Affiliate Trouble - I am resourceful but confused...
I am a newbie learning IM on my own, trying to achieve $100-150/day .... I know it isn't anything substantial but that's, what i want to do for now, slow and study... as i don't know anything about IM.
What i do know is as follows:
Product - > Qualified Traffic --> Optimization -->Conversions --> more conversions -> Money... -->
Product - > I Have one from JVZoo
Qualified Traffic --> i can use FB ads or Google Ads to get them to a squeezepage on my server (I have hosting and i am an expert at WordPress)
Optimization --> run A/B tests for pages
Conversions --> user buys ...
more conversions --> upselling ...
Money... --> Objective...
My problem is... i have the resources ... and some capital too for paid ads, but i just can't fit them into place.. or ... you know... how to get started...
All examples below:
Step one: Register at JVZoo
Step 2: find a niche product
step 3: build a page on your hosting
step 4: add the product link to the page
step 5: redirect traffic to page... paid / free
step 6: get conversions etc.
some say there is a blueprint, some say something... in all honesty, i have been fed BS for long enough to actually take a step forward...
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, someone help... i am resourceful but confused...