The #1 Tip To Make Money Online

6 replies

Please let me share something with people who want to make money online...

I found so many are trying to make money online but they just can't get passed the buying new products mode or recently there s a guy spend 10k but made nothing...

The #1 Tip I'd to love to share is

#1 TIP. Forget about make money online - Online business is also the same as offline business, where people would like a good service first...

I've been caught up with make money online for 4 years providing pretty much useless blog posts, trying to rank #1 on Google hoping to get more traffic

and become a millionaire by tmr.

Bonus #2: They Need a Job
When focus on getting an employment, a job, they will be able to support their life with the income they earned.

Then definitely, they will be able to have enough capital to survive, die trying and keep learning about the online community... never give up...

but never spend money on products, and if they do, just stay with 1 system... if the system is not great, definitely get the system great and provide free work to improve the system...

If it works... copy the system, there are so many people need helps.

Bonus #3: No system... can help you get rich quick
I've never been through any systems can help people become rich overnight... but they do have a great headline that people love to read.

The #1 thing all the system can do... is to provide resources and information on their failures to help the buyers improve faster...

preventing themselves making the same mistake.

Bonus #4: Focus on 1 system Only
Focusing on 1 system... instead of buying 10 systems...

If the system is not great, definitely get the system great and provide free work to improve the system...

If it works... copy the system, there are so many people needs help.

Bonus #5: Gradually Progressing from Negative Results...
Well, successful people succeed by going through their mistakes...

If somebody trying to be great on the online community, definitely they need an employment to secure on the life survival.

Once they have the job with a good enough pay to stay just over broke.

Then that is the life, it's a happy life from there...

But if they want to make a further change in their life to able to help and change the world, if you see the online community is the way to go...

Their employment will support them to pursuing their dream.

Thank you guys let me sharing this, I hope it helps, if it doesn't help... pls share what you think... and I will improve from there...

Thank you.
#digital marketing #earning an inocme #internet marketing #life #make #make money online #money #online #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
    Very well written post i agree with almost everything you say.I think there are to many people in the make money online niche better of trying another niche.

    I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
    I found one ??????

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    • Profile picture of the author lhlouiscom
      Originally Posted by Robert02011 View Post

      Very well written post i agree with almost everything you say.I think there are to many people in the make money online niche better of trying another niche.
      Thanks for your reply and definitely the problem, we solve together
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10720812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    Excellent advice. People are not patient enough when it comes to making money online. You need to fully try something out before you to something else. You will never find something that works, if you don't take the time to see if anything works!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10720551].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lhlouiscom
      Originally Posted by webmarke View Post

      Excellent advice. People are not patient enough when it comes to making money online. You need to fully try something out before you to something else. You will never find something that works, if you don't take the time to see if anything works!
      Definitely I feel sad for the guy spend 10k but made 0, xD...
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelkoehler92
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  • Nice tips I agree that failures are not really a bad thing. They happen for a reason and one good reason is mistakes provide you with more room to grow and improve your knowledge and skills. Experience is the best teacher and this includes experiencing failures along the way.
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