Landing Pages Spying/Scraping

5 replies

I just want to know anyone knows a good method for finding the successful landing pages for an offer which you are promoting, and then scraping it but then changing it up a bit to make it your own.
I saw some kind of WordPress plugin which can do it but I can't find it anywhere.
#landing #pages #spying or scraping
  • Profile picture of the author Irn7997
    This mite help with niche I use isponage to see outher PPC compitition and ads
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Originally Posted by aiva View Post

    So you're essentially asking for a tool that can create call to actions while getting insights from the web to see what converts best?
    Not at all. They are looking to steal someone else's work.

    and then scraping it but then changing it up a bit to make it your own.
    BTW - there is a rule against self-promotion.
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  • Profile picture of the author vovanfree
    it's not a good idea to steal someone else's landing page, you have different audience, different budget, content, advertisement, traffic, etc., there is a very little chance it will work as well on your site as it is on theirs. The better approach will be to study their experience and think through how you are different and customize your landing page accordingly.
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