a non-expert.

    Who exactly are you marketing to?

    1) The Complete Newbie? - If that's the case then absolutely nothing in your copy grabs me and convinces my emotionally charged up newbie brain to want to act on this offer. I'm new, very, very new. So why should I trust you and not the "gurus" you speak of with sleeker ads, hoards of testimonials, and a cult following that convinces me that I'll make tons of money online? Where's my awesome freebies, and how much money am I going to make? My attention span is short because I'm so jacked up on this new idea of making making money online, so if you included that info somewhere in your copy, well, it wasn't at the top so I've already moved on to another system.

    2) The Not-So-Complete Newbie? - This is me. I'm 7 months in to IM, and the honeymoon is over. I don't fall for the pitches anymore because I now know how they are designed. I'm definitely vetting every single MMO system I come across as much as humanly possible, and I'm significantly more cautious with my purchases which are very, very few now. I've tried a couple of things that weren't my style or just complete rubbish, but I have been plugging away at the things that do work for me, which happens to be affiliate marketing. I'm making progress so I'm ever so cautious to try something new. So, how does your affiliate marketing system help me become a better affiliate marketer, and how can you convince me that your system is better than the ones I've already forked over hard earned cash for, or better yet, have found for free nearly everywhere now that I'm a little more seasoned in research?

    3)The Veteran IM'er - I believe it's safe to say you are not marketing to them considering you are here asking for their help.

    So, that's how I see it. In my opinion, you're lacking an audience because you aren't targeting an audience, therefore the pitch is really watered down and bland. Your site is Shasta Cola next to Mt. Dew Kickstart Pineapple Orange Mango. It's there, on the shelf, less expensive and more practical, but it doesn't jump out at me and make me want to give it a try.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by motorkitty View Post

      I think you can fix it without hiring an "expert." It's just going to take a whole lot of re-writing.

      Here's what I see, for what it's worth, as a non-expert.

      Who exactly are you marketing to?

      1) The Complete Newbie? - If that's the case then absolutely nothing in your copy grabs me and convinces my emotionally charged up newbie brain to want to act on this offer. I'm new, very, very new. So why should I trust you and not the "gurus" you speak of with sleeker ads, hoards of testimonials, and a cult following that convinces me that I'll make tons of money online? Where's my awesome freebies, and how much money am I going to make? My attention span is short because I'm so jacked up on this new idea of making making money online, so if you included that info somewhere in your copy, well, it wasn't at the top so I've already moved on to another system.

      2) The Not-So-Complete Newbie? - This is me. I'm 7 months in to IM, and the honeymoon is over. I don't fall for the pitches anymore because I now know how they are designed. I'm definitely vetting every single MMO system I come across as much as humanly possible, and I'm significantly more cautious with my purchases which are very, very few now. I've tried a couple of things that weren't my style or just complete rubbish, but I have been plugging away at the things that do work for me, which happens to be affiliate marketing. I'm making progress so I'm ever so cautious to try something new. So, how does your affiliate marketing system help me become a better affiliate marketer, and how can you convince me that your system is better than the ones I've already forked over hard earned cash for, or better yet, have found for free nearly everywhere now that I'm a little more seasoned in research?

      3)The Veteran IM'er - I believe it's safe to say you are not marketing to them considering you are here asking for their help.

      So, that's how I see it. In my opinion, you're lacking an audience because you aren't targeting an audience, therefore the pitch is really watered down and bland. Your site is Shasta Cola next to Mt. Dew Kickstart Pineapple Orange Mango. It's there, on the shelf, less expensive and more practical, but it doesn't jump out at me and make me want to give it a try.
      Very good insight, thank you. Yes, I think I have a good deal of work ahead of me, it was easier promoting other people's products, but everyone said get your own.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

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  • Profile picture of the author amaziff
    I think (as user first time visiting your page) it should be simpler. There is lot of information and people may feel overwhelmed.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718631].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elitesales
      Originally Posted by amaziff View Post

      I think (as user first time visiting your page) it should be simpler. There is lot of information and people may feel overwhelmed.
      Yeah, that seems to be a common response here, thanks for the input.


      Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10718641].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author socialsite
    I would say the biggest mistake is first spending a lot of money to try to get results. It's always better to start out making small money first then compound that into bigger money, and then make investments into what you mentioned above. Get the small money coming in first so it does not burden you down with extra bills when you have monthly cost like a autoresponder. So many people try to make a million before they make there first $50.

    How to get my Backpage Poster Software for Free! PM Me to see how! Also if you need traffic software I have several for sale so just ask.

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  • Bob Dylan said it best, "You gotta serve somebody".

    Success in IM comes when you least expect it, usually right after you stop focusing on how much money you're making and start placing ALL of your focus on serving your visitors/subscribers.

    Every post you make should be about helping the reader achieve HIS goal. Tell him about products that you have purchased and used yourself. Tell him how you use the product. What you like. What you don't like. How that product differs from the rest and why you bought it. Provide a couple on contextual affiliate links to make it easy for the reader to check the product out himself.

    But whatever you do, DON'T SELL HIM ANYTHING.

    Let him 'discover' it for himself.
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  • Profile picture of the author pregyrick
    Originally Posted by elitesales View Post

    I need some answers, or I need someone to evaluate everything I have done and tell me where I have gone wrong, because I have put so much into this and for the last year now I have received nothing back in return. I am really looking for a mentor, or I am ready to give up.

    Here is what I have so far:

    1. A fully optimized word press website with a blog section, multiple squeeze pages and optimize press pages.

    2. Aweber email auto responder with multiple email campaign system in place with a pro tools account setup.

    3. 3 products including trip wire product, all products video sessions totaling over 25 videos

    4. Facebook account account, Twitter account, Linkedin account, google plus pages account, all actively posted to every day, facebook page has over 7K likes, 500+ linked in contacts. YouTube account.

    5. Multiple facebook ads with cpc rates below .22

    6. All products listed on clickbank and JV Zoo with affiliate pages and resources available.

    7. All 3 products listed on Udemy with courses being given away to get reviews.

    8. The squeeze pages, email system and products were all created by one of the best companies in the industry and are all first rate quality, and include video creation.

    What I have tried:
    1. Facebook ads, spent over $1,000 so far, getting good cpc rates. Over 3000 clicks
    2. Solo Ads.
    3. Banner ads
    4. Blogging post to social media

    1. 66 opt ins to my email list

    WTH am I doing wrong?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, or a reference to someone who I would be willing to pay to get me on the right path.


    Hi Ken!

    Your story is common to many online marketers/affiliate marketers out there. Don't you ever ever ever ever ever give up your dreams because you can't simply work and play this online game.

    Do you have your own capture mechanism? I mean your strategy to hook your target users?
    And when they opted-in what do you engage with your audience?

    Most online marketers, they simply drive traffic to their website or other people's website without structuring their own customize capture mechanism. Most of us are promoting other people's product either you are promoting any clicbank, clicsure, CJ, peer fly CPA's or from any other affiliate network. You need to stand out above your competition because product is insignificant. You can promote anything you want, but the most important is you need to understand very clearly your positioning and strategy and this is the major reason why you are not getting any conversions.

    You may want to check this training video for better understanding of what is this capture mechanism and I hope that this will help you.

    Your StepUp Friend,
    jeng cua
    PS: if you have any other concern don't hesitate to drop me a note.
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  • Profile picture of the author jalal77
    Dear Ken,

    I will tell you what the missing piece is... You've got all the tools but not the art. I will give you some analogy to get this better. It's exactly like saying, I have a sheet of paper, pencil and eraser (drawing tools)... but I don't seem to be able to draw something nice... Give the exact same tools to different people, they'll get different results. It's not about the tools, It's about how you use them.

    I will just keep it short. Forget about lead magnets and how many optins you're getting.. this idea is outdated now and doesn't work as it used to be couple of years ago, It's 100% about building a relationship and audience, not a list, audience.. It is not as easy as they make it appear to be, You have to build a brand around yourself (even if you want to be an affiliate).. watch closely what successful marketers are doing.. it's very obvious to those who pay attention.

    Start by giving value, forget about asking for emails and bribe your audience with lead magnets.. Let them choose to give their details away.. This is called Permission Marketing. When the audience resonate with you, they will follow you willingly and become loyal customers to you.. Put yourself in their shoes, and think what really motivates you to follow other marketers and buy products from them.

    I'm willing to have a session with you to help you get the bigger picture and start a fresh with the right mindset -- Free of charge

    -PM me if you want to take advantage of this.

    Best of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author elitesales
    Thanks to all the warriors who responded, your input was valuable and really helped. I have found someone from this forum who is a long time member and was referred to me from this thread who is going to take an in-depth look at all I have done so far and make some reccomendations.

    I am not giving up yet!

    Thanks again.


    Elite Sales. Start Making a "REAL" income online today!

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