best ppc network for clickbank?

25 replies
i live in india and i want ppc network for promote clickbank products
i want ppc advertising networks that accept debit card and low Minimum Deposit
can someone help me?
#clickbank #network #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    Bing ads > Accepts PayPal and Debit, not as competitive as Google Ads

    Facebook Ads > Most targeted PPC network to date, more expensive, only takes debit/credit

    Remember it's best to not direct link, but rather collect leads.
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    • Profile picture of the author pombiswas98
      Originally Posted by nicolasmd2112 View Post

      Bing ads > Accepts PayPal and Debit, not as competitive as Google Ads

      Facebook Ads > Most targeted PPC network to date, more expensive, only takes debit/credit

      Remember it's best to not direct link, but rather collect leads.
      thank you for comments i am useing bing and the dont accepts debit card in india i did try to add fund by Wire transfer but its slow it take like 3 day to get my money in bing i am trying bing i hope it will worrk

      and fb the dont accepts debit card in india :x

      Enjoy thousands of Sexy girls and Naughty anime photos

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730069].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
        Originally Posted by pombiswas98 View Post

        thank you for comments i am useing bing and the dont accepts debit card in india i did try to add fund by Wire transfer but its slow it take like 3 day to get my money in bing i am trying bing i hope it will worrk

        and fb the dont accepts debit card in india :x
        I will give you the truth on why a lot of companies will not accept india payments. Is because your country is kinda poor and in result of that there is a lot of scam, spam and indians thinking they can take their problems to the internet and fix them. Might not be you directly but that is what happened.

        Use PayPal.
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    • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
      Originally Posted by nicolasmd2112 View Post

      Bing ads > Accepts PayPal and Debit, not as competitive as Google Ads

      Facebook Ads > Most targeted PPC network to date, more expensive, only takes debit/credit

      Remember it's best to not direct link, but rather collect leads.
      Google does not allow most click bank products to be promoted on their display network.

      You may think you will make money by promoting click bank products through Google Adwords or Bing Ads or any kind of display network but the truth is you will sink your money into a dark hole and never make returns if you can not figure out what display network to use. It will cost you a lot of money before you find out what works. No one can tell you what works because if we shared that we would not be paying our bills

      Since I am a loyal warrior forum member I will help you out. I don't know if you knew this but you want cost per action network, not a pay per click network. With the pay per click network the chances of making money are low because if you display the ad in one wrong way to the wrong person not intending to do anything it will cost you money. Another problem with PPC is 60% of the traffic you will get is spam or extremly low quality traffic if you do not bid for 20 bucks. Seriously, you think I am kidding about the low quality traffic? Try bidding for $0.50 a click and see how many leads you get. You will notice you only get about ten for thousand clicks. Let us do some math what happens with $0.50 with 1000 clicks. $500 bucks you will be paying for crap traffic. Even if you pick the best keywords for what you want you will NEVER return a profit or make money off of Google Adwords.

      Here is the funny thing, Google has given me hundreds of dollars in free credit because of how crappy their traffic is. I targeted people who wanted to buy books for my client, we picked an action keyword "Books to buy", guess who owns the profitable keywords? Big companies. They will raise your bid and knock you out before you can take their stream of money, they got deeper pockets. I am guessing Pombiswas98 will be going against Amazon so GL outbidding amazon.

      Anyways, do not go with PPC it is branding awareness deep hole money sinkers. Look up CPA networks and choose one.

      I am going to be writing a book about everything I know, sorry about the long text. Try and make sense of my writing, you will learn a lot.

      If you did not understand what I was saying I am going to try to say it in simple terms. You are promoting a product or products that will never be profitable if you do not have an audience or if you are not a famous person yourself. Clickbank was made for guys to make money off of morons who promote our products for commission. The only person winning is the publisher. If you want to win yourself you are going to need to get an audience like I said or join a CPA network. Fork out money and make people do your work.
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      • Profile picture of the author pombiswas98
        Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

        Google does not allow most click bank products to be promoted on their display network.

        You may think you will make money by promoting click bank products through Google Adwords or Bing Ads or any kind of display network but the truth is you will sink your money into a dark hole and never make returns if you can not figure out what display network to use. It will cost you a lot of money before you find out what works. No one can tell you what works because if we shared that we would not be paying our bills -

        Since I am a loyal warrior forum member I will help you out. I don't know if you knew this but you want cost per action network, not a pay per click network. With the pay per click network the chances of making money are low because if you display the ad in one wrong way to the wrong person not intending to do anything it will cost you money. Another problem with PPC is 60% of the traffic you will get is spam or extremly low quality traffic if you do not bid for 20 bucks. Seriously, you think I am kidding about the low quality traffic? Try bidding for $0.50 a click and see how many leads you get. You will notice you only get about ten for thousand clicks. Let us do some math what happens with $0.50 with 1000 clicks. $500 bucks you will be paying for crap traffic. Even if you pick the best keywords for what you want you will NEVER return a profit or make money off of Google Adwords.

        Here is the funny thing, Google has given me hundreds of dollars in free credit because of how crappy their traffic is. I targeted people who wanted to buy books for my client, we picked an action keyword "Books to buy", guess who owns the profitable keywords? Big companies. They will raise your bid and knock you out before you can take their stream of money, they got deeper pockets. I am guessing Pombiswas98 will be going against Amazon so GL outbidding amazon.

        Anyways, do not go with PPC it is branding awareness deep hole money sinkers. Look up CPA networks and choose one.

        I am going to be writing a book about everything I know, sorry about the long text. Try and make sense of my writing, you will learn a lot.

        If you did not understand what I was saying I am going to try to say it in simple terms. You are promoting a product or products that will never be profitable if you do not have an audience or if you are not a famous person yourself. Clickbank was made for guys to make money off of morons who promote our products for commission. The only person winning is the publisher. If you want to win yourself you are going to need to get an audience like I said or join a CPA network. Fork out money and make people do your work.
        thank you so much i am realy new so i dont have much idea but like you say go for cpa can you tell me some CPA networks?

        Enjoy thousands of Sexy girls and Naughty anime photos

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730087].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
          Originally Posted by pombiswas98 View Post

          thank you so much i am realy new so i dont have much idea but like you say go for cpa can you tell me some CPA networks?
          Yeah no problem, I am here to help new marketers.

          Honestly, we can not help you find a CPA network that will suit your needs. Google CPA Networks and start registering at the biggest ones.

          I would choose Max Bounty. Once you are registered with Max Bounty and can publish affiliate offers you are going to need to make people want to promote your offer but since you are using someone else's product I do not think you can do this.

          What product you promoting? Clickbank is full of scams so most networks ban anything to do with it.
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          • Profile picture of the author pombiswas98
            Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

            Yeah no problem, I am here to help new marketers.

            Honestly, we can not help you find a CPA network that will suit your needs. Google CPA Networks and start registering at the biggest ones.

            I would choose Max Bounty. Once you are registered with Max Bounty and can publish affiliate offers you are going to need to make people want to promote your offer but since you are using someone else's product I do not think you can do this.

            What product you promoting? Clickbank is full of scams so most networks ban anything to do with it.
            i am try to promote The CB Passive Income

            Enjoy thousands of Sexy girls and Naughty anime photos

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730125].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
              Originally Posted by pombiswas98 View Post

              i am try to promote The CB Passive Income
              One second, I am going to research the product and help you out.

              In the next few minutes I will reply to you telling you what I would do to begin.
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            • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
              The CB Passive Income is sort of a scam, but I will tell you how to promote it if you really want too. Ready?

              Alright, what kind of demographic are we looking at here, Probably people who want to make money online.

              The Hard Way.
              If you got a twitter account you can type in the top. Make Money Online and send relevant tweets. For example.

              Make a promise, say. Let me help you Make Money Online "Affiliate Link". You might want to ghost the link.

              You can do the same on Facebook, Google Plus. Not sure if the method will work for you but I have got hundreds of clicks from single tweet sometimes. Trial and error my friend.

              If you want to extend your plan you can start looking at CPA networks if you have money. PPC is risky and can cost ton of money, I have put about thousand dollars into the drain when I first started out using PPC, I learned the hard way. Plus google hates trickery and that is what you will be doing to make money from this affiliate offer.

              Forums are good way of free advertising for your affiliate offer. This is what Brent Stangel is doing.

              Traffic + Link = Money.

              I thought I should tell you but people like to make it sound like they are making a lot of money online but in reality its like few bucks or hundred here and there. If you promote the link on enough websites I am sure you will get a few sales, it is depending on how hard you are willing to work.

              Only a select few can make over hundred dollars a day online. It is not as easy as people make it. Remember that. If you need help get a hold of me.
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      • Profile picture of the author cooler1
        Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

        Google does not allow most click bank products to be promoted on their display network.

        You may think you will make money by promoting click bank products through Google Adwords or Bing Ads or any kind of display network but the truth is you will sink your money into a dark hole and never make returns if you can not figure out what display network to use. It will cost you a lot of money before you find out what works. No one can tell you what works because if we shared that we would not be paying our bills
        The display network is advertising on websites right? Search PPC generally converts better than display network anyway.

        Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

        Another problem with PPC is 60% of the traffic you will get is spam or extremly low quality traffic if you do not bid for 20 bucks.
        Why is 60% of the traffic spam or extremely low quality traffic only if you don't bid for 20 bucks?

        Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

        Even if you pick the best keywords for what you want you will NEVER return a profit or make money off of Google Adwords.
        If what you are saying was true then advertisers wouldn't use Google AdWords on a long term basis, but that isn't the case.

        Originally Posted by coolmanyou2 View Post

        Here is the funny thing, Google has given me hundreds of dollars in free credit because of how crappy their traffic is. I targeted people who wanted to buy books for my client, we picked an action keyword "Books to buy", guess who owns the profitable keywords? Big companies. They will raise your bid and knock you out before you can take their stream of money, they got deeper pockets. I am guessing Pombiswas98 will be going against Amazon so GL outbidding amazon.
        So your saying that Google traffic is crappy because you can't afford the profitable keywords. That's like saying Mercedes are crappy because you can't afford to buy one.

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        • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
          Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

          The display network is advertising on websites right? Search PPC generally converts better than display network anyway.

          Why is 60% of the traffic spam or extremely low quality traffic only if you don't bid for 20 bucks?

          If what you are saying was true then advertisers wouldn't use Google AdWords on a long term basis, but that isn't the case.

          So your saying that Google traffic is crappy because you can't afford the profitable keywords. That's like saying Mercedes are crappy because you can't afford to buy one.
          Oh my bad I wrote that wrong. No, I meant to say is I got 40% low-quality traffic by bidding around 0.50C. I also forgot to add in that if we bid low on Google Adwords display network, I am talking below 2 bucks we will get low-quality traffic. I should also mention I was speaking about the average man with ten thousand dollars to advertise with. Sure Microsoft and big companies stick with Google Adwords, there is no other network that expands across the internet like Google does.

          If you have advertised with Google Adwords trying to promote a product with $1000 CAD dollars to test it with. You will know what I am talking about.

          its not that we can't afford the keywords. It's that for certain keywords "Profitable" are controlled by advertisers with no budget.

          Yeah PPC converts on the search engine because we at least know where the ad is and what the user wants by his search term.

          Next time I will edit what I write, my bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    You can try Microsoft and the Bing ads network. You really do not want to be direct linking without capturing some user data. Doesn't even have to me an email or anything anybody fills out... ;-)
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Since I am a loyal warrior forum member
    If that were true you wouldn't have put that self-promotional link in your post.

    I am going to be writing a book about everything I know, sorry about the long text.
    That will be a quick read.

    You are promoting a product or products that will never be profitable if you do not have an audience or if you are not a famous person yourself. Clickbank was made for guys to make money off of morons who promote our products for commission. The only person winning is the publisher.
    You've never made a penny on CB so stop posting mis-information. You are not helping anyone, including yourself.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10730130].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author coolmanyou2
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      If that were true you wouldn't have put that self-promotional link in your post.

      That will be a quick read.

      You've never made a penny on CB so stop posting mis-information. You are not helping anyone, including yourself.
      Haha, you do not know me or what I do. I come here offering free information to people from what I have learned. What did you do to help this guy? Nothing, you just commented to stir drama.

      I dare you to provide me with proof on what I am saying is wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author Williamstefano
    Best PPC Network is Bing ads but,
    Bing ads- Accept Only US PayPal or Local Bank Credit Card.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Bing is very Clickbank friendly, I recommend you check them out.

    You might even be able to get a coupon to get started as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author fredi
    I think you should focus on Facebook Ads and Solo Ads. Both are good place to invest. Facebook can bring you targeted traffic. You can customize your Ad on the basis of Ag, Sex and Geological location of your traffic. Also Solo Ads can increase your sell. Usually Solo Ads has more than 60% Opt-in rate.

    Do you want to get access to a simple method that will allow you to earn First Affiliate Commission ?Get the exact step-by-step method designed to transform you into a super affiliate!

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  • Profile picture of the author kazimuhith
    I would suggest not to promote Make Money Online type of offers at the beginning. You can go for Green Products, Targeted Health offers etc.

    I have had pretty good success myself by promoting clickbank products with bing ads via landing pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author Techcology
    Bing is the best, but i am from India. It may not be the same for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mattj84
    You should roll with Facebook! There is no upfront cost and you can laser target your audience to maximize your ROI! Plus, you don't have to pay upfront!

    I hope that helps and good luck!

    Moderator's Note: Affiliate sig not allowed. Please edit.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by pombiswas98 View Post

    i live in india and i want ppc network for promote clickbank products
    i want ppc advertising networks that accept debit card and low Minimum Deposit
    can someone help me?
    Probably Bing Ads, once you've mastered Bing, then look at moving to Google Adwords
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  • Profile picture of the author pombiswas98
    thanks everyone i will try bing ads for some days
    any one can tell me bing ads tips and tricks?
    like free website for keyword research ,daily budget,keywords bid, and any other good tips it will realy help me

    Enjoy thousands of Sexy girls and Naughty anime photos

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10731492].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by pombiswas98 View Post

      thanks everyone i will try bing ads for some days
      any one can tell me bing ads tips and tricks?
      like free website for keyword research ,daily budget,keywords bid, and any other good tips it will realy help me
      For keyword research, the Bing keyword tool is recommended because it has the search volume data for Bing search.

      Daily budget, put it as high as you can afford to. For the majority of campaigns, setting the budget to $50 a day is sufficient.

      Keyword bids depends on the niche and competition. Generally it's better to start bidding high from the outset because if your ad is on page 1 then you get a better CTR and this is a factor towards your campaigns quality score.

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  • Profile picture of the author HCDdaking
    Bing adds and Google adds also cheap but not perfect.As my choise Google adds are perfect.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    doing huge numbers with BING and 50onRED, sometimes its like taking candy from a baby.

    But you have to work your ass off to get to that level. Its all about keywords.
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