Failing? You May Not Be Stupid Enough!
For example, I've seen people asking questions here that others have called stupid. Sometimes some of the "smarter" folks gang up on the so-called stupid ones and call them names such as newbie or wannabe.
Yet amazingly, many of these "stupid" members go ahead and methodically build a stupid website and have it operational in a couple days. They open up a stupid FB page or group. They run a stupid ad to get traffic. They put up a stupid squeeze page. They choose a stupid theme in an hour to put on their stupid blog. They put a stupid signature to advertise their stupid site. They write a stupid little ebook in a week and publish it. They ask their stupid questions on the forum, log out, and then go to work. Then they stupidly work on things every day trying to make them better. They try new stupid stuff to see if it works better than the old stupid stuff they were working on last week.
Many of them will find a way to succeed. Because they are stupid.
Meanwhile, us smart folks laugh at the stupid ones. We spend 4 or 5 weeks getting the perfect theme for our blog. We are going to release our big ebook that we've been working on for 2 years as soon as we revise it for the 15th time. We spend 3 months dissecting the data on our competition before we put up a website. We dare not open our site until we have 2,000 long tail keywords to work with. We sign up for five trial autoresponder systems to get the best one. Our blog, once it is published, has 49 of the best, state of the art plugins that does everything but make a cup of coffee - we know because we've put them through their paces. We join every mailing list so we can get the scoop on all the happenings because we want to be up to date. Finally, we are a member of four forums, 10 FB groups, and attend several webinars a week to get the proper training we need.
Unfortunately, many of these smart folks will never succeed because they spend all their time doing the "smart" stuff instead of the "stupid" stuff.
Are YOU stupid enough? Would love to hear your comments.
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