Success Comes To Those Who Don't Give Much Is Too Much?

32 replies
In this era of digital marketing, where everything changes on a click, it becomes imperative to decide about the winning strategy and how far we can stretch ourselves.

Right from my childhood, I have been listening to a cliché that success belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and don't give up easily but the point to think on is how long we should wait if the things don't turn our way.
  • What are the steps or the corrective measures needed to be taken if any deviation is noticed from the planned targets?
  • Should I welcome those changes?
  • If yes, how long I should wait and watch the impact on the profitability? Is there any defined time line?
  • What if the changes accepted yields short term gains only and may not yield profit in the long run?
  • How to gain the confidence to say 'no' to the changes that I come across during the course of our business?

Please share your experiences.
#don’t #give #success #up…how
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Every change is different please be more specific yet another vague post by you. What change are you talking about


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    "How much is too much?"

    I'd say starting multiple threads in a few minutes with general short articles is too much....but just my opinion.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi A,

    Move 100% away from the WHAT and to the WHY Why are you online? Make it, to have fun. Move from profit-drivers to passion drivers.

    Most quit because they are in blogging or IM to GET stuff. When getting doesn't happen, they lose their driver, and say, screw it, and they quit. A few of use are primarily in this game to GIVE of our passion, to follow our fun, and even though we like getting like the other guy, it's a small reason why we're in IM. This crowd has an internal, higher energy driver, so they don't decide if they'll quit or persist based on something outside of them, like money or traffic or fame or whatever.

    If you want to persist, for good, follow your fun. Do what you have fun doing. That fun energy creates markets, establishes niches, and will help you do stuff like blogging from paradise

    Keeping at it is easy for me: my work is my reward, because my work is not really work, but fun. I have fun blogging, I have fun traveling. Why in the hell would I ever stop? Why would I quit? No reason to quit, no reason to stop. I get more detached from outcomes - money/traffic/etc - and of course, those take care of themselves at the perfect time.

    This line of thinking is really a line of being, that I adopted from the icons of the world. The titans. At least the happy ones

    Follow your fun. You'll never do too much

    Signing off from sunny Cyprus.

    Blogging From Paradise
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author ellenibbot
    When you just start hard working for your future or for anything you think it will definitely come to you. But in reality that doesn't happen. If you give up then you get can't any fruit of that hard working if you do it regularly you will definitely get best fruit of your hardworking. So never give up, firstly think twice to choose any way then never see backward.
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  • Profile picture of the author neshaword
    That's the problem with these cliche bombs. Don't give up and one day you're gonna make it. Seriously? Thanks for this great tip. When you put it like this it sounds like a shameless logical game. If you don't give up, you'll win, sooner or later. Yet, no one is around to see how long you have to wait and hard to achieve your goals. I read an interesting story about the founder of Alibaba. He was rejected more than 40 times. He was applying like crazy. No use. Eventually, he gave up and launched his own company, which is btw one of the most successful in the world. When they asked him, so what's the catch? He replied, if you can't make in one place, maybe it's about time for you to try somewhere else. The same goes here. You aren't gonna try do something forever. One day, you have to realize and accept that enough is enough. So, move on to some other field or industry. Thx for this share. Cheers! N
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    • Profile picture of the author [RyanMilligan]
      Originally Posted by neshaword View Post

      That's the problem with these cliche bombs. Don't give up and one day you're gonna make it. Seriously? Thanks for this great tip. When you put it like this it sounds like a shameless logical game. If you don't give up, you'll win, sooner or later. Yet, no one is around to see how long you have to wait and hard to achieve your goals. I read an interesting story about the founder of Alibaba. He was rejected more than 40 times. He was applying like crazy. No use. Eventually, he gave up and launched his own company, which is btw one of the most successful in the world. When they asked him, so what's the catch? He replied, if you can't make in one place, maybe it's about time for you to try somewhere else. The same goes here. You aren't gonna try do something forever. One day, you have to realize and accept that enough is enough. So, move on to some other field or industry. Thx for this share. Cheers! N
      I'd be one to agree and disagree with you. People are sometimes in unique situations and they have talents that are good in their chosen field, or they just know things naturally that some people overlook or don't think about or just plainly think they are smarter than they are, being dumb isn't always bad. You know the smartest people I have ever come across are the dumb ones. They are taught easily and then take action without thinking twice. Which is what most people looking to make money online should do. People learn from mistakes. Google my name along with Bitcoin and you will see I was scammed for $50'000+ in bitcoins. Bitcoin at the time not being any form of fiat currency I couldn't do anything. That made me think a lot about how to conduct business. There is a time to drop things and their is a time to keep going. You can have whatever you want in life you just have to be willing to do what is necessary to take it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    That is the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life. Did someone just use a prime example of a guy not giving up and taking no for an answer over 40 times (Alibaba) to argue that perseverance doesn't pay off? Wow.

    That is a prime example of never giving up and succeeding. But, the success is attributed to the great businessman and high business IQ more so than not giving up.

    Plenty of less intelligent people have had great business ideas and failed. The key to being successful in business is your ability to make smart business decisions.
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    • Profile picture of the author [RyanMilligan]
      Originally Posted by Gambino View Post

      That is the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life. Did someone just use a prime example of a guy not giving up and taking no for an answer over 40 times (Alibaba) to argue that perseverance doesn't pay off? Wow.

      That is a prime example of never giving up and succeeding. But, the success is attributed to the great businessman and high business IQ more so than not giving up.

      Plenty of less intelligent people have had great business ideas and failed. The key to being successful in business is your ability to make smart business decisions.
      Smart business decisions can't be defined. How do you know that you made the right call if you A) never tried anything else B) never tried anything out of the box with your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author pbsbluejay
    Success comes to those who come in contact with the right people already in the know. A lack of funds can be the determining factor to how far one can go. I suggest focusing on raising funds for your cause, project, product, or charity. Whatever passion, dream, or goal (personal or business) one has, crowdfunding can prove to be a godsend. However, there's a 89% failure rate when trying to raise funds. But this high failure rate is eliminated when choosing a fundraising model that brings both crowdfunding and social revenue sharing. No heavy back-end fees, funding goal or deadline to meet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by anshrey View Post



    Are you from Australia?


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author desley
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


      Are you from Australia?

      Hi Steve B,
      What has being an Aussie got to do with this??? Fail to understand the logic behind your question.

      Then again I am an Aussie so maybe I just don't get it!!!

      To me success is having tried and learning along the way. Hence, I guess one has to define for oneself what 'success' actually means to them.

      Sometimes the most successful thing to do is saying: well I gave this a go, it didn't work out the way I envisaged, however I learnt heaps along the way.

      Failure to me is never having tried. How can one be a failure if one has tried and given things a go, even if one falls flat on one's backside.

      So if the questioner is rating success on how many $$$ they have made or what house they live in or what car they drive, then this to me is hollow success. Sure they're all nice. However, trying to keep up with the Joneses is way more stressful type of success then being oneself, and bringing one's dreams to a reality.

      As the saying goes: if you have an idea it is your responsibility to implement this. So whether you fulfill this responsibility alone or with the support and assistance of others is rather immaterial to my way of thinking.

      Hope this assists.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshnano
    One thing I've learned with internet marketing is it's hard, hard work. I mean long grueling hours and monotonous work. It takes a long time to build up a big list and to build a large clientele before you start making enough to live off of consistently for months. Clawing your way up is the toughest part and I still feel I'm not even there.
    Learn How To Make Money Online & Learn SEO, Web 2.0, Marketing Strategies, Social Media, Content Creation & Much Much More! Offering SEO Services very soon! Visit us below:
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  • Profile picture of the author VFXEdgeSuman
    It's an old adage : "Never Give-Up".
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  • Profile picture of the author Sven300
    Perseverance is a virtue, certainly.

    But the stubborn persistence is a weakness. Sometimes, we have to realize that we hit a wall and we need to change direction.
    I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson
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  • Profile picture of the author chetanlegend
    Success always belongs to hard work towards right direction and never give up, if you fail you should realize that you haven't given your 100%, and with positive attitude again try !!
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    • Profile picture of the author EAllen@FinEdPro
      Originally Posted by chetanlegend View Post

      Success always belongs to hard work towards right direction and never give up, if you fail you should realize that you haven't given your 100%, and with positive attitude again try !!
      I agree with you wholeheartedly, I have failed so many times in my life, and I have given up too. Success comes to those who can ride out the failures, the 99 no's for a yes. I am encouraging you guys to ride it out because once you see that first check, it will motivate you even more to continue to even greater success.
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      • Profile picture of the author S T E V E
        Whenever a conversation like this crops up I always think of the following image.

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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by chetanlegend View Post

      Success always belongs to hard work towards right direction and never give up, if you fail you should realize that you haven't given your 100%, and with positive attitude again try !!
      Good luck with that. lol

      Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
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  • Profile picture of the author markxey
    Let me just add this little handy quote in here; "Money goes from unorganized people to organized people."
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by markxey View Post

      Let me just add this little handy quote in here; "Money goes from unorganized people to organized people."
      I know more than one well-organized person that is virtually penniless and folks with absolutely no organizational skills whatsoever that own houses that I wish I was living in. :-)

      Your quote is just another meaningless, trite cliché that won't help anyone, in anyway attain so much as a modicum of business success.

      Cheers. - Frank
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      • Profile picture of the author amalrichard
        My kind Advice out of my Experience is. If you have a Target just Run to it. Never ever get Deviate from your Goal. There will be Lot of Obstacles. If you over come those Obstacles.

        You.. You.. are the Winner.

        I just like to give you an Example.

        Newly married Couple would get Bitterness among them aft 3 to 6 Months. There would be quarreling around and there will be Miss understanding. That's Obvious. Once you Over come those issues for right 2 Years from Wedding.

        That's it You will be the King in your Married life. You can enjoy the Life with your Wife.

        So there will be Hurdles, Obstacles, deviation and many more. Just kick that Away and travel on your path For your Goal.

        Sure you can Succeed.

        All the Best.
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        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by amalrichard View Post

          My kind Advice out of my Experience is. If you have a Target just Run to it. Never ever get Deviate from your Goal. There will be Lot of Obstacles. If you over come those Obstacles.

          You.. You.. are the Winner.

          I just like to give you an Example.

          Newly married Couple would get Bitterness among them aft 3 to 6 Months. There would be quarreling around and there will be Miss understanding. That's Obvious. Once you Over come those issues for right 2 Years from Wedding.

          That's it You will be the King in your Married life. You can enjoy the Life with your Wife.

          So there will be Hurdles, Obstacles, deviation and many more. Just kick that Away and travel on your path For your Goal.

          Sure you can Succeed.

          All the Best.
          Or, you'll get divorced in 3 months and live happily ever after.

          Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank

    As does abject failure.It's the smart person that determines it may be time to walk away from what was considered a good idea with absolutely no proof of same.

    Success is not always 'one pick swing away.' That's a ludicrous belief rooted in a simplistic view of the world perpetrated by lazy thinkers that are content to peddle worthless bromides to a populace uneducated in the basic tenets of business. More than a fair degree of business acumen is required for success unless you want to spend the rest of your life living in a cardboard box, begging for food.

    If you consider this post to be 'negative,' you are doomed. lol

    Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Quitting is a bad habit to form. You never give up and enough is never enough. Success is 80% mental and only 20% mechanics or "the system" It's being able to stand back and look at yourself and see what is working and what is not and then to take action...
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author rwsmith8608
    Success is failure that has not happened yet
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by rwsmith8608 View Post

      Success is failure that has not happened yet
      Failure is success that will never reach fruition. :-)

      Cheers. - Frank
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    there will be Miss understanding.
    She's the reason I never married...

    You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    I believe in destiny. How else can you explain the success of those you dislike?

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  • Profile picture of the author silveroaks
    Success does come to those who do not give up. But this does not happen if you are not on the right path. You have to be smart, clever, persistent and a hard worker all at the same time. because success is the amalgamation of all such things. For instance if some body chose the wrong path for himself then no matter how hard he tries or how persistent he is. he is not going to succeed. Similarly if some body had the luck to choose the right path for him but then gave up quickly on his dreams then he is never going to succeed either.
    One needs to know when to stop trying if you are not getting any success going down the same lane. Some times it is better to switch then to hold on. that way you will be saving a lot of energy, funds and time that can be spent elsewhere to earn more benefits.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    ******** STRATEGY is the KEY **********

    If you have a strategy all the above questions have already an answer.

    Assume that your strategy is build an email list, endorse a product you trust and then
    sell your product.

    When you have enough leads, let's say 10K, you'll have to earn enough for living an average life.

    If you dont it's not a matter of motivational statements like "dont give up", but a matter of

    - communication with prospects.

    - selling the right product

    - quality of traffic and maybe also quantity.

    You have to TAKE CONTROL of every aspect of the proccess involved: so you use math to calculate how much you can expect.

    Dont get mess in that fancy way of motivational lifestyle, dont be a fan of wikiquote!

    It's all regarding of applying the right strategy.

    As an example if you concentrate on what you like or not and you dont focus on WHAT THE MARKET LIKES, you may fail.

    You have to check how large is your potential audience through specific tools, and then when you have found your niche... STICK TO THE PLAN.
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