Google keyword planner. How accurate?

2 replies
How accurate is the keyword planner?

I suspect something is fishy with it. I'm considering entering the UK market for the service I offer through a new website. Thing is, the keyword planner says the keywords relevant to me have very low search volumes in the UK. This is surprising as the keyword volume is much higher for these keywords in Australia (my main market).

The UK is a much bigger country than Australia and there is absolutely no reason that the particular service I offer would be more popular in Australia than the UK. It's an education related service and it's not as though the UK lacks universities.

Should I take the UK results with a grain of salt or is the keyword tool usually pretty accurate? Any insights would be much appreciated.
#accurate #google #keyword #planner
  • Profile picture of the author Sara20
    Google planner is free keyword tool, and if you have any suspect don’t use it! Also you can watch more detail on:
    1. Keyword Relevance
    2. Location-based Keywords
    Also, you have a great possibilitys to use such free and paid tools as: Google Trends, Keyword, Term Explorer, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Accuranker.
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  • Profile picture of the author tryfasocial
    i don't think so little much can varies but not big different.
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