Selling your own content, why use Clickbank?

by Ricter
4 replies
Hi all,
CB takes a 7.5% cut, plus $1 for every sale, isn't that right? Why not just use PayPal, take payments by credit card, and set up your site to download to your customers? PayPal is only taking 1.5% per sale...
#click bank #clickbank #content #paypal #selling
  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    Very simple - Clickbank has the largest affiliate system out there with thousands of affiliates ready to promote peoples stuff.

    Essentially it's like inheriting an army of sales people for you IF your affiliate commissions, gravity, and sales page conversion rate is high enough. You also have to have good affiliate tools.

    Paypal while less expensive does not have such a built-in automatic affiliate system to promote your stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny
    Clickbank manages all the affiliate commission too. They manage the refund as well. Can save a damn lots of headache from us.


    >>> Johnny <<<

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    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
      Another good reason... How many times have you heard about marketers getting their accounts frozen at Paypal after a sudden increase in sales (ie a launch)? LOTS! I've heard of many cases of this happening (even when Paypal is notified beforehand).

      You just don't hear of that happening with ClickBank (unless you're doing something illegal of course).

      I think CB is much more "internet marketer" friendly. I love their service... they have a huge base of affiliates, and everything is 100% automated. I think they're well worth the fees they charge.

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  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    The answer is simple, you double or triple the price when you put it on ClickBank. An eBook I would sell for $7 using the $7 Script and PayPal, I would charge $27 for it on Clickbank. A $27 program, $77-97. If you get more sales via their affiliate network you'll make more money and the customers absorb the extra marketing costs although your profit-per-unit-sold would be roughly the same.
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