Advice needed - Yellow Online/Sensis Australia

6 replies
I've just started working for a company who is spending around $50k a year with Sensis in Australia. This includes around $10k on AdWords, $30k+ for Yellow Online and the remainder for print ads (in the phone book!)

I don't feel this is anywhere near the best way to use the budget but they want to renew the contract mainly because of the work that went in to setting everything up.

I don't have a lot of time to compile the research to convince them to scrap it, can anyone give me some key points or facts to help build my case? Even just your educated opinions or advice on a better way to spend this amount of money would be appreciated. If I can show them more opinions than just my own it might work.

Kind regards
#advice #australia #needed #online or sensis #sem #yellow
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    ? You think it may not be the best way to use funds but you are unsure, you do not have the time to compile your own information to support your thinking, you are unsure of any key facts to support your thinking, so you want people to advise you of a better way for the company to spend their money, and with that information in hand, (Now from a reputable forum member / who could be just dikcwaddus in disguise as a masterblaster) you are going to edumuncate a business owner who has been operation for some time how they need to divvy the 50K. Sounds like a plan.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author jeniferlk23
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      ? You think it may not be the best way to use funds but you are unsure, you do not have the time to compile your own information to support your thinking, you are unsure of any key facts to support your thinking, so you want people to advise you of a better way for the company to spend their money, and with that information in hand, (Now from a reputable forum member / who could be just dikcwaddus in disguise as a masterblaster) you are going to edumuncate a business owner who has been operation for some time how they need to divvy the 50K. Sounds like a plan.
      They are signing a new contract in a few days. I'm not unsure of my opinion, it's based on 15 years of marketing experience, I've just never spent money with Sensis, because... google, so I don't have an 'anti-Sensis' case prepared.
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      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        Originally Posted by jeniferlk23 View Post

        They are signing a new contract in a few days. I'm not unsure of my opinion, it's based on 15 years of marketing experience, I've just never spent money with Sensis, because... google, so I don't have an 'anti-Sensis' case prepared.
        well I think you have heard from the forum spammers, those who may know of who may know of and may a half accurate response, my question you is this, if you have no idea about sensis is how have you deemed with no knowledge if it is in fact a waste of time ? or money. 15 years of experience should tell you that you should try everything if possible and keep many irons in the fire, so why so quick to judge and write it off, as you have no information at all to base your question on.

        you have already had the paid spammers and the like next if you lucky you will get the paid article writers looking for links with advice, good luck with it all.
        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author lhlouiscom
    Wow, that's a big budget, definitely spend less on print ads, use the online power to drive more targeted people to business... by testing with a small amount, see if can get the right audience then expand from there...

    Hope it help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Originally Posted by jeniferlk23 View Post

    I've just started working for a company who is spending around $50k a year with Sensis in Australia. This includes around $10k on AdWords, $30k+ for Yellow Online and the remainder for print ads (in the phone book!)

    I don't feel this is anywhere near the best way to use the budget but they want to renew the contract mainly because of the work that went in to setting everything up.

    I don't have a lot of time to compile the research to convince them to scrap it, can anyone give me some key points or facts to help build my case? Even just your educated opinions or advice on a better way to spend this amount of money would be appreciated. If I can show them more opinions than just my own it might work.

    Kind regards
    Jen if you are in Sydney I would look up this mob , heard good things about them and up and coming affiliate link

    Another is the online marketing gurus they are to shabby asked for Mez the owner , not worked with them just some of the guys here at worked just yelled it out.

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  • Profile picture of the author gingerninjas
    Oh god, another business wasting their money on Sensis and Yellow Pages. I had a customer that paid $1000 per month and got not one (yep that's right none) leads from this site. It is honestly such a waste of money especially nowaways when everything is digital. I think you will need to create a comparison and even draw on analysis to provide a marketing plan or a pitch with alternative options. That's a huge budget and it could be well spent in so many other areas if they just get a little creative. Some of the most successful things I have done marketing-wise are WOM and simple digital marketing techniques. I'd be interested to know what industry are in so we can brain storm some other options to spend their $50K.
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