How to successfully cold pitch top bloggers in your industry

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From GrowthLab, a website dedicated for starting and growing an online business.

Pitching an article is one of the important ways of making a post go viral. One of the most common forms of pitching is cold pitching via Emails. All pitching emails are made of the following basic structure:
  • Proving your credibility.
  • Establishing a relationship.
  • Establishing connections.

You will have to tailor the emails a bit for each individual recipient, but if it is done correctly you will get to write guest posts at some of the most popular online sites.
A more in depth structure for cold pitching goes like this:

1. Capturing Attention
Keep subject lines simple such as the recipients name and a light context. E.g. Name, Connecting via A.B.C

2. Compliment
Always start your email with a compliment. Mention how you love reading their blog/site. Praise their peculiar characteristics. Be genuine and do not be a sycophant.

3. Networking and Connections
Highlight your common details and mutual contacts. If you do not have strong mutual contacts highlight some of their friends whose work you enjoy, even if you don’t know each other personally.

4. Introduction
Follow this step when you have grabbed their attention effectively. Always start by sharing your name, your site URL and the nature of your business. Build a relationship between their work and yours. Point out the common perspectives.

5. Show-off
Hyperlink to your best posts and articles. Link them to the articles that you have written as a guest-blogger. Always pick posts that have:
  • Interesting titles as well as an Introduction.
  • Clean and clear points showing your personality.
  • A general tone that connects with your audience effectively.

6. Pitch Ideas
After following the above steps, pitch your ideas. Always follow their submission guidelines and if not mentioned construct your ideas according to their apparent personality. If breezy in nature, be short, if reserved, be more detailed and thorough. Always pitch your best three ideas.

7. Ending
Always thank the person in warm tones. Your thanks should be followed by your name and signature. Always proofread before hitting send.

Remember, if your pitch is effective enough to connect with the target audience, you will form long lasting professional relationships that will help you immensely. When you follow the structure above, you will get more guest posts because you’ll connect with the blogger or editor. You’ll offer them something fresh and relevant, making it a win-win for you both.

You can read the original article by Sarah Jones here: How to successfully cold pitch top bloggers in your industry

What strategies would you employ to pitch your guest posts to top bloggers in your industry?
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