Lead Impact PPV Low Traffic?

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Hi there,

I am just starting PPV with Lead Impact (first time on any network). For my one campaign, I am targeting relevant keywords and related URL targets in the U.S. I have over 400 keywords with a couple dozen URLs from Google search results, many of which are bid rank 1 and have high U.S. domain rankings (~x,xxx). Over the last 4 days I only have been getting 20-30 impressions a day total, none of them on any of the keywords which are bid ranked 1 - all impressions are from a handful of URLs.

Does this sound like there is a problem? I was worried the budget would be draining too fast with high ranking bids and this volume of keywords based on reading forums, but does anyone know why I am getting almost no traffic? How much traffic can be expected from Lead Impact. The niche/area is credit scores.

I have been the top bidder for a URL for example for the last 4 days and have 1 total impression despite a U.S. ranking of ~2,500ish (similarweb). Can anyone offer any guidance? Does this sounds correct?

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