I am a newbie in internet marketing and i opend a Website and i am trying to earn some money with adsense and contentad but i have the same problem as all the beginers i dnt have traffic so i searched internet for best methodes to get traffic and most of peple say best method is seo but i do not write my articles i retrive them from other sources so i cnt go over seo i tryed over social media specificly over facebook groups and its grate way but i have problem because i cnt find active facebook groups for promotion so i tryed posting to a lot of inactive facebook groups and I end up blocked by facebook as spamer but i manage to unblock my self but to get to the point if somewhan could explane to me some way to find active facebook groups or tell me some groups on this topics health,healthy habits, motivation,success,happines,self developement, or if somewhan could help me on any other way I would very much appreciate it of course in the future i would repay It is also some cooperation is possible however is all easier in company.Thanks in Advance
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