$2000 to Invest From Scratch- Where Should I Start?
Recently flipped one of my websites for $2,000 and thought it would be fun to do a case study reinvesting that money into a brand new business/income stream with no pre-existing list, online store, sales channels, etc.
Before I do that, I wanted to see what everyone had in mind as to where that money should be invested?
Affiliate sales? New product/software? eCom?
Where is the best place to invest my $2,000?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions, should be fun
First of all, thanks for some awesome ideas and insights so far!
I just want to clarify that I am not new to the IM world so no worries of needing to learn the basics. When I made this post I should have been more clear about that. Many of you have very wisely warned me not to invest the money right away but instead develop a knowledge base surrounding a particular area, industry or method... I think this is GREAT advice and any newcomers reading this thread should follow that advice carefully. But for the sake of this thread, let's just assume I know the ropes already.
If it's easier to think about, let's rephrase the question to what would YOU do if you had to start from nothing with $2,000 (but with the knowledge you have now)?
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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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