Failing? You May Not Be Stupid Enough!

71 replies
Most of us think being smart is better than being stupid. However, I've seen in my own life and in the posts of many members here, that sometimes we are too smart for our own good and we need to dumb things down a bit.

For example, I've seen people asking questions here that others have called stupid. Sometimes some of the "smarter" folks gang up on the so-called stupid ones and call them names such as newbie or wannabe.

Yet amazingly, many of these "stupid" members go ahead and methodically build a stupid website and have it operational in a couple days. They open up a stupid FB page or group. They run a stupid ad to get traffic. They put up a stupid squeeze page. They choose a stupid theme in an hour to put on their stupid blog. They put a stupid signature to advertise their stupid site. They write a stupid little ebook in a week and publish it. They ask their stupid questions on the forum, log out, and then go to work. Then they stupidly work on things every day trying to make them better. They try new stupid stuff to see if it works better than the old stupid stuff they were working on last week.

Many of them will find a way to succeed. Because they are stupid.

Meanwhile, us smart folks laugh at the stupid ones. We spend 4 or 5 weeks getting the perfect theme for our blog. We are going to release our big ebook that we've been working on for 2 years as soon as we revise it for the 15th time. We spend 3 months dissecting the data on our competition before we put up a website. We dare not open our site until we have 2,000 long tail keywords to work with. We sign up for five trial autoresponder systems to get the best one. Our blog, once it is published, has 49 of the best, state of the art plugins that does everything but make a cup of coffee - we know because we've put them through their paces. We join every mailing list so we can get the scoop on all the happenings because we want to be up to date. Finally, we are a member of four forums, 10 FB groups, and attend several webinars a week to get the proper training we need.

Unfortunately, many of these smart folks will never succeed because they spend all their time doing the "smart" stuff instead of the "stupid" stuff.

Are YOU stupid enough? Would love to hear your comments.

#failing #stupid
  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    LMAO. I love this post!!!!!

    Many people spend most of their time thinking of reasons why something will not work instead of testing and improving on things.

    These are the same people who spend their day commenting on threads only to criticize other people.

    I have seen some members even go back and look up the OP's profile and previous threads, just so they can criticize them.

    And these are suppose to be the smart people? LMAO

    Lucky for me...I'm too stupid to care what they think!

    And I am just stupid enough to keep working why the smart guys are trying to be perfect!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Many of them will find a way to succeed. Because they are stupid.
    Honest question - Where are these many?

    IM has an abysmal success rate and if stupid people just get going and make it why is there such a low success rate? I don;t think it can be said they over think it as we meet people every day on this forum that for one reason or the other haven't thought things through.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      Honest question - Where are these many?

      IM has an abysmal success rate and if stupid people just get going and make it why is there such a low success rate? I don;t think it can be said they over think it as we meet people every day on this forum that for one reason or the other haven't thought things through.
      It's everyone that:
      • Got out of the forum and got to work
      • Published and marketed their ebook or product
      • Got the website going and marketed it
      • Quit researching and finished something
      • Works hard, long, and consistently
      • Etc.
      Success comes at different times and in different degrees for all of us. Some may not ever make a dime but they are more successful than those that sit on the sideline always preparing and almost getting there but never pulling the trigger.

      I never made a dime until I got stupid enough to quit over analyzing things and get started.

      I remember several years ago there was a big launch by one of the big names. There were a couple typos on the sales letter and people analyzed that and criticized him and how now they couldn't trust anything else about the product and on and on and on.

      Meanwhile, the guy with the stupid typos, that otherwise got things done, sold several hundred thousand dollars of stuff in 24 hours.

      No matter the level of success we achieve we limit ourselves when we:
      • Are buyers rather than sellers
      • Are readers rather than writers
      • Are thinkers/planners instead of doers
      • Never pull the trigger because things aren't perfect
      • Waste time on things that aren't benefiting our business or our lives in some way
      I'm not condoning shoddy products, half-baked ideas, poor decisions or anything like that. I'm condoning doing more of the actual work that makes a difference. For example, no one ever made a dime from buying a WSO. They make money when they apply what is in the WSO.

      I am thinking of someone that has been called stupid here before. But his website is up and he's adding new stuff all the time. He's not making much money but it is trickling in over time.

      I know of another guy that is considered one of the "smart" ones with nothing but excuses/reasons to show for his lack of success.

      The first guy ain't rich by any means but he's more successful because he just gets it done a little at a time compared to the guy with seemingly eternal potential.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

        It's everyone that:
        • Got out of the forum and got to work
        • Published and marketed their ebook or product
        • Got the website going and marketed it
        • Quit researching and finished something
        • Works hard, long, and consistently
        • Etc.
        Success comes at different times and in different degrees for all of us. Some may not ever make a dime but they are more successful than those that sit on the sideline always preparing and almost getting there but never pulling the trigger.

        I never made a dime until I got stupid enough to quit over analyzing things and get started.
        If you were sitting on the sidelines and not noticing any money coming in then you weren't smart. Smart people notice the obvious.

        The get out and do something is a good message (but its been posted time and time and time again) A few others have hinted at the problem I have with the OP. It sets up smart against stupid when its really non action versus smart action.

        like it or not the richest people in the world that made the most of their money on the internet were some VERY smart people (many of them programmers)

        Besides telling marketers here they need to be get out there and be stupider may have some unintended consequences that creates even more crying in the OT section

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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      Honest question - Where are these many?

      IM has an abysmal success rate and if stupid people just get going and make it why is there such a low success rate? I don;t think it can be said they over think it as we meet people every day on this forum that for one reason or the other haven't thought things through.
      Guess stupid is that stupid does right MA? I think you mean MMO is abysmal as IM is marketing on the web for everything !!

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

        Guess stupid is that stupid does right MA? I think you mean MMO is abysmal as IM is marketing on the web for everything !!

        nah...I meant what I wrote not something else. all usages of words have context. On this forum IM here has a particular connotation. Are you technically right if you take the word out of context? Sure but not practically here when its in context. There are no executives from fortune 500 companies here, there's precious little non digital product creators and though there's a programming section this is not the place for web startups that require much of it and we certainly don't see much of the webs startups coming through WF.

        They all market on the web but are not what 99% of discussions here are about when referring to IM. You might as well say all business is business but thats too wide and general to have any practical meaning.

        Internet marketing context is just like telemarketers.You can claim that your bank manager calling to see if you are satisfied with with your loan service and offer additional services is a telemarketer but the public doesn't see him the same as the guy that called right before offering him a "free" trip to the Bahamas.

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  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    Sometimes you just need to "stupidly" jump into something and take action.

    I also loved this post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ralph83
    Great thread! And I completely agree! I've noticed that when I was just starting out in IM, success came with relative ease. These days success seems a lot harder to achieve. And I do blame this on the fact that back in the day, I had only a fraction of the IM knowledge I have today.

    Funny detail: my 1st ecommerce website was up and running within 2 weeks, my latest website was under development for 6+ months (that 1st website was already making money by that time). So yeah... exactly what's pointed out in the OP

    Anyway, this thread wouldn't be complete without the following quote (replace "lazy" with "stupid"):

    "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."
    - Bill Gates
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  • Profile picture of the author T S Chan
    I have no time for being "smart"

    Just do whatever it takes to be successful...
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    • Profile picture of the author ShawnLim
      Originally Posted by T S Chan View Post

      I have no time for being "smart"

      Just do whatever it takes to be successful...
      Totally agreed. When it comes to result, all I can do is to take action.
      Regardless of whether it is smart or perfect. Just do and improve from there.

      The 3 INSANELY Effective Methods To Achieve Your Goals, GO HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Responders to these questions do not, for the most part, think the people asking these questions are stupid, it is the question that is stupid. But maybe they should actually be labeled as "Lazy" questions from lazy people. And most of these lazy people will not go off and build a stupid website with a stupid theme and become successful.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Doctor Dolittle
    Great post with some interesting answers Continued...!

    I totally agree with the fact that we never achieve anything, all the time we are sitting there, analyzing and re-analyzing our work.

    Whilst I would never describe myself as 'Smart', I did fall into the second part of your post. However, I would put this down to being 'stupid' enough to listen (and believe) the smart people that kept telling me... "first you need this, then you need that".

    I've also learnt over time not to listen to the ego fueled comments that knock my confidence enough to start thinking "can this really be achieved?" Now I just go by the saying "I get paid for what I know, not for what I do."

    BTW, nice quote Ralph83!
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

    Responders to these questions do not, for the most part, think the people asking these questions are stupid, it is the question that is stupid. But maybe they should actually be labeled as "Lazy" questions from lazy people. And most of these lazy people will not go off and build a stupid website with a stupid theme and become successful.

    I don't think success depends on how smart or "stupid" you think someone is.

    I don't necessarily like to label anyone as "stupid" but I do agree there are stupid questions.

    I also have to trust my own judgment on if I am sensing "entitlement" from the poster.

    It is true that some very smart people do have the tendency to overthink things - paralyzing them from moving along as quickly as they could.

    I think one of the first lessons one needs to learn is how to become as self sufficient as possible. This means knowing/learning how to seek out as much information on something and when you get to that roadblock where you can't find the answer then is the time to ask.

    Some people need a push I believe in learning how to ask a question. Depends on the question too.

    Also, everyone has their own way of delivering answers. Different people respond differently to how things are delivered to them. Some do well with a polite answer and sometimes there are those who need a bit of a "kick" to "get it." I myself in the past have needed that kick - so I don't discredit it as one viable delivery system.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Yet amazingly, many of these "stupid" members go ahead and methodically build a stupid website and have it operational in a couple days. . . Meanwhile, us smart folks laugh at the stupid ones.


    Thank you for your thread. There's a lot of wisdom and experience in what you have said.

    It's unfortunate, IMO, that you've categorized people as "stupid" and "smart" as in the examples cited above. I think a better way to describe marketers are those that understand and have experience in the marketing trenches vs. those that are new and/or don't have any knowledge of or personal experience in this industry. If people were really that stupid, they most likely would never succeed and probably wouldn't have come to the Internet seeking ways to make money.

    I don't think it's really smart vs. stupid . . . it's mostly understanding which details are critical for profitable business and which are just distractions that waste time and money.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


      Thank you for your thread. There's a lot of wisdom and experience in what you have said.

      It's unfortunate, IMO, that you've categorized people as "stupid" and "smart" as in the examples cited above. I think a better way to describe marketers are those that understand and have experience in the marketing trenches vs. those that are new and/or don't have any knowledge of or personal experience in this industry. If people were really that stupid, they most likely would never succeed and probably wouldn't have come to the Internet seeking ways to make money.

      I don't think it's really smart vs. stupid . . . it's mostly understanding which details are critical for profitable business and which are just distractions that waste time and money.

      I agree it isn't a case of intelligence, but rather indecisiveness and/or a need for perfection.

      I actually remember having a similar discussion with Mark back in about 2003 or so...Mark should have/could have been the go to WF blog expert.

      "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." Gen. George S. Patton
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  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick

    I take no offense at your wording. I wish I was "stupid" enough to get something going!!

    I, too, have more or less wondered the same thing. Why is it hard to get going when others can seemingly just throw something up there, and next thing you know, they're making plenty of money doing it?

    Here's my own take a someone with a master's degree who has been learning internet marketing:

    As a student, you are taught to think critically, analyze things, collect data before reaching conclusions, etc. The higher the degree you get, the harder it is to get out of this way of thinking.

    While going through college we are taught to think long and hard about what to do into, because it's what we'll be doing the rest of our professional lives. And then we are taught to specialize within that field of choice. So in a lot of ways, I think it is hard to "commit" to a niche we cannot vow to give our all to. Again, it's just because we've been indoctrinated into that way of thinking, all through school.

    Personally, I think having a more formal education is a real liability in this field, unless you are a doctor selling some diet or other health formula you came up with on Clickbank, and when that's the case, I am quite willing to bet they turn to someone else for their product creation/marketing efforts!!
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  • Profile picture of the author queenie7968
    I do not think myself as smart or stupid
    I just feel that if I am successful, I was intelligent.
    or something like that
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan S
    Microsoft Windows started with the unpopular and low-key Windows 1.0 in 1985 then improved to 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, XP etc. and now Windows 10. Along the way Bill Gates became the richest man on earth. This simply implies that Bill Gates didn't blame anyone or anything why Windows 1.0 didn't click, instead he kept on improving the Window's OS until it became the most widely used OS in the planet!
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  • Profile picture of the author trobo
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    Our blog, once it is published, has 49 of the best, state of the art plugins that does everything but make a cup of cofee

    Actually, going hog-wild with plug ins could qualify as "stupid".
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  • Profile picture of the author Gallag97
    i agree 100%. When we are too smart, we over analyze instead of dumbing things down to the basics. Basics are a foundation for success. people forget that before trying to create something big, it has to start off small.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72

    You definitely shared some insightful wisdom here and although it may have seemed derogatory or punitive in the sense most people are too smart to admit they over complicate the simplistic, I for one am, or have been "GUILTY" of being a smart ass on more accounts than I care to share.

    Meaning, until I had someone I respected come in and kicked me in the behind and asked; "Why the hell are you not already doing this?....or writing that?" ...Triggered my ineptness, and just the mere suggestion made the challenge easy, as if I needed to feel stupid... in order to officially take affirmative action to defend my real intelligence.

    Also, as a few here may already know, "I burned my ships"...and ever since the doors have been opening left and right, and between having recently released my first PLR package and having already made a sale... it really wasn't all that hard.

    Yes, it took discipline, and some effort...but, it was easy, and that first sale coming in made me feel stupid for not doing something sooner! ...and I'll even admit, I was still trying to say it wasn't ready, it wasn't done, etc. - but it was done, it's up, and that first sale from my own self-published product just became a reality, a reality I have been running from for years... because I was too smart to see just how simple it can be!

    In the last 45 days or so, I have had great success having committed myself to start acting on what I do know and stop pondering the unknown, and over-complicating the process...

    My suggestion to anyone getting started out, who may be skeptical, stuck, or procrastinating from taking action is to just STOP and imagine the repercussions of doing nothing... for that punishment is far greater than any humility that may occur through taking action, trial, and error.

    Be it better to lay your burdens aside, and just have faith in that which you are doing, even if it means; you have to sidestep your own foolish pride...I know I did, and it helped immensely.

    So many people suggested I go get a job... rather than pursue the dream, and maybe they don't see what I see, or know what I already know about IMing... but, many of them projected FEAR... and suggested exactly what society has always suggested, surrender your dream, take the 'sure thing' for now... yeah, well... now becomes tomorrow, tomorrow becomes weeks, then before you know it, you're lost searching for where you went wrong all those years ago. A self-inflicted hell, I wouldn't wish upon anyone... (ok, maybe a few, but not many!)

    I would never suggest people 'burn the ships" and just up and quit their job or do it the way I did....but, I can say this, make the most of your time, your knowledge, and your gifts, and abilities... or risk losing your real intelligence.

    Lastly, as it happens... what saved my arse (aside the person) who put foot to my backside was I didn't let desperation offset my back-up plan, and as a result the fishing season has already earned me almost 5 figures and enables me to run my life, business, and schedule on my time.

    This is NOT to brag, rather to encourage others to exact revenge on their buried intelligence, for as Mark is suggesting...many of you know enough to copy and paste, write an article, post some content, and make some sales... So, don't F..K around and Don't be a Pussy as Frank Kern says! (*It worked for me!)

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    We shouldn't take the terminology literally. It's really just an amusing IM take on Bertrand Russell's observation, "The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

    As others in the thread have suggested, Mark is cautioning that overthinking promotes inertia.

    Nicely done.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Jonathan S View Post

    Microsoft Windows started with the unpopular and low-key Windows 1.0 in 1985 then improved to 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, XP etc. and now Windows 10. Along the way Bill Gates became the richest man on earth. This simply implies that Bill Gates didn't blame anyone or anything why Windows 1.0 didn't click, instead he kept on improving the Window's OS until it became the most widely used OS in the planet!
    You're leaving out a couple of little details, like swinging deals to have Windows loaded on virtually every non-Apple PC sold and getting people to spend a couple of hundred dollars on each new version in order to become, in effect, beta testers.

    What it really implies is that, while Gates is no doubt a smart man, he's also an incredibly lucky one.

    I get Mark's point, but if it were a simple matter of "stupid succeeds", Billy Carter would have been POTUS, not Jimmy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy McLean
    Awesome post.

    A common scenario I have seen in this forum here is when someone (usually new) asks a question. Does ____ work?

    And you will get so many responses like "It's too saturated, solo ads are dead..." etc. Yet there are people making money in all these areas.

    Whatever the details are, it's really all talk until you take action and see the results for yourself. There are too many variables to consider as no two scenarios are 100% the same.

    What I have forced myself to do is just research enough to complete my next task and that is it.

    When I first started I used to throw a lot of things against the wall to see what would stick. And amazingly, some of the things I tried made money!

    Sometimes it's the simplest ideas that work best.
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    • Profile picture of the author missmystery
      Originally Posted by Randy McLean View Post

      Awesome post.

      A common scenario I have seen in this forum here is when someone (usually new) asks a question. Does ____ work?

      And you will get so many responses like "It's too saturated, solo ads are dead..." etc. Yet there are people making money in all these areas.

      Whatever the details are, it's really all talk until you take action and see the results for yourself. There are too many variables to consider as no two scenarios are 100% the same.

      What I have forced myself to do is just research enough to complete my next task and that is it.

      When I first started I used to throw a lot of things against the wall to see what would stick. And amazingly, some of the things I tried made money!

      Sometimes it's the simplest ideas that work best.
      Most of the ideas I have tried have worked. Not all of them turn out very good results without constant maintenance and tweaking. But to say that they have not worked would be giving up without really putting in an effort.I noticed a string of posts yesterday about how rubbish adfly traffic is and how it never works. I have had results with that.

      Conclusion: Don't write something off before trying it yourself, especially if it's a free or cheap option. I have bout a lot of WSO's over the years, and I love to read and learn.

      Do these methods work? Yes, probably! You just have the one that works for YOU, which you enjoy doing and it won't be a hassle to take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cleberl1
    These "stupid" guys don't have fear to fail and they take action, here is the point.

    People that try to find the perfect wordpress domain or the perfect template will take centuries to start something.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    I remember joining a top forum before (SEO), as a newbie I expected to learn a lot from it, but upon reading posts and answers probably from the admin/moderator I was discouraged to join topics. It seems like the moderator is so full of himself, he is not approachable as well as the community that whenever someone ask a question, they couldn't help it but criticize the OP. I mean, come on! It is a community. It should be about helping each other out. But really there are some people that are just there to tell you how great they are, and how pitiful that you are not. I am no expert, I guess I'm one of those stupid wanna-be's but at least I'm not that dependent on others, I learn to be resourceful.

    12BET | Live Casino Malaysia

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  • Profile picture of the author MrFume
    Yes. I think you are actually on to something here - it seems to be the people with a basic, superficial grasp of popular culture who 'get people' - if you are smart you tend to want to include serious consideration of the details - you want to be precise, informative and clever, most people just 'don't have time fo that!' most people want the quick and dirty version, they want it all and they want it now, now now!

    So YES, just serve up shit, serve up jingle jangle rubbish and keep serving it up brother! Who are we to tell people what they should do, if they want to believe in the tooth fairy, well here she is!

    Journalism, the profession is undergoing a massive change since the WWW has arrived. I help people to build their personal profile and create a multi-media platform with WordPress, Podcasting, Writing and Video.
    Digital Media for a Noisy World

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  • Profile picture of the author missmystery
    Oh my GOD! This is SO me. I over think things and have to make them detailed and perfect. Thanks for your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    RE: "we need to dumb things down a bit"

    Ok, I'll try:

    "click here"

    is that any good?

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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    There is a movie about Magicians/illusionist called Now You See Me and Now You See Me 2.

    I would not even assume who is really smart or stupid from some of the posts I see. Most actually took alot of time to create that simple post because they know the traction and eyeballs that post may receive.

    There is a concept called Forum Marketing and there is a hell of a lot of that going on and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as it is give and take.

    Give some value and maybe take some link clicked love with you.

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  • Profile picture of the author marks2424
    I understand exactly what you are saying and find some aspects funny because so many are called for asking a question but in so many cases I have seen questions asked that have never really been answered. People answer saying try doing a search instead of asking a question that has been asked so many times so once in a while I will do a search for that question and find no answers or no answers that really address the question.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by marks2424 View Post

      I understand exactly what you are saying and find some aspects funny because so many are called for asking a question but in so many cases I have seen questions asked that have never really been answered. People answer saying try doing a search instead of asking a question that has been asked so many times so once in a while I will do a search for that question and find no answers or no answers that really address the question.
      Part of the problem is that the forum search has never really been as helpful as it could be.

      I just did a quick, simple test comparing the forum search with a Google search. The forum results didn't even seem to be related, really, to what I wanted to know while the Google search results were exactly what I wanted.

      The search was (no quotes) "how do I make money online".

      Because I've seen this so many times with the forum search, I do most of my searching on Google now like this:
      Code: whatever keywords you want to search for
      . In the case above I used
      Code: how do I make money online
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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

        Because I've seen this so many times with the forum search, I do most of my searching on Google now like this:
        Code: whatever keywords you want to search for
        . In the case above I used
        Code: how do I make money online
        I leave out the "" part when I search. If Warrior forum has responses they show up in the query, usually near the top. But you also get all the other great sites with your answer as well. I have found some of the most useful information by adding "case study" after my search keywords


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    When I was learning to deal craps, the person teaching us told me "this will be hard for you".

    He explained the same theory Mark talks about. He said people who are more intelligent and/or more educated tend to think things through before doing them - tend to analyze and want to understand the relationship between "do this and that happens".

    He said someone who will take instruction and do it without question learns the game easier. He doesn't need to see the "overview" or the relationship between bets and strategies....just tell him where to put the chips or how to send the dice...and he's fine. He can memorize the payouts and as long as he has "good hands' he can deal the game.

    Two of us really struggled in the class - both of us analytical, curious, people who thought about things and examined methods/ideas. I finished the class and went on to deal the game - the other person never did pick it up. I worked and practiced much harder than the others in the class who did not ask "why" or "how" but just did what they were told.

    It's a mindset - you can see it in questions on this forum. Some are "what's next" - while many are "what if this or that happens". I don't think you can change the way your mind approaches new tasks or ideas...but you can recognize a tendency to overthink and over-analyze and learn to manage it.

    I always remember some advice I saw on this forum years ago:

    You can talk and rethink and plan and learn...but in the end your success depends on how many buy buttons you have online....and how many people find and click them.

    Part of the problem is that the forum search has never really been as helpful as it could be.
    Remember prior to 2008 the forum search didn't work AT ALL for years?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      When I was learning to deal craps, the person teaching us told me "this will be hard for you".

      He explained the same theory Mark talks about. He said people who are more intelligent and/or more educated tend to think things through before doing them - tend to analyze and want to understand the relationship between "do this and that happens".

      He said someone who will take instruction and do it without question learns the game easier. He doesn't need to see the "overview" or the relationship between bets and strategies....just tell him where to put the chips or how to send the dice...and he's fine. He can memorize the payouts and as long as he has "good hands' he can deal the game.p

      Two of us really struggled in the class - both of us analytical, curious, people who thought about things and examined methods/ideas. I finished the class and went on to deal the game - the other person never did pick it up. I worked and practiced much harder than the others in the class who did not ask "why" or "how" but just did what they were told.
      You seem to answer your own assertion by contradicting it within what you posted above
      Maybe not more educated, but it seems to me the latter ( the person who is does not overthink things) was always more intelligent to begin with because he is seeing Results.

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168

    so the key answer are what?

    I guess we should spend more time promoting , marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Also, everyone has their own way of delivering answers. Different people respond differently to how things are delivered to them. Some do well with a polite answer and sometimes there are those who need a bit of a "kick" to "get it." I myself in the past have needed that kick - so I don't discredit it as one viable delivery system.
    This is one of the more insightful posts I've seen on this forum.

    There have been times when I thought to myself, "You can't set me up like that and expect me not to respond in a "snarky" manner.

    Also, a lot of what I post is intended as humor, that goes right over most peoples heads.

    I think intelligence plays a part but the biggest determining factor is the ability to focus.

    "Focus like a laser beam" ~ Melvin Powers
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10736326].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      Also, a lot of what I post is intended as humor, that goes right over most peoples heads.

      I think intelligence plays a part but the biggest determining factor is the ability to focus.

      Never been said better. I also think its not only intelligence, its kind of stagnant inflexible mind,
      mixed with somewhat negative outlook on life, but makes people respond badly to humor.

      Or bad experience. One time i come into a place here and sit down at a bar. Just one other guy sits there and he started yelling at the guy to pay his bill. His voice was extremely rusty, and i couldnt help myself asking him if was shouting at his wife all day until he lost his voice.

      First he asked me if i am a comedian or a a-hole. I said comedian. Then he got angry and wanted to punch my nose. He said it was a very expensive operation of cancer removal.

      Dang! Who would have guessed that one. Now the guy still didnt calm down but went to the owner to stage a complaint about me. The owner is a good friend of mine, and just upped his eyebrows. Now the angry guy walked up and down the street in front to wait until i go out so he could beat me up.


      1 innocent little joke to the wrong guy or to a forum nazi - and you are going to die!

      choose your jokes carefully

      and avoid forum nazis!

      I think the angry guy got banned for life, didnt meet him again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Neweasel
    Loved this post! Sometimes doing "stupid" things can make a huge difference!
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  • Profile picture of the author Carson Sedna
    This is sooooo true!
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    I'm somewhere between ignoramus and know-it-all
    Simple Two Step Formula
    Earns Me Over $146.72 in 12 Hours. This is Weird, But it Works!
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  • Profile picture of the author bestIMtools
    Excellent post! I'd say that those who take action with what they go have done more than those who study a lot but never make a move. Analysis paralysis is real and, well, paralyzing.

    Invento Marketing | Dominican Republic Boutique Ad & PR Agency

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  • Profile picture of the author dbsmitty
    LOL. That's awesome. It gives me an idea for a new WSO... "How I made $10,074.32 Without A Website, Without A List, And Without A Friggin' Clue!"

    In regard to the bullying... it's funny. I was just reading something today where someone was complaining about being bullied on WF. I've had people make everything from subtly condescending remarks to viciously cutting ones. But truth be told, I think it's that way just about anywhere on the internet. Anywhere you go you're going to encounter people who are indignant about having to endure the inconvenience of having to dwell among us mere mortals. Oh well.
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinZeus
    @Mark You nailed it! I don't know, should I laugh or should I cry...

    - You are the man!

    This all reminds me on the good o'l me back in the time. I was trying to make everything perfect before I launch a camping, then later I heard about the KISS method, that stabbed me in the eye, like you did now.
    K.I.S.S States:

    K - KEEP
    I - IT
    S - SIMPLE
    S - STUPID !!

    So if yo want to start seeing some results people, KISS!

    Mark, RESPECT MAN!


    - Zeus

    Life is a Jurney, not a Destination ;)

    Now go read my wicked wso how I'm making minimum $4.000 with secret free money making strategy here: Free 4k money System!

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    lol.. I love it.

    I think so many people over think it.. myself included at times..

    I've seen so many different people from different walks of life make it, even ones who some might consider "stupid"..

    either way, that's one of the great things about this industry..
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  • Profile picture of the author jimmeettee
    It's a great post! The thing I am most stupid about is trying to make everything perfect, which often leads to my efforts becoming way to complicated. I'm trying to get back to simple. It's less exhausting

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by ajbarnes777 View Post

      Sometimes your gut is telling you the truth... except when it tells you to order that double cheeseburger with extra bacon and side of triple cheese fries and an x-large milkshake.

      To ensure you have a "strong gut" that can help guide you through, keep LEARNING. Keep reading. Keep experimenting. Keep failing. All of that strengthens your intuition (a.k.a your gut).
      There's your problem...

      You forgot the chili on the triple cheese fries.

      That'll strengthen your gut!

      Beyond that, you make a good point. Properly trained, your intuition (aka, subconscious) can analyze many complex factors far faster than your conscious mind.

      I once heard an exercise for making tough decisions, after you've weighed the pros and cons of two seemingly equal alternatives. Flip a coin, Heads, you do A. Tails you do B.

      Flip the coin high. By the time it lands, your gut will tell you whether you want it come up heads or tails. Don't look, just follow your gut.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      P.S. Mark I here what you are saying. And that is one way to look at it.

      Here's another angle : The "Stupid" Newbie who doesn't over-analyze or think too much about it just dives right head first into it... only to get his head handed to him because NEVER had even a smidgen
      of a Plan.

      Sorry, if I took my eight years of online Marketing and looked at the Newbie who was so "stupid" he did NOT know he should not succeed and just went for it and found Successs


      The Newbie who was so "stupid" he did NOT know he should NOT succeed and just went for it and fell flat on his face because he had NO Plan in place

      ...well the latter one is head and above more in occurrence than the former from my Experience. Like 10 to 1

      Not even a Contest

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        "Stupid" people certainly need a plan. But it's something like a 1-page concise direction document that is adjusted as needed.

        Many "smart" people, such as myself in the past, also have a plan.

        One of mine winded up being (edit - too embarrassing to say how long it actually was) pages long. There was detailed analysis covering all the what ifs and things that may go wrong. Figuring out which plugin was better with side-by-side comparison checklists. Elaborate descriptions of future products (some of which never saw the light of day but had tons written about them). Marketing tactics we were going to use, etc.

        While I was writing, analyzing, planning, researching, etc. (since I'm so smart), the "stupid" people with a 1-page plan could have released all those products and actually made some money instead of planning only.

        This wasn't for a huge company. This was just me being too smart for my own britches. Thinking all this junk mattered.

        In the end, I figured out for me the only thing that mattered was having a quality product that added true value with a buy button, according to my new concise plan, and marketing the heck out of it.


        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        P.S. Mark I here what you are saying. And that is one way to look at it.

        Here's another angle : The "Stupid" Newbie who doesn't over-analyze or think too much about it just dives right head first into it... only to get his head handed to him because NEVER had even a smidgen
        of a Plan.

        Sorry, if I took my eight years of online Marketing and looked at the Newbie who was so "stupid" he did NOT know he should not succeed and just went for it and found Successs


        The Newbie who was so "stupid" he did NOT know he should NOT succeed and just went for it and fell flat on his face because he had NO Plan in place

        ...well the latter one is head and above more in occurrence than the former from my Experience. Like 10 to 1

        Not even a Contest
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  • Profile picture of the author neshaword
    Perception is a bitch and vanity is Al Pacino’s favorite sin.
    My ex-girlfriend. Long time no see. She is divorced with a blue-eyed bag ten-year-old or something. She has a degree in English literature and German language. Unemployed. Back to her parents. I was like wtf is wrong with you. Get online. You would be a killer freelance writer. You could do some proofreading for me. Together we can do some translations. She was like, I work in the dance school. This is my life. I was â€" speechless. You know it, if you are ok, then I am happy for you.
    You have seen my profile picture. I am beautiful, no matter what you think. However, when it comes to other things I can hold my ego horses. I am not smart, I want you to tell me that I am smart. My writing sucks, prove me wrong. I have seen so many smart idiots. They will never change. You are your own worst enemy, I cannot help you my friend.
    I am desperately trying to lose some weight. Why? Because, when I am in a gym I see an athlete in the mirror not a fatty guy. Perception is a bitch.
    The question of all questions that keeps me haunting to this day.
    If you are smart, how come you are not rich? Not filthy rich, moderately rich, lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author mb2590
    What an inspiring, humorous post. Im really lost fir words now but i have to at least say you made a good point about how smart peopke operate. They spend so much time trying to perfect everything before initiating anything. A good rule of thumb for this madness is the 80/20 principle which is taking action 80 percent of the time and learning and perfecting 20 percent of the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex July
    Mark, it's a good thread.
    Here is my story.
    I am not a native speaker of English, but I have a passion to writing and public speaking )))
    I wanted to start a blog in English, but I though, my English was not perfect.
    I've been struggling for years. I used to read a lot, I used to watch a lot of educational videos on YouTube. And finally I started a blog, spend a lot of time customizing my WordPress theme. I used to hire proofreaders, and so on.
    This was a smart way. Did I succeed? I didn't.

    But a fee weeks ago I started a youtube channel (links in my description). No proofreaders, no scripts. And you know what? People watch, comment, subscribe.
    This is the stupid way. But it works.

    The conclusion: no one appreciates your preparations and perfectionism. People don't see them. What people see is what you are doing and what you have done.

    You can be successful even if you are stupid and not perfect. Why? Because you are acting!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      I love this response.

      Of course, we want things to be "right" but not to the extent that we never get started because that doesn't help anyone. But we also don't want to put out junk.

      To partially solve this problem, I started using the "version" method a few years ago. Basically, the idea is that everything starts off at its worst. Think of Windows 1.0 (actually 1.1 was the first version) or any other similar product. Then they add new features and make bug fixes and come out with 1.2 or 1.3 or 2.0.

      So, get version 1.00 of the site up or ebook ready NOW even though it isn't "perfect" (whatever that means). Then add to it and fix problems to get to version 1.01, 1.1, 1.2, etc.

      Just make it happen. Don't hold back. Don't be so smart, and so analytical, and do so much research that you have a "perfect" product ready next year or 2 years from now or never. You can do something today or this week to get the ball rolling.


      Originally Posted by Alex July View Post

      Mark, it's a good thread.
      Here is my story.
      I am not a native speaker of English, but I have a passion to writing and public speaking )))
      I wanted to start a blog in English, but I though, my English was not perfect.
      I've been struggling for years. I used to read a lot, I used to watch a lot of educational videos on YouTube. And finally I started a blog, spend a lot of time customizing my WordPress theme. I used to hire proofreaders, and so on.
      This was a smart way. Did I succeed? I didn't.

      But a fee weeks ago I started a youtube channel (links in my description). No proofreaders, no scripts. And you know what? People watch, comment, subscribe.
      This is the stupid way. But it works.

      The conclusion: no one appreciates your preparations and perfectionism. People don't see them. What people see is what you are doing and what you have done.

      You can be successful even if you are stupid and not perfect. Why? Because you are acting!
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Well... I think that was officially the first time I've actually hit the 'upvote' button before...

    The more I think back on my earliest successes in life, I was young dumb, bullheaded, and full of piss and vigor... and as adolescent behavior often displays; there was little to no fear of failure. I mean, aside from impressing some girl (the one snoring next to me, at, or going toe-to-toe with someone twice my size (again,snoring beside me!)... I was all but fearless.(*I was a bit baked back in the early daze too, so who knows; maybe that helped relax me more?)

    Point is, when we are young we generally are not tainted by so much stress, pressure, responsibilities, and as such were far more care free, open minded, and willing to dive into shit head first...sometimes without any hesitation at all.

    .Now, if you are fighting off the 'greys' (hairs...not aliens) like me, you may also be seeing life and time a bit differently... and be realizing those youthful bouts of saying; "F... IT, why not, how bad can it hurt?" ...don't exactly come as easily without risk or pain. Especially, if you have kids, a mortgage, bills, a business, wife or spouse, a pitbull, cats, or a serious addiction to frozen lattes...them sum bitches are expensive!

    Heck, in all due seriousness my youngest will be 18 in like 12 days... and it plays on the mind, no doubt! - Here I still want to join the Zapata Racing team, just because the crazy stuff they do, create, and explore...reminds me of my inner-child.(What remains of it anyways, lol).

    Lastly, if the worst case scenario is death, better be it you die trying... because existing without ever truly living is a far greater punishment, and as long as you have that mindset, it becomes obvious, dying is when you are remembered for what you left behind, make it count.

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Lastly, if the worst case scenario is death, better be it you die trying... because existing without ever truly living is a far greater punishment, and as long as you have that mindset, it becomes obvious, dying is when you are remembered for what you left behind, make it count.
      That's a great point. I like this quote by Steve Jobs
      "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.

      Almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

      Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfern76
    that's why I like the quote "if you hit boundaries of what you know, it is time to make some mistakes"
    yup sometimes stupid things can make some changes when we have no idea what we should do next.
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
    People are their own worst enemy.

    Smart people like to overthink stuff.

    Focus on KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid!)

    That alone will go a long way towards helping you succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author ajbarnes777
      Originally Posted by ContentPro22 View Post

      People are their own worst enemy.

      Smart people like to overthink stuff.

      Focus on KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid!)

      That alone will go a long way towards helping you succeed.
      Ditto. Overthinking leads to time wasted, opportunities missed, and ironicllay... failure. And in most cases, what you thought or did originally was the better way. I had to learn that the hard way. Sometimes your gut is telling you the truth... except when it tells you to order that double cheeseburger with extra bacon and side of triple cheese fries and an x-large milkshake.

      To ensure you have a "strong gut" that can help guide you through, keep LEARNING. Keep reading. Keep experimenting. Keep failing. All of that strengthens your intuition (a.k.a your gut).
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Great post

    It's the inverse of LAZY versus HARDWORKING

    If you're lazy but clever, you can automate / streamling / finetune and get more Value out of every minute you spend on a project....

    However, if you're lazy AND stupid, there might be a problem.


    It's okay to be STUPID as long as you WORK HARD

    Trying again and again and figuring out how things work is crucial for 'stupid' people to succeed

    Sadly, trying again and again might prove to be too much for a lazy person

    Lazy + clever enough = good

    stupid + hard work = good

    Stupid + lazy = Not so good
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    • Profile picture of the author celente

      Lazy + clever enough = good

      stupid + hard work = good

      Stupid + lazy = Not so good[/QUOTE]

      great post!

      I am all of these, and I can say stupid and lazy does not get you anywhere, and when you have one of these days, its really unproductive. Even if you get $400 come into your inbox, or more, it still feels like you are not working on your business.

      I Think we are all designed to be lazy, it maybe the devil trying to steer us off course from our true life path, however what I can say is that if this is too deep for you....just think,.... billionaires, do not sit on their ass all day, doing nothing, they are workign on their business 7 days a week.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Lerner
    so true, idiots prosper and smart people envy them!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Although I think "intelligence" is a good thing, I agree that when it comes to Entrepreneurial Success it's not the most important factor.

    For example:

    Entrepreneur with Down's Syndrome becomes youngest business-owner in town
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Marketing can only be learned by one thing...Doing!

    Human beings learn by experience only.

    Clever people wait for the 'perfect' day (that will never come).
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Clever people wait for the 'perfect' day (that will never come).
      Hmm. Maybe.

      I agree that many people wait for the "perfect time" to take action (etc.) however I don't personally think it has anything to do with being "clever."
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Nate92
    Beyond an awesome post, OP!

    The funny thing is, when I help people out, I tell them to just stick with the basics. People think that a simple blog with a few lead pages and a source of traffic "isn't good enough anymore!" Really? Then how can I still do it? How can the people I teach see results with the simple things?

    It's called ACTION! Action will always overtake knowledge when it comes to success. Why? Because you can memorize every book in the world in online marketing, conversions, tracking, PPC, CPA, Affiliate Marketing, Digital product creation, lead generation, etc., but until you TAKE ACTION, you'll be the lowest man on the totem pole.

    Learn the basics... Take action. Learn a little more... Take action. Learn how to improve what you have... TAKE ACTION! It's really that simple but people over complicate EVERYTHING!

    Kudos to you for starting this thread!
    "I'm not crazy, I'm motivated!"
    I'm giving my SP Affiliate Revolution training course to Warrior Forum members! Enjoy! (Affiliate Marketing Video Course)
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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    Awesome post Mark!

    These Stupid folks are doers, they don't overthink, they aren't afraid of making mistakes - they are DOERS... they judge their work on Actions, and not thoughts.

    They do whatever it takes, they try everything - soon they start to know everything... Before you know it... they get lucky or they find a better Idea based on their actions and they eventually succeed

    Meanwhile Smart folks tend to Overthink. Analyze everything, Can't afford to make a mistake, even if it's a small unoticable mistake... they will be successful, but it's usually takes more time.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordsandthebees
    I LOVE this post!!!

    I am a newbie and proud!

    I'm one of the stupid ones who quit my job without too much of a plan of how I'm going to make my first business succeed but I'm doing it with lots of research and determination. I made the decision that I'd take the leap and learn as I go, otherwise, I'd sit in my miserable corporate role for another 5 years having never learnt enough to make the move.

    This forum is great for getting other people's experience, opinions and guidance and even though I'm relatively new I've already learnt so much from everyone.

    Here's to making many more stupid decisions that bring us to a place of success and happiness.

    For the record, since I decided to get stuipd, I've never been happier!!

    Thanks for this awesome post
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  • Profile picture of the author PLR Basket
    So true.

    So many people suffer from paralysis analysis.

    But I think the main difference here is drive. Many people are simply more driven and aren't afraid to fail. Other's have tons of available income from "real-life" businesses, so they have something to fall back on.
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  • Profile picture of the author michdubs
    thanks for that post, they say sometimes our success is due less to ability than to zeal
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