Visitors are using my Amazon site for product research then leaving. I feel dirty and used. Help!
I understand that some people are going to research products before they intend to purchase but it's happening way too much compared to my other sites. I would have considered this might just be a product people want to go into a store and hold in their hands after researching online first but this product is selling in big numbers on amazon.
i don't feel it is a trust issue with my site because they are interacting with the site for a good while and they can see the amazon button. And my other sites set out in exactly the same way don't have this problem. What do you think it might be? or would you advise I ditch the site because even though the traffic numbers are good and the content is obviously sticky it's clearly not converting for me for whatever reason. Any thoughts?
cooler1 -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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Chris- -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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ViperChill -
Thanks - 1 reply
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