Should I send traffic from guest-posts, to my list opt-in or to my sales-copy?

by Chris-
35 replies
I plan to write guest-posts on IM blogs (starting with PR3 and working my way up to better-rated ones).

I have an IM list with a decent Squeeze-page, and a WSO that's converting well . . . which should I send the traffic to?

thanks in advance for any info on this,

#guestposts #list #optin #salescopy #send #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author brandtwilliams
    Split-test both options against each other, and then pick the option that either gets you the most money or the most clients.

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  • Profile picture of the author vovanfree
    things change all the time, what works today might not work tomorrow. I'd keep both options open.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex July
    It depends on your strategy. And YOU know the answer.
    Are you trying to build long-term relationships with your customers? Send them to your opt-in page.
    Do you want to make quick-money? Sell them directly to your sales page.

    What would I do, if I were you? I am a big fan of long-term relationships, so I would build a list, feed it with valuable information, and promote reliable stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author jay walters
    I agree with testing which direction is best. Good hunting with the IM blogs.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesbartram

    I most definitely agree with a split test- great way of really working out what is working for you? I would also add onto what Alex has said above- Are you looking at building trust and relationships with customers or are you looking for a quick one hit sale? Like with Alex- i see much more value in building that relationship and solid base with customers. Sure it might take a bit longer but its more beneficial. I just recently done a 2 part post on building a trust and relationship with a customer on my facebook business page which could be worth looking at to make your mind up.

    Hope this all helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks very much for the comments, everyone.

    Either way I build relationships, as my buyers go on a separate list (and often subscribe to the main list too), as I do the best I can to anyone on any of my lists whenever possible.

    But yes, I agree, as usual, testing is the answer

    thanks !

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  • Profile picture of the author ydsimple
    I would send them to opt in first!
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    If your list has already warmed up to you send them straight to your WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    As a few others have said or inferred, build a True Asset with a List of Subscribers i.e. send them to Optin

    - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      As Robert says a list is a "True Asset". It has long term value and no one can take away from you for as long as you email to it!

      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      As a few others have said or inferred, build a True Asset with a List of Subscribers i.e. send them to Optin

      - Robert Andrew
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Neither. Send them to the main page of your site or related content on your site. But, that is just my opinion


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks for the comments everyone !

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Send them to the opt in page. Just make sure that you give them value at the same time and don't be like so many other marketers who just sell, sell, and sell all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Yes, I understand your point,


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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

    I plan to write guest-posts on IM blogs (starting with PR3 and working my way up to better-rated ones).

    I have an IM list with a decent Squeeze-page, and a WSO that's converting well . . . which should I send the traffic to?
    It would depend on the content of your posts. If they're concerning general IM topics, you might be better referring readers to your own site where they can read more about you and your products. If the posts relate directly to the subject of your WSO, you could refer the prospects there.

    Of course, this all assumes you'll get accepted as a guest poster. If your posts are seen as overtly promotional, you might find it difficult to get published on any site that's worth the trouble.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author vovanfree
    First of all, your guest posts will not get huge traffic . it will help increase your website authority and ranking.Slowly. Second thing PR system has been ended. Now TF is the only game in town.
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    • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
      Originally Posted by vovanfree View Post

      First of all, your guest posts will not get huge traffic . it will help increase your website authority and ranking.Slowly. Second thing PR system has been ended. Now TF is the only game in town.
      Hi V,

      Guest posting to build bonds with big dawg bloggers is something to think about too

      Example; I have posting rights on Blogging Tips because I built a long term relationship with superstar blogger Zac Johnson. I didn't think just about traffic when I published my first guest post there a while back; I wanted to help his audience and to form a connection with him.

      Over time, I gained guest posting rights so whenever somebody Googles "blogging tips" my weekly guest post (and I can publish more, if I'd like to) will pop up in front of my targeted readers for my blog. Not a bad deal, but I had to think less about me, my blog and my traffic and more about building a relationship with Zac and helping his audience with my detailed posts.

      All the best.

      Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

        Hi V,

        Guest posting to build bonds with big dawg bloggers is something to think about too

        Example; I have posting rights on Blogging Tips because I built a long term relationship with superstar blogger Zac Johnson. I didn't think just about traffic when I published my first guest post there a while back; I wanted to help his audience and to form a connection with him.

        Over time, I gained guest posting rights so whenever somebody Googles "blogging tips" my weekly guest post (and I can publish more, if I'd like to) will pop up in front of my targeted readers for my blog. Not a bad deal, but I had to think less about me, my blog and my traffic and more about building a relationship with Zac and helping his audience with my detailed posts.

        All the best.

        Read this part repeatedly, until it sinks in. Focusing on "PR3" blogs is an SEO mindset using a metric that's years out of date.

        So, sales page or squeeze page?

        I say neither. Send them to a blog post or resource page focused on providing even more value for people who liked your guest post enough to click through and check you out. Add an opt-in form, or use the "content upgrade" strategy to provide something of value. That something could even be a simple PDF of your guest post and related resources (including your own closely related products/services or affiliate links).

        If you still want to send people to your sales page, you could use the thank you page of the opt-in to do a little bit of pre-selling and forward them to your offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks for your comments,

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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    do you want to eat steak now or do you want to drink milk for years to come
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    hey there here is my input

    You should send them to your landing page because:

    • Leads are one of the most valuable assets.
    • They could leave your wso and never return then you have lost them
    • You should have a funnel set up to increase conversion
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    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Nico Puegher
    If you send the traffic trying to sell right away will not be effective, that's cold traffic they don't even know you. Even if you are a guest they don't trust you.

    The way you should be doing it is by growing your email list. Yes, you are not going to make money right away, but your list is everything. Warm your great subscribers, provide awesome value for free and then make the move. They will be more likely to buy and even more expensive products because they know you better, they trust you, etc.

    If you don't do this, you are losing clients and leaving a ton of money on the table.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks very much for all the comments !

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    To your opt in. Better yet split test and see the difference, Thats the nice thing about numbers is it put things into perspective of how your campaigns are doing.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks !

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Chris,

    I am so much into building current, near and long term bonds. So I'd say list building, all the way.

    Sometimes we think about a "meal ticket approach" to blogging. Wanting to make enough scratch quickly to cover the basics and to boost savings.

    Even if you're super successful it's easy to think short term sales versus short and long term sales.

    Nothing wrong with squeeze pages but when you get someone on your list, you have someone you can help now, 2 weeks from now and 5 years from now, and this person may just be a paying client today, tomorrow, 2 weeks from now and 5 years from now, loving you and yep, padding your pockets in the process, and being a powerful brand advocate for that half decade.

    The squeeze page crowd may generate a quick sale for you but in most cases, they tend to come and go quickly. Whereas the list subscriber sticks around, expands your reach and leads to near and long term sales.

    Guys with 200,000 email subscriber list make a fortune, change lives and free themselves and their audiences because they persistently give their greatest energy to building their lists through guest posting, as you're doing, and through a gazillion other methods.

    I just see the short and long term profit potential versus the short term, usually one-time deal with the sales page Which means more money in the long term, by far, and even more money now if these folks buy something after getting your first email, or after visiting your blog.

    Split testing may give you metrics to see if you're making more money *now* but when you start thinking about the big picture you're likely going the list-building route all the way. Because the 5, 10 or 50 subscribers you get now versus a few sales will build you a healthy, steady income over the long haul....and virtually all of us are in this game to building a dream, freeing lifestyle.

    All the best with your guest posting campaign Chris.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Excellent points, thanks every one

    I definitely understand the point about thinking long-term and building relationships.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Sacks
    What type of product are you looking to sell? It is always better to send traffic to a list. You can utilize multiple different pipelines thereafter. Continuity is key to stability in the IM world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    As for guest-posting on PR3 blogs, that is a STARTING POINT . . . even some of those ask to see your guest-posts on other sites first, so if I can get some posts on PR3 sites, that will give me a better chance to then guest-post on PR4 and so on up the chain.

    I read somewhere that this is a good approach, and it seems logical to me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks for all the informative replies everyone

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    There's too many variables to have a one-size-fits-all response. For example, if your guest post does a good job of explaining a technique and your sales page sells a solution for that technique, send people to a sales page.

    Without more info, generally speaking I would send them to a sales page with an exit pop to get an email address. In this case, it isn't either a sales page or an email squeeze page, it's both.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Very good points, thanks

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

    As for guest-posting on PR3 blogs, that is a STARTING POINT . . . even some of those ask to see your guest-posts on other sites first, so if I can get some posts on PR3 sites, that will give me a better chance to then guest-post on PR4 and so on up the chain.

    I read somewhere that this is a good approach, and it seems logical to me.

    Chris, this WAS an excellent starting point until Google stopped updating the public PR. All you can tell now is what the PR was as of the last update, which was several years ago. That PR3 blog might really be a PR6, or it might be a grayed out (aka, banned) non-PR. You have no way of telling.

    Rather than looking at PR, which is worthless now, look for things like audience match, engagement (do people post good comments, etc.) and such. Don't blindly ask to guest post, follow the blog for awhile and get a feel for it and the blogger(s).

    If you still feel the need to judge relative audience size, you could use Alexa. While the actual numbers are far from exact, they can be useful for making comparisons between sites.

    If you still think PR is the way to go, go for it. Ya gotta start somewhere, and better there than not at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Very good points.

    I am working from an old list of IM blogs which used to accept guest-posts. As you say, some of them have changed, and some sites are down etc. Still, in general it seems to relate somewhat to the relative popularity of blogs, and starting with the less popular ones seems more realistic.

    Things certainly do change on the internet, such as Alexa now being a paid service, but luckily there are Alexa-alternatives which show traffic estimates for free, which is indeed useful, as yo say.


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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

      Very good points.

      I am working from an old list of IM blogs which used to accept guest-posts. As you say, some of them have changed, and some sites are down etc. Still, in general it seems to relate somewhat to the relative popularity of blogs, and starting with the less popular ones seems more realistic.

      Things certainly do change on the internet, such as Alexa now being a paid service, but luckily there are Alexa-alternatives which show traffic estimates for free, which is indeed useful, as yo say.


      Starting with the less popular blogs is indeed a realistic, quality way to approach this. I just wanted to make sure you knew that "PR3" doesn't mean anything anymore.

      Good luck!
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