Answers from Pro warriors only please!

by ponty
5 replies

Does anyone here know of a great countdown script i can place on my sales page to create urgency in the prospect?

Something like 30mins until price goes back up etc?

#answers #pro #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author Didier Faucher

    I know the answer, but I'm not a "Pro Warrior", so I'm not allowed to respond.

    No luck.


    Saya Mau Makan Angin - I Want To eat The Wind (Why not?)

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  • Profile picture of the author UKTim29
    Same here, I know but I probably don't have enough posts to answer!
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  • Profile picture of the author thegamecat
    I do not dress up in sponsored armor...sorry no can help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jays80
      i am not pro warrior, still you can have look over here PPC Scare Tactics

      it will get you some ideas as well where to use it more effectively,
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