10 replies
What do you guys think or believe is the best lead magnet for the make money online niche?

Reason I ask is because, there are so many ways people talk about to get people to join your list. Also, the fact that in most cases, most pdf reports is the same info recycled over and over again.

What are your thoughts?
#lead #magnet
  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    IMO, the very best lead magnet is something that you personally create that is relevant to your niche and that increases the value or utility of the product or service that you sell.

    Why, you ask?

    Here are the reasons:
    • You want to show your prospect that you are an expert in the niche, that you give great quality in the things you offer. What better way is there to show what you can do and to give your prospect a taste of the quality you offer than to give him/her a sample of your offerings? Using PLR or somebody else's lead magnet doesn't say a thing about what you can do for the prospect.
    • If you create the magnet, it will be unique and no one else is going to be using it for their lead magnet. I have often seen the same pdf or ebook being used by multiple people as their enticement to join their subscriber list. What does that say about their product? It suggests to me that it's probably going to be the same as everyone else's.
    • By offering something that is going to increase the benefit or utility of your own product, you are actually encouraging the prospect to buy your product and apply this extra benefit to it. You are offering the prospect a way to make your own product better. That is an incentive to buy the product.
    The lead magnet should always be relevant to the niche. It should provide clear and obvious benefit(s) to the prospect. If possible, it should showcase your own expertise and it should highlight one or more of your talents and skills so that the prospect will see that you are capable of helping him in the niche.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Vilcoms
    For MMO niche case studies can work well, people are sick of pdfs that only give broad general info, they want concrete real life examples of what works and step by step guides with lots of screenshots.

    Also, webinars are another good option and usually do have high conversion rates. You should add countdown timer to webinar registration page to create scarcity.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    IMO, the best lead magnet is actually a collection of multiple lead magnets which work to help segment your list(s).

    Think about it - something that is "rehashed information" to someone who has been around the block a time or two is great stuff to someone seeing it for the first time. Someone looking to pad their regular income with a side gig will respond differently than some bent on world domination.

    Also, your lead magnet does not exist in a vacuum. It's part of a chain of items starting with whatever drew people to your landing page to your pitch for the lead magnet to the item itself to all the stuff that comes after. Craft your lead magnets to fit the process.

    With these things in mind, go back and read Steve's answer again.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottj6
    I think the type of lead magnet is important but more so are the follow ups. They need to be related and build on each other. The trick is to give the sub just enough info so it has value but not the entire puzzle. Leave them wanting more so they come back again and again

    Discover 3 Hot Methods I use to make REAL and Consistent $$ Online- www.PassiveCashAcademy.com/success-secrets

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  • Profile picture of the author George Schwab
    the best lead magnet for the make money online niche?

    i read a case study from one of the top guys in that niche,
    and his top one was a software that he created that builds
    complete sites that only need your affiliate links to fully function

    and the sites also build your list by giving away the same software
    to your sign-ups.

    pretty clever in my view

    its still online, and one of the owners is a member here

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Video course are usually almost always well received. PDFs get the job done.But videos are a tad above in overall effectiveness

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author TomFinley
    A pdf report or a video training, but certainly depends on what type of leads you are trying to grab
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    A membership site with high value. You give your prospect something very, very good that will help them out. Then you also have your upgrade option or some form of monetization.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by ObinnaPatrick View Post

    ...most pdf reports is the same info recycled over and over again.
    Most of this information is BRAND NEW to a 58-year old vet who knows nothing about online business and internet marketing. It's advisable to offer a PDF report for free because it works. Just dont offer it to your competitors: the people who call it recycled trash.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    I think the best lead magnets are reports or case studies that you create yourself. Something original that you create will not only get you more leads if you have original ideas, but it will also brand you an an authority to your new subscribers.
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